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View Full Version : John Brennan Insisted on Pushing ‘Pee’ Dossier in Intel Assessment

05-16-2019, 12:10 PM
Remember when this stuff was first coming out? And the liberals walked around laughing, as did many in congress, and it set off investigations and what not?

Gonna be funny now that things have reversed. And the folks who started this stuff will now get investigated as well for their part in this "pee pee" document. I wonder if the liberals will laugh when the truth comes out? They like truth, right?


Comey Told Staff in 2016 that John Brennan Insisted on Pushing ‘Pee’ Dossier in Intel Assessment

Disgraced ex-FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director turned anti-Trump activist John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence and Trump critic James Clapper are the subjects of a dispute over which top Obama administration officials advocated for the infamous Steele dossier to be utilized as evidence in the Russia collusion investigation.

The argument erupted into the open with a Brennan surrogate being quoted in the news media opposing Comey not long after Attorney General William Barr appointed a U.S. attorney to investigate the origins of the Russia collusion claims.

The fiasco was kicked into high gear after Fox News cited “sources familiar with the records” pointing to an email chain from late-2016 showing Comey allegedly telling FBI employees that it was Brennan who insisted that the anti-Trump dossier be included in a January 6, 2017 U.S. Intelligence Community report, known as the ICA, assessing Russian interference efforts.

A former CIA official, clearly defending Brennan, shot back at the assertion, instead claiming that it was Brennan and Clapper who opposed a purported push by Comey to include the dossier charges in the ICA.

The dossier was also cited as evidence in three successful FISA applications signed by Comey to obtain warrants to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. The first was signed in October 2016; the second and third were renewal applications since a FISA warrant must be renewed every 90 days.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/05/16/report-comey-told-staff-in-2016-that-john-brennan-insisted-on-pushing-pee-dossier-in-intel-assessment/

05-16-2019, 12:24 PM
COMEY TURNS ON BRENNAN: Fired FBI Chief Claims Brennan Pushed Junk Dossier in IC Report

FOX News investigative journalist Catherine Herridge dropped a bomb on the deep state on Wednesday.

According to Herridge, there is an email from fired FBI Director James Comey from December 2016 that indicates it was John Brennan who pushed the dossier to be included in the IC report.

A source inside the CIA blames Comey for including the dossier.

Former Rep. Trey Gowdy says he has seen the email and it does not look good for John Brennan.

Attorney General Bill Barr assigned US Attorney John Durham to investigate the spygate scandal this week.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/comey-turns-on-brennan-fired-fbi-chief-claims-brennan-pushed-junk-dossier-in-ic-report-video/