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05-13-2019, 02:22 PM
So who is caught up to date after last nights episode?


I'd like to discuss what happened and what we think will happen next week, if there is more than just me interested. :)











*** Spoiler Alert ****

No spoilers yet! - Only one episode left in the series....





05-13-2019, 05:32 PM
I know we (my Lady & I) are not alone in thinking that Daenerys is going the way of the mad King. I'm just wondering, will Jon Snow ( aka Aegon Targaryen) might be treated to a dragon death blast (and live)

05-13-2019, 07:20 PM
I know we (my Lady & I) are not alone in thinking that Daenerys is going the way of the mad King. I'm just wondering, will Jon Snow ( aka Aegon Targaryen) might be treated to a dragon death blast (and live)

Yup, took the route of the Mad King before her for sure.

When the bell rang and they opened the gates signifying their surrender - she instead attacked harder and killed how many tens of thousands? But I also think that Tyrion took notice, as did Jon. Greyworm kind of went mad king too, but not surprising after they cut off the head of the only thing worth living to him.

Lord Varys got an evil way out, but likely a quick cooking!! A sweet fight, but now both Sandor and Gregor Clegane are gone too. Jaime ended up fighting Euron and killing him. And after all of that, chicken shit Cersei ended up under the red keep with Jaime, and they both died when the floors above collapsed on them.

So now what?

I think they all start seeing the light, and Dany remains all Mad King and defends her actions. I think she must kill someone else, and it'll probably be Tyrion. I think Jon will then draw Dany in closer, but then stab her to death, with no other choice but to do so to prevent her from doing more carnage.

I think he still refuses the crown even thought he's more in line for the throne than Dany was to begin with. I think he takes the black again, and now that the 999th is gone, he would be the 1,000th lord commander at the wall that they rebuild. Someone more like Sansa gets the crown, or maybe even the dumbo Bran Stark.

Another option is that she fears him, and therefore Dany does somehow kill Jon aka Aegon. And still anyone else in her path. And then someone does magically kill her (arya?) or she wins and rules over a lonely and destroyed capital.

Probably way off, but I'm kinda addicted to this show. Will be glad to see it over next week so that I don't have to rack my brains week after week anymore! :laugh:

05-13-2019, 09:02 PM
I remember Greyworm giving Jon the stink eye when he held back, so I'm thinking that he's gonna rat him out to Dany.

And given Arya watched Dany burn out the town, I'm thinking that she's got a slow burn going and may take a whack at her.

Next week will tell!

05-14-2019, 12:36 AM
Dany destroys the iron throne because she doesn't want people to be ruled by anyone. But, she is pissed at Sansa and Jon is worried Sansa will be killed by Dany. He feels he caused it by betraying his queen and lures Dany away and sacrifices himself in a murder suicide. Each "kingdom" becomes a democracy with elected leaders and no more wars over who has right to rule.

05-14-2019, 01:21 AM
I'm on episode 2 of season 1.

05-14-2019, 10:04 AM
I'm on episode 2 of season 1.

:laugh2: Slacker :laugh2:

05-14-2019, 10:57 AM
I'm on episode 2 of season 1.

Get out of here ... spoilers

05-14-2019, 11:57 AM
I remember Greyworm giving Jon the stink eye when he held back, so I'm thinking that he's gonna rat him out to Dany.

And given Arya watched Dany burn out the town, I'm thinking that she's got a slow burn going and may take a whack at her.

Next week will tell!

There will definitely be a huge problem between Jon and Dany in the final episode. I think she declares herself the winner, and on the throne. I think perhaps as a result of what took place, Tyrion/Sansa/Arya or someone in the know, will then come out again with the Aegon Targaryen stuff and declare Jon the "true heir" to the iron throne. This only causes more problems, and who knows what Dany does then. But I still say, someone kills her, and I think it's Jon.

And yup, Greyworm is pissed. Missandei tossed him over the edge. Now he's laying 100% of his loyalty to Dany, and of course no longer cares much about life. I don't know if he outs Jon in any way, but I do think he protects her, possibly to the death.

Dany destroys the iron throne because she doesn't want people to be ruled by anyone. But, she is pissed at Sansa and Jon is worried Sansa will be killed by Dany. He feels he caused it by betraying his queen and lures Dany away and sacrifices himself in a murder suicide. Each "kingdom" becomes a democracy with elected leaders and no more wars over who has right to rule.

She is definitely peeved with Sansa and blames her for word getting around. Perhaps that AND the results of what she did, will be what causes Jon to "do the right thing" as he sees it. I don't think he offs himself though. I think he goes north. Either takes the black again and becomes the 1000th Lord Commander, or maybe goes further north looking for Tormund and Ghost!! And as a very longshot - imagine he does just that - but instead of finding them, he find proof that the cycle is starting again and that the White Walkers are still alive!!

Remember when they were getting the babies from Craster's Keep? And I know the Night King took at least one baby, and put him on that altar and touched him and turned him into a white walker baby. Never head anything again. But we were lead to believe that he does this with all the male babies he gets from Craster. What happens to all of them? I know, crazy, but would be cool!

I'm on episode 2 of season 1.

You ain't missed much. Binge watch and you'll be waiting for the final episode like us by tomorrow night! :laugh::beer:

Abbey Marie
05-14-2019, 12:08 PM
Stopped watching after Season 1. No regrets.

05-14-2019, 12:16 PM
Stopped watching after Season 1. No regrets.

It got much MUCH better after that! I couldn't recommend continuing more!! Trust me, they lay a LOT of groundwork!!

Abbey Marie
05-14-2019, 12:23 PM
It got much MUCH better after that! I couldn't recommend continuing more!! Trust me, they lay a LOT of groundwork!!

I know I am certainly in the minority. The end came for me when the blonde (Lannister?) woman was forced to walk the streets naked for what seemed like about 20 minutes. Whatever season that was. I also hated that they killed the very likable Ned Stark. And that grey-something character who was tortured and neutered was nauseating. Also, more minor but while I’m at it, I wanted to reach through the screen and strangle that guy who was constantly whining “Khaleesi” “Khaleesi”.

(Forgive all misspellings and errors. I’m too sick today to look up any of this).

Didn’t mean to to derail your thread- sorry!

05-14-2019, 12:27 PM
It’s a shame they’re trying to fit so much in to such a short stint of episodes, they really could of down with having a full 10 episode season and cutting it into two half’s, the first half ending after the Long Night, and the next half being for the war for the seven kingdoms.

They're really hurting without GRRM text to work from, like this final season has been fine (I don’t agree with the general sentiment online that it’s been awful) but by comparison to the likes of season 3 the show has not been able to maintain it’s excellence.

Also so quick plug for anyone that hasn’t read the books they are masterworks and well worth a reading.

05-14-2019, 12:33 PM
I know I am certainly in the minority. The end came for me when the blonde (Lannister?) woman was forced to walk the streets naked for what seemed like about 20 minutes. Whatever season that was. I also hated that they killed the very likable Ned Stark. And that grey-something character who was tortured and neutered was nauseating. Also, more minor but while I’m at it, I wanted to reach through the screen and strangle that guy who was constantly whining “Khaleesi” “Khaleesi”.

(Forgive all misspellings and errors. I’m too sick today to look up any of this).

Didn’t mean to to derail your thread- sorry!

Yep, they killed who is still my favorite character, Ned Stark, right there in season one! And yep, Theon Greyjoy was tortured like no other.

Then Cersei was quite humiliated for her deeds, and then some.

And Khaleesi is now the great Daenerys Targaryen, and has like 8 titles. The guy fawning over her was Jorah Mormont, who is her protector forever.

But it's odd you mention THOSE characters - because Cersei is one of the biggest characters and SURE as hell gets her revenge for her walk of shame, and then some. Don't wanna tell ya much more than that.

Dany's sole goal is to take over the Iron Throne. She's vowed to break the wheel and be a leader unlike the others, and take slavery away and give people rights.

Theon, what an arc they had for his character! But safe to say, it doesn't end with his torture.

Jorah mostly remains with Dany and remains loyal throughout. But his story is much better than whining.

But Ned, no bringing Ned back. But his honor lasts on, and he does have a back story that comes into huge play.

I think you saw the laying of things out, maybe even a lot of negative to show the audience why these people became who they did!

05-14-2019, 12:36 PM
It’s a shame they’re trying to fit so much in to such a short stint of episodes, they really could of down with having a full 10 episode season and cutting it into two half’s, the first half ending after the Long Night, and the next half being for the war for the seven kingdoms.

They're really hurting without GRRM text to work from, like this final season has been fine (I don’t agree with the general sentiment online that it’s been awful) but by comparison to the likes of season 3 the show has not been able to maintain it’s excellence.

Also so quick plug for anyone that hasn’t read the books they are masterworks and well worth a reading.

I think they could have made 2 more seasons out of this!! I agree 100%, this last season feels SO rushed and major plot points don't seem to be being wrapped up. I'm gonna have a billion questions, and no way they answer all of them next week!

The Night King alone. ALL OF THAT? And then - boom and done?

I just read this morning a rumor that he has finished the last 2 books. I wonder how they will line up with how the show played out?

And WHY did they rush anyway? Why not just do a longer season, or another season - instead of rushing things to the end? I'm so confused over my favorite show ever! Sucks to invest so much time and love it so much, but then feel like the floor dropped out a little here at the end. :(

05-14-2019, 12:44 PM
Wow, just remembered, Tyrion freed Jaime, who ended up ringing the bells I believe. So how will Dany handle that betrayal? Will she find out that Tyrion freed the dead man?

05-14-2019, 02:47 PM
I think they could have made 2 more seasons out of this!! I agree 100%, this last season feels SO rushed and major plot points don't seem to be being wrapped up. I'm gonna have a billion questions, and no way they answer all of them next week!

The Night King alone. ALL OF THAT? And then - boom and done?

I just read this morning a rumor that he has finished the last 2 books. I wonder how they will line up with how the show played out?

And WHY did they rush anyway? Why not just do a longer season, or another season - instead of rushing things to the end? I'm so confused over my favorite show ever! Sucks to invest so much time and love it so much, but then feel like the floor dropped out a little here at the end. :(


05-14-2019, 04:33 PM
Arya is going to kill Danny, Greyworm will kill Arya, Jon will kill Greyworm, then name Sansa and Tyrian queen and king then move back with the wild-lings, Bran will be the Grand Maester, Brienne will be the hand of the queen after she gives birth to Jaime's son, Davos will leave and go back to the ocean, Bronn will take over Castily Rock, Pod will take Riverrun.

05-14-2019, 05:01 PM
Arya is going to kill Danny, Greyworm will kill Arya, Jon will kill Greyworm, then name Sansa and Tyrian queen and king then move back with the wild-lings, Bran will be the Grand Maester, Brienne will be the hand of the queen after she gives birth to Jaime's son, Davos will leave and go back to the ocean, Bronn will take over Castily Rock, Pod will take Riverrun.

Ok, ok, I can see some of those!

I know Arya is definitely in the picture for killing Dany. She is a dang assassin after all, and I think she's beyond pissed like others, being on the ground there trying to save people, in a futile effort.

Greyworm killing Arya would suck. :( But he IS loyal to Dany. And yeah, IF he did anything to her, no doubt he would pay for it.

And Tyrion and Sansa did start hitting it off once again when they were in the crypts together in episode 3. I could deal with that scenario!! But I don't see it for some reason, too easy and too nice to have a couple win it an be happy. There's no happiness in Game of Thrones!!

Bran has to be grand maester or something like that to utilize who he is now. Either that or kill him. :)

A shame that Brienne was SO honorable throughout the entire show, to be left with the knucklehead leaving and dying. But her honor continues and would be a good way to wrap up her character, in addition to being knighted... have her further in such a role of importance when it's said and done.

Bronn kinda pissed me off the way he turned on the brothers for money so quickly and easily, and came off like a jerk. I hope he bites it now in the end!

I wish the last episode was like 3-4 hours and it was meant for part action and a few hours dedicated to wrapping up loose ends and more or less explaining shit from throughout the series!

05-15-2019, 09:31 AM
So I saw this and just had to bring it here



05-21-2019, 12:24 AM
Dany destroys the iron throne because she doesn't want people to be ruled by anyone. But, she is pissed at Sansa and Jon is worried Sansa will be killed by Dany. He feels he caused it by betraying his queen and lures Dany away and sacrifices himself in a murder suicide. Each "kingdom" becomes a democracy with elected leaders and no more wars over who has right to rule.

I came pretty close ....

05-22-2019, 09:25 AM
I've never watched a minute of any of it.

Don't have HBO.

05-22-2019, 01:22 PM
I think they all start seeing the light, and Dany remains all Mad King and defends her actions. I think she must kill someone else, and it'll probably be Tyrion. I think Jon will then draw Dany in closer, but then stab her to death, with no other choice but to do so to prevent her from doing more carnage.

I think he takes the black again, and now that the 999th is gone, he would be the 1,000th lord commander at the wall that they rebuild. Someone more like Sansa gets the crown, or maybe even the dumbo Bran Stark.

I came pretty close ....

I came somewhat close in one of my posts!

She did wholeheartedly defend her actions. I think the killing, while not Tyrion, was the continued killing at Kings Landing of the Lannister soldiers, and her talk of still going to various places. The/he knew she wasn't going to stop. So John tells her that she is his queen forever, kisses her and draws her in - and then stabs her to death.

He does go to the wall again, but not by choice.

Sansa gets a crown, but she is now queen of the north. Dumbo Bran Stark ends up with the crown.