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View Full Version : Jill Filipovic: Dear Pro-Life Men, Please Cut a ‘Half Inch' Off Your Penis

05-16-2019, 02:43 PM
No, dipshit, no one is telling any women out there to cut anything off or any physical changes for that fact. Calling for personal responsibility and calling for women not to kill unborn babies - IS NOT and does not equate to cutting something off.

Perhaps their already retarded friends will clap at this BS, but do other folks not roll their eyes at this kind of stuff? :rolleyes:


Jill Filipovic: Dear Pro-Life Men, Please Cut a ‘Half Inch' Off Your Penis

For the media, particularly its rabid feminist cohort, Alabama’s near-total abortion ban on May 15 is a major step towards the death of democracy. In the eyes of rabid New York Times Feminist columnists like Jill Filipovic, forcing a woman to complete their pregnancy is an painful imposition, one that should require equal payment on the part of men: that is, having “a half inch cut off from your penis with every [pregnancy.]”

Got that? The awesome power and gift to bring a new life into the world is really just the equivalent of castration, and men should pay this barbaric pregnancy tax of sorts.

Filipovic is prone to hysteria. New York Times columnist and author the The H Spot: The Feminist Pursuit of Happiness, once asked American women to “divorce [their] Republican husbands” during the Kavanaugh debacle.

She’s not what you might call a caring nurturer in the classic feminine mode. She tweeted, “Honestly what if we just forced a quarter of men to be incontinent with every pregnancy they created? Fractured a third of their pubic bones for every child? That would be unconscionable. It’s also what pregnancy means for women.” Screechy outrage is coin of the feminist realm, but her low opinion of childbirth reaches the depth of farce.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/gabriel-hays/2019/05/16/jill-filipovic-dear-pro-life-men-please-cut-half-inch-your

05-16-2019, 02:57 PM
[QUOTE=jimnyc;933194]No, dipshit, no one is telling any women out there to cut anything off or any physical changes for that fact. Calling for personal responsibility and calling for women not to kill unborn babies - IS NOT and does not equate to cutting something off.

Perhaps their already retarded friends will clap at this BS, but do other folks not roll their eyes at this kind of stuff? :rolleyes:


Jill Filipovic: Dear Pro-Life Men, Please Cut a ‘Half Inch' Off Your Penis

For the media, particularly its rabid feminist cohort, Alabama’s near-total abortion ban on May 15 is a major step towards the death of democracy. In the eyes of rabid New York Times Feminist columnists like Jill Filipovic, forcing a woman to complete their pregnancy is an painful imposition, one that should require equal payment on the part of men: that is, having “a half inch cut off from your penis with every [pregnancy.]”

Got that? The awesome power and gift to bring a new life into the world is really just the equivalent of castration, and men should pay this barbaric pregnancy tax of sorts.

Filipovic is prone to hysteria. New York Times columnist and author the The H Spot: The Feminist Pursuit of Happiness, once asked American women to “divorce [their] Republican husbands” during the Kavanaugh debacle.

She’s not what you might call a caring nurturer in the classic feminine mode. She tweeted, “Honestly what if we just forced a quarter of men to be incontinent with every pregnancy they created? Fractured a third of their pubic bones for every child? That would be unconscionable. It’s also what pregnancy means for women.” Screechy outrage is coin of the feminist realm, but her low opinion of childbirth reaches the depth of farce.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/gabriel-hays/2019/05/16/jill-filipovic-dear-pro-life-men-please-cut-half-inch-your[/QUOTE jimnyc between this and your preceeding thread, I have to wonder just WTF you are reading. Or taking. :laugh:

05-16-2019, 03:13 PM
No, dipshit, no one is telling any women out there to cut anything off or any physical changes for that fact. Calling for personal responsibility and calling for women not to kill unborn babies - IS NOT and does not equate to cutting something off.

Perhaps their already retarded friends will clap at this BS, but do other folks not roll their eyes at this kind of stuff? :rolleyes:

Dear Jill Filipovic, perhaps to prevent pregnancy you might just sew something shut

Just me, saying what everyone else is thinking. :laugh: :laugh:

05-16-2019, 03:33 PM
Dear Jill Filipovic, perhaps to prevent pregnancy you might just sew something shut

Just me, saying what everyone else is thinking. :laugh: :laugh:I got some cruder responses than that, but we are in mixed company :halo9:

05-16-2019, 03:35 PM
[QUOTE=jimnyc;933194]No, dipshit, no one is telling any women out there to cut anything off or any physical changes for that fact. Calling for personal responsibility and calling for women not to kill unborn babies - IS NOT and does not equate to cutting something off.

Perhaps their already retarded friends will clap at this BS, but do other folks not roll their eyes at this kind of stuff? :rolleyes:


New York Times columnist and author the The H Spot: The Feminist Pursuit of Happiness, once asked American women to “divorce [their] Republican husbands” during the Kavanaugh debacle.

I sure rolled my eyes reading that!:laugh:

Dear Jill Filipovic, perhaps to prevent pregnancy you might just sew something shut

Just me, saying what everyone else is thinking. :laugh: :laugh:

Excellent point!:laugh:

Abbey Marie
05-16-2019, 05:20 PM
Dear Men, many of us appreciate you. :thumb:

What makes these women hate men so much? I truly don’t get it.

I think a nice payback for all this venom would be for men to refuse to fight in any more wars, or patrol the streets, or put out fires. Or my personal hell, kill any bugs that enter the house, lol. Let these angry feminists do it all.

05-16-2019, 07:49 PM
Dear Men, many of us appreciate you. :thumb:

What makes these women hate men so much? I truly don’t get it.

I think a nice payback for all this venom would be for men to refuse to fight in any more wars, or patrol the streets, or put out fires. Or my personal hell, kill any bugs that enter the house, lol. Let these angry feminists do it all.My ex-wife hates men. Blames it on me :smoke:

Had an instance where someone I was seeing had a man-hater for a friend and it showed. When I said as much I was accused of calling her a lesbian?:laugh:

In a word? Failure is the cause. Man is the reason. Someone's got to be to blame for victimizing all these innocent young women. Might as well be us :laugh:

05-16-2019, 08:26 PM
If she is as serious as she would have WE, PRO-LIFE Men believe.

We should all accept her demands...with one condition.

And that condition would be. She must be the CASTRATOR in person, using her own Oral Cavity to do the Cutting.!

That sounds fair, and liberally justified to me. "WHAT SAY YOU....JILL?"

And, maybe Hitlery will help you with the Toothy Escapades too! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_N5L1zW4AArOON.jpg:large

05-17-2019, 08:35 AM
Liberals must , of course, pretend that a fetus is just a growth on a body rather than a human because if they admitted it was a human Roe V Wade would totally collapse.

Just another instance of the science hating left in action.

05-17-2019, 10:42 AM
LIBERALS: unhinged, hysterical, almost RABID emotions prompting them to act and say apoplectic, moronic, idiotic garbage.

CONSERVATIVES: logical, level headed, base their actions and opinions on the facts and reality.

The two different kinds of people don't mix, and as the population increases, the tension between the two just keeps getting worse.

Civil War II comin' right up. One more democrat president ought to just about do it.

05-17-2019, 11:27 AM
If Jimmy cut a 1/2 " off his penis, he'd be one them "transgenders"


Abbey Marie
05-17-2019, 01:19 PM
I think what really matters, is which end you cut it off of.
