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View Full Version : Never argue with a liberal, Right?

Abbey Marie
05-15-2019, 05:26 PM

05-15-2019, 06:38 PM

I don't know how far this has gone in your country. But in mine, the mainstream Left-wing Party (Labour) recently adopted their definition of what constitutes, as they call it, 'Islamophobia'.



Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.

Also from that link:

More than 750 British Muslim organizations, 50 MPs, and 80 academics from around the country have supported this working definition, with the Liberal Democrats formally adopting the definition as well.

'Officially' (!) .. resistance against Islam has now become seen as racist. That's despite Islam being a religion, not a race; a distinction too inconvenient to recognise, no matter how obvious it really is.

Anything ... anything at all ... to demonise any brand of thinking our Left deigns to disapprove of. To make sure that disagreement is too socially unacceptable for it to be ever entered into.

05-15-2019, 07:09 PM
I don't know how far this has gone in your country. But in mine, the mainstream Left-wing Party (Labour) recently adopted their definition of what constitutes, as they call it, 'Islamophobia'.



Also from that link:

'Officially' (!) .. resistance against Islam has now become seen as racist. That's despite Islam being a religion, not a race; a distinction too inconvenient to recognise, no matter how obvious it really is.

Anything ... anything at all ... to demonise any brand of thinking our Left deigns to disapprove of. To make sure that disagreement is too socially unacceptable for it to be ever entered into.
I just got banned from twitter, again, because I said... "islam should be outlawed in all modern, peaceful societies." They want me to delete the tweet to start the clock on a 7 day ban. Screw that, I'm not deleting anything. I'm just done with twitter.

05-15-2019, 07:51 PM
Nice original Mime.

Twitter? I do not go there or wish to engage it.

Too many immature liberal brats, which the site management caters to.

05-15-2019, 08:00 PM
I just got banned from twitter, again, because I said... "islam should be outlawed in all modern, peaceful societies." They want me to delete the tweet to start the clock on a 7 day ban. Screw that, I'm not deleting anything. I'm just done with twitter.

That's just symptomatic of the political correctness being insisted upon on an increasing number of forums these days. Try it on any British discussion forum and you'd be lucky if that ban was all that happened. You'd get a torrent of abuse for being 'Islamophobic', and if you lived here, it'd be entirely possible that you'd attract the attention of our police ... as in, they'd come calling and decide to detain you.

Never mind that evidence of its exact opposite being true is staring everybody in the face ! No, political correctness has it that any Islamist not 'being peaceful' is an 'extremist', that's to say, outside what's normal.

Never, ever, underestimate the Left's capabilities of twisting peoples' perceptions, and their ruthless determination to succeed.

05-16-2019, 04:27 AM
That's just symptomatic of the political correctness being insisted upon on an increasing number of forums these days. Try it on any British discussion forum and you'd be lucky if that ban was all that happened. You'd get a torrent of abuse for being 'Islamophobic', and if you lived here, it'd be entirely possible that you'd attract the attention of our police ... as in, they'd come calling and decide to detain you.

Never mind that evidence of its exact opposite being true is staring everybody in the face ! No, political correctness has it that any Islamist not 'being peaceful' is an 'extremist', that's to say, outside what's normal.

Never, ever, underestimate the Left's capabilities of twisting peoples' perceptions, and their ruthless determination to succeed.
I don't know how the Brits ever got to that point. I get how PC can infect people's brains, but the islam deal, I don't get that. How Merkel let in so many muslim, and how they were scattered around Europe and everywhere they've gone they've done nothing but cause major problems, but yet you're not allowed to voice a single word against them... that's just insane. That sort of speech control is just reminiscent of Nazi Germany WWII. I sympathize with you, bro.

05-16-2019, 11:11 AM
I don't know how far this has gone in your country. But in mine, the mainstream Left-wing Party (Labour) recently adopted their definition of what constitutes, as they call it, 'Islamophobia'.



Also from that link:

'Officially' (!) .. resistance against Islam has now become seen as racist. That's despite Islam being a religion, not a race; a distinction too inconvenient to recognise, no matter how obvious it really is.

Anything ... anything at all ... to demonise any brand of thinking our Left deigns to disapprove of. To make sure that disagreement is too socially unacceptable for it to be ever entered into.

I have seen several muslims describe this as a poor definition, whether that is representative of a majority of opinion idk, but it’s certainly not a universally welcomed definition.

05-16-2019, 11:49 AM
When you rarely, if ever, have facts on your side you must resort to demonizing your opponent.

That's what we see from the left with EVERY topic. EVERY single thing they support is without merit and ignores all known facts on the subject, so they can't argue on anything but emotion.