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05-18-2019, 11:54 AM
Folks tend to get this angry and freak when they know they are slowly being boxed into a corner. And if it does in fact turn out that Comey is guilty of any crimes - hasta la vista and adios! But, now these guys and GP posting this doesn't make it the truth and factual. It does all fit together, but I'll await an investigation, as Lord only knows how messy this is in the background. Sometimes someone can seem guilty as hell, but turn out to have been pushed in that direction for appearances while someone else actually did the illegal stuff.

I'm 1000000% convinced that the left did all of this. 100% that many are involved as stated and many should be behind bars. The exact folks yet to be determined.


COMEY FREAKS! Lashes out at Attorney General Bill Barr, President Trump After Spying and TREASON Accusations

On Friday Attorney General Bill Barr sat down for his first television interview since taking over as Attorney General.

Attorney General Barr told FOX News host Bill Hemmer he is having trouble getting answers about the departments spying on the Trump campaign. Barr added that it is a very unusual situation using opposition research to conduct counter intelligence.

Also on Friday President Trump put the Spygate coup plotters on notice.

The President was very actively tweeting Friday morning and invoked one of his 2016 campaign war cries, “DRAIN THE SWAMP!” and then warning the fired FBI Director, “What happened is that Donald Trump won. Down goes Comey.”

And then President Trump tweeted a threat to the coup plotters! Trump warned the Obama deep state criminals that TREASON is a crime!

On Friday night fired FBI chief James Comey lashed out at the president and attorney general.

Comey had the nerve to tell the Attorney General the Department of Justice is based on “truth!”

And then an hour later Comey tweeted out a weak response to the President’s warning of treason…

James Comey and several others are in serious trouble. These anti-Trump deep state operatives tried to take out President Trump and failed. Now they are going to face justice.


05-18-2019, 01:37 PM
Somebody STILL needs to take away Trump's cell :laugh:

05-18-2019, 02:07 PM
Somebody STILL needs to take away Trump's cell :laugh:

05-18-2019, 03:42 PM
Somebody STILL needs to take away Trump's cell :laugh:

No doubt, and a spell and grammar checker!

but the beauty is, he still bypasses the media this way. Just how many things has he posted that we wouldn't otherwise have known about? Like the kid down the road posting - but he's posting about the major things that I have already complained about over the years - that being people too afraid to ask the tough questions of others, to release the REAL truth on matters.

So as much of a knucklehead as he is, so much of truth that we would otherwise not have known about - we know about now.

Many things about the made up collusion BS. Much of the FISA crap, and the wiretapping of him and his campaign. Comey, Sessions, Brennan... of course a ton on Hillary and her confidential emails - although that one was known to many - he assured that it was on the top page, and couldn't be "above the law" and make it just disappear.

Comey and Brennan. And the deep state characters. And Lynch and everyone else involved on the left. As it is, it's like pulling teeth... more like removing skulls and putting them back together. Does anyone believe that ANY of this stuff goes anywhere without Trump involvement? Many want so much of this to just disappear. Why was there an endless investigation on the right - but not a peep about the left? I have NO DOUBT that not a single peep, not a single person, no one gets checked out in the remotest way possible on the left, had it not been for Trump and a few others continually staying on top of this.

I think he's going to go down as an idiot in several ways - those of course being all his twitter mistakes, and all of his verbal diarrhea mistakes added together. He was always an attacker, the names he made of those running against him. He was far from always being a nice guy.

But he got results. He followed all of his promises. He kept up with so much of what he stated and then some. He is/was an economic success, and has so far left us with numbers not seen in 40-50 years. A lot of those changes made for black people, women and others of color. He has made a lot of changes to trade and made money. He made a lot of changes with regulations, and got rid of an awful lot!

Many want to SOLELY trash him. I like to look at things as a total picture. For someone who has had the media in a place never seen before and has to respond accordingly, who has the left attacking him in a crazy manner and obstruction and no support from them at all. Then not full support from the right. Working drastically uphill and others refusing to help at the same time - and he still has kept all his promises and his word and made so much success.


I AM NOT just 100% for Trump and disputing you though, so read what I wrote properly. :) :)

He is a dummy much of the time. Twitter is an issue, especially with grammar and spelling, which makes him look like more of an idiot. Much of how he responds to the left and others makes him look like an idiot. And sometimes of course he does so purposely.

And he has failed at some things. Others lamely given in to some. I've always said - far from perfection.

Grading is hard when so many working against. Always makes me wonder how those grades would be if folks worked together.

SO SO MANY things must included working across the aisle if you expect positive results.

05-18-2019, 03:48 PM
Speaking of working across the aisle...

Take away Trump's cell. Hell, No twitter access or any social media. Only discussion via the speaker and regular updates. Of course he can still be himself, but no more cell/twitter.

BUT - in return - the Democrats agree to certain things with the border, cut out the majority of their promised obstruction & work together much more closely.

I think you will see a lot of idiocy disappear on Twitter! Both from Trump, and the negativity overall.

There is no reason that the economy wouldn't continue as it is. So much of the border issues would be fixed & with families as the Dems demand & the beginnings of a ton ton of money being saved. Crime in areas will start to go again. A while domino effect of things would start happening.

But no way any of them allow that to happen.

Abbey Marie
05-18-2019, 05:16 PM
Cell phone usage aside, Comey is a liar, and a weak one at that. I’m betting the amount of corruption to be uncovered is massive.

05-18-2019, 05:36 PM
Cell phone usage aside, Comey is a liar, and a weak one at that. I’m betting the amount of corruption to be uncovered is massive.

I forgot about the supposed, and amount of leaks he may be responsible for.

And the massive part - that will be the totality of the amount of democrats fully involved in this, IMO, at a high level. Like Trump referenced himself months back - comparing this and stating it makes Watergate look small. And if I'm right, then I agree as well.

05-18-2019, 06:51 PM
No doubt, and a spell and grammar checker!

but the beauty is, he still bypasses the media this way. Just how many things has he posted that we wouldn't otherwise have known about? Like the kid down the road posting - but he's posting about the major things that I have already complained about over the years - that being people too afraid to ask the tough questions of others, to release the REAL truth on matters.

So as much of a knucklehead as he is, so much of truth that we would otherwise not have known about - we know about now.

Many things about the made up collusion BS. Much of the FISA crap, and the wiretapping of him and his campaign. Comey, Sessions, Brennan... of course a ton on Hillary and her confidential emails - although that one was known to many - he assured that it was on the top page, and couldn't be "above the law" and make it just disappear.

Comey and Brennan. And the deep state characters. And Lynch and everyone else involved on the left. As it is, it's like pulling teeth... more like removing skulls and putting them back together. Does anyone believe that ANY of this stuff goes anywhere without Trump involvement? Many want so much of this to just disappear. Why was there an endless investigation on the right - but not a peep about the left? I have NO DOUBT that not a single peep, not a single person, no one gets checked out in the remotest way possible on the left, had it not been for Trump and a few others continually staying on top of this.

I think he's going to go down as an idiot in several ways - those of course being all his twitter mistakes, and all of his verbal diarrhea mistakes added together. He was always an attacker, the names he made of those running against him. He was far from always being a nice guy.

But he got results. He followed all of his promises. He kept up with so much of what he stated and then some. He is/was an economic success, and has so far left us with numbers not seen in 40-50 years. A lot of those changes made for black people, women and others of color. He has made a lot of changes to trade and made money. He made a lot of changes with regulations, and got rid of an awful lot!

Many want to SOLELY trash him. I like to look at things as a total picture. For someone who has had the media in a place never seen before and has to respond accordingly, who has the left attacking him in a crazy manner and obstruction and no support from them at all. Then not full support from the right. Working drastically uphill and others refusing to help at the same time - and he still has kept all his promises and his word and made so much success.


I AM NOT just 100% for Trump and disputing you though, so read what I wrote properly. :) :)

He is a dummy much of the time. Twitter is an issue, especially with grammar and spelling, which makes him look like more of an idiot. Much of how he responds to the left and others makes him look like an idiot. And sometimes of course he does so purposely.

And he has failed at some things. Others lamely given in to some. I've always said - far from perfection.

Grading is hard when so many working against. Always makes me wonder how those grades would be if folks worked together.

SO SO MANY things must included working across the aisle if you expect positive results.I consider Trump's use of social media to break the left's stranglehold on the media on of the best strategies I've seen in years. He caught their asses completely off-guard in an area they had monopolized and been secure in for a couple of centuries and had them flipping out trying to figure out how to stop the bleeding. That was priceless to me, and it played heavily in his winning the election.

The other side of that double-edged sword is he says some dumb ass shit that makes my eyes roll back in my head. He's telegraphed a lot of his moves. Sometimes I think purposefully. Other times I think it's because he can't just shut up. And juvenile taunting people under investigation? Not cool at all.

He just needs a big-ass filter :laugh:

05-18-2019, 07:13 PM
I consider Trump's use of social media to break the left's stranglehold on the media on of the best strategies I've seen in years. He caught their asses completely off-guard in an area they had monopolized and been secure in for a couple of centuries and had them flipping out trying to figure out how to stop the bleeding. That was priceless to me, and it played heavily in his winning the election.

The other side of that double-edged sword is he says some dumb ass shit that makes my eyes roll back in my head. He's telegraphed a lot of his moves. Sometimes I think purposefully. Other times I think it's because he can't just shut up. And juvenile taunting people under investigation? Not cool at all.

He just needs a big-ass filter :laugh:

No doubt, he's an ass! But anyone withing the "tri-state region" of NY/NJ/CT knew that already. But thankfully he's doing more good than bad, and let's hope it continues that way.

He DOES use social media like a HS graduate, and oddly that is a good thing, and works for him. I don't see it being done OR being accepted again after Trump though. They STILL monopolize this area as we see, but frustrating to them, he is, for now, still beating them at their own game.

And yeah, I agree, sometimes it's just :confused:

And MANY times I'm at WTF?? https://i.imgur.com/OCKxQie.gif

And like you, sometimes I think he's just a fucking idiot, but other times I think he does weird shit on purpose. And he does have an OCD type thing going where he seems to not be able to shut up.

What he needs is, someone in charge of his crap, where he can say "This is what I'm doing... blah blah blah..." and then let them be the editor/filter as you say.

Without good results, it would be much worse. But fact is, he's having many good results.

05-18-2019, 10:22 PM
Comey = Phoney.

Take that to the bank.