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View Full Version : President Trump Outlines Immigration Plan

05-17-2019, 09:21 AM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:28 PM PT — Thursday, May 16, 2019President Trump outlined his border security and legal immigration plan from the Rose Garden Thursday. The president said the plan seeks to stop illegal immigration and secure the border, while establishing a new legal immigration system that promotes American values. He also hopes to attract the best and brightest around the world when it comes to legal immigration.
The plan, spearheaded by Jared Kusher, eliminates the visa lottery system and moves to a merit-based points system, favoring people with high-level skills, degrees and job offers instead of relatives of those already in the country. The plan also creates a self-sustaining border security trust fund, ensuring border infrastructure remains intact and up to date.
As President Trump hopes to garner support for his new immigration plan on Capitol Hill, Republican senators are already reacting positively.
“I think it will unite Republicans, and that’s a good step,” said Senator Lindsey Graham. “We all realize you’ve got to deal with the 11 million to get the Democrats on-board, but having a unified front on merit-based immigration to keep the economy humming and border security is a good place to start, so I really appreciate what the president’s doing today.”

Senator John Cornyn also responded to the new plan.
“I’m willing to try anything that works — this has been the most frustrating subject in my time in the Senate, but it’s really important,” he stated. “It’s really important we deal with the immediate crisis on the border, the humanitarian crisis, because it’s overwhelming our capacity Border Patrol and our ability to manage the flow of humanity.”
The White House said at the very least, the president’s newly announced plan will be used as a platform for his 2020 reelection bid, so Americans know exactly what he plans to do.

Kind of simplified but I can agree with Cornyn's statement. Something that works, please. Which in reality means half-works. We're going to stop illegal immigration like we've stopped terrorism and illegal drug smuggling and illegal immigration so far. We aren't. I'd settle for just a huge dent in it.

Meanwhile, back the at the ranch .... the House Dems are still working feverishly on the Mueller report as if the new AG and his Special Counsel don't exist and the rest of the World has moved on without them. They'll be against it just because Trump is for it. Which is a good enough reason to censure/impeach their asses as far as I'm concerned.

05-17-2019, 10:11 AM

Looks like a dangling carrot for the Dems. They'll screw it up. I don't understand how you can call yourself part of a government that represents the people of the United States and refuse to do business with the CinC just because, truth be told, he got elected.

Barr needs a Special Counsel on the Democrats' inability to govern the Nation.