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View Full Version : Pelosi - lies while the proof is live on her website

05-17-2019, 12:11 PM
This is too funny. The democrats went nutso out of their ways to claim there WAS NO crisis and that Trump was making it all up. Now, in their usual hypocritical ways - they/she want to lie. Only thing is...


Pelosi: 'We Have Never Not Said There Was a Crisis at Border;' Pelosi: Trump ‘Manufacturing a Crisis at Border’

“We have never not said there was a crisis at the border,” House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) declared Thursday at her weekly press briefing. But, in a statement currently on her website, that's exactly what she says.

Pelosi was asked if Democrats are now willing to stop calling the situation at the U.S. southwest border a “manufactured crisis” and acknowledge that it is an actual crisis. In response, Pelosi said her party has never denied the crisis:

Q: “Speaker Pelosi, for a number of months the Democrats have been saying that the issue over at the border was simply a manufactured crisis. Are the Democrats willing to say now that there is an actual crisis at the border? And where are they now as far as how you look at the asylum issue?”

Pelosi: “Well, let me just say this. We have never not said that there was a crisis. There is a humanitarian crisis at the border, and some of it provoked by the actions taken by the Administration. And I will just quote our friends from the Evangelical community when they came in and testified in the last Congress in one of our rump hearings, because the Republicans wouldn’t have the hearing.”

But, on February 6 of this year, Pelosi posted a statement on her website accusing President Donald Trump of “manufacturing a crisis at the border.” In a statement still posted on her website responding to Trump's State of the Union address, Pelosi says:

“It will take days to fact-check all the misrepresentations that the President made tonight. Instead of fear-mongering and manufacturing a crisis at the border, President Trump should commit to signing the bipartisan conference committee’s bill to keep government open and provide strong, smart border security solutions.”

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/pelosi-we-have-never-not-said-there-was-crisis-border

05-17-2019, 12:30 PM
They are playing semantics

Trump says there is a national security crisis at our border as well as a humanitarian crisis . Dems say there is a humanitarian crisis but then say Trump "manufactured a crisis" meaning they don't believe there is a national security crisis.

Dems are dishonest again because they KNOW that their voter base is stupid. Nancy Pelosi could literally get up and say "I don't give a fuck about middle America they don't vote for me anyway" and her supporters would cheer.

Democrats are purposely dumbing down America because it is the ONLY way they can stay in power.

05-17-2019, 02:38 PM
Back peddling at it's finest... because the dems are starting to realize that the CRISIS at the border is a LOSING issue for them.

05-17-2019, 02:46 PM
Back peddling at it's finest... because the dems are starting to realize that the CRISIS at the border is a LOSING issue for them.

They aren't back peddling. They have used the word crisis from the start, but they are talking about a humanitarian crisis and claim that Trump manufactured the national security crisis.