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View Full Version : Second Amendment Does Not Say You’re ‘Entitled’ to Own a Gun

05-15-2019, 12:10 PM
So who is 'ol Joe gonna appease? Those wishing to take away guns, our 2nd amendment, and Lord only know what else they would like to revise in our constitution. :rolleyes:


Joe Biden: Second Amendment Does Not Say You’re ‘Entitled’ to Own a Gun

Former Vice President Joe Biden admitted that the “Second Amendment exists” but stressed during his speech in New Hampshire on Tuesday that it does not say everyone is “entitled” to own a gun.

Biden, who was taking questions at a small outdoor venue, then added, “By the way, if one of you left the keys in your car down the street, and a kid comes along and jumps in it and takes off, you could be held liable civilly for that. So if you own a gun, put a damn trigger lock on it. Put it in a case. You have an obligation.”

Biden also spoke about past gun bans he supported. He specifically referenced the 1994 “assault weapons” ban and noted that it also “limited the number of bullets in a clip.” Additionally, he spoke about being former President Barack Obama’s point man for gun control following the December 14, 2012, attack on Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/05/15/joe-biden-second-amendment-does-not-say-youre-entitled-own-gun/

05-15-2019, 12:19 PM
Joe Biden is absolutely correct, not everyone in this country should be able to own a gun.

There are tons and tons of mentally ill liberals out there who ought not be able to own a firearm , as they pose a danger to themselves and others.