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View Full Version : New York to de Blasio: Drop Dead!

05-16-2019, 11:59 AM
3 for 3! Do I strike out or something? I just love the title!! But he is an asshole that shouldn't even be dreaming of the presidency.


New York to de Blasio: Drop Dead!

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio made it official: He's running for president. New Yorkers, somewhat less officially, mostly greeted the announcement with the city's beloved middle-finger salute.

Katherine Miller at BuzzFeed was one of the first to notice the ...ahem... unenthusiastic reaction, in a piece headlined "Everybody’s Having A Great Time Hating De Blasio." Describing the protest scene in front of the mayor's Good Morning America appearance today, Miller writes that "the entire situation melded into one big 'LIAR' chant, subsuming a variety of other chants about inability to run the city and so forth, and uniting the people." Or as Twitter user ComfortablySmug noted, "Really wonder just how many people will reply with 'Fix the subway.'" Although to be fair, New Yorkers don't usually wait for their progressive mayor to announce for president before righteously complaining about the condition of the subway.

And it really does seem to be everybody. If nothing else, de Blasio has brought Left, Right, and Center together in a great big Meh to the idea of President de Blasio.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/new-york-to-de-blasio-drop-dead/

05-16-2019, 12:26 PM
What kind of delusional narcissist do you have to be to have accomplished NOTHING that actually improved the lives of anyone but believe you should run for higher office?

Not just De Blasio, but Beto, Sanders, Harris, Booker, well any and all Democrats actually, as well as quite a few Republicans.