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View Full Version : Philippines Recalls Diplomats From Canada Amid Ongoing Garbage Dispute

05-17-2019, 08:27 AM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:51 AM PT — Thursday, May 16, 2019The Philippines is recalling its top diplomats from Canada amid an ongoing dispute between the two nations. The Philippine foreign ministry secretary ordered the withdrawal Thursday after Canada missed a deadline to remove containers of trash from the Southeast Asian nation.
Around 100 containers of rotting garbage were shipped to Philippine ports back in 2013 and 2014. Canada has said it’s working to remove the containers, but it’s unclear when that could happen.

A Philippine spokesman said Canada’s refusal to take back their garbage has been disruptive to diplomatic relations.
“That recall shows that we are very serious in asking them to get back their garbage, otherwise we’re gonna severe relations with them,” stated Salvador Panelo, presidential spokesperson for the Philippines.
Back in April, the president of the Philippines threatened war with Canada, adding, he would personally escort the containers back to the North American country.

I WAS going to put this in Humor because thats just how I roll, but it is actually a serious news story :). Two 3rd rate nations breaking diplomatic ties over garbage. WHo'd have thought of THAT :laugh:?

So it begs the question WHY? does Canada have a bunch of garbage in the PI? Isn't Cana-Duh all G-8 Summit and green and all that shit and always criticizing us? Guess we could be green too if we just dumped our trash in Iran:rolleyes:

Then there's the PI bitching about garbage. There's a joke. That pace is seriously 3rd World and has the pollution to match.

I know what everyone is wondering. What is the global threat here? War between Cana-duh and the PI:laugh: