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View Full Version : WATCH: Historians Warn About The Danger Of Rep. Tlaib Rewriting History

05-15-2019, 09:44 PM

The history part is worth the watch. It's correct. Tlaib's a liar and in denial. She sucks and so does her religion.

05-16-2019, 04:32 AM
Any American that votes for a muslim to be put in a seat of power in America, ought to have their voting rights taken away, or shouldn't have ever had them in the first place. Because I think it's muslims in America that are voting that help put these radical muslim bitches in office. Tell me how muslim trash forced on America by the kenyan muslim got the right to vote....


05-16-2019, 10:21 AM
I still have the same exact question about both of the Muslim Congresswomen..

If they are so devout and sincere in their religion, why aren't they at home where Islam says they belong?

Mohammed (spit on his name) would NOT approve of them holding public office.