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View Full Version : Bill de Blasio does better than expected

05-18-2019, 12:04 PM
Not a whole lot to add to this - other than I am in NY and I can state outright that this guy sucks. He'll be one of those first 5 to drop.


Better Than Expected: Bill de Blasio Pulls in WHOPPING Crowd of 18 at Iowa Campaign Stop

What a joke.
New York City commie Mayor Bill de Blasio announced his run for president on Thursday.


New York Post cover on Thursday

Most Americans are scratching their heads and asking, “Why?”

On Friday de Blasio traveled to Iowa to test the waters.

It was a mistake.
18 people showed up to see de Blasio at a Woodbury County Democratic Party fundraiser.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/better-than-expected-bill-de-blasio-pulls-in-whopping-crowd-of-18-at-iowa-campaign-stop/

05-18-2019, 01:32 PM
Not a whole lot to add to this - other than I am in NY and I can state outright that this guy sucks. He'll be one of those first 5 to drop.


Better Than Expected: Bill de Blasio Pulls in WHOPPING Crowd of 18 at Iowa Campaign Stop

What a joke.
New York City commie Mayor Bill de Blasio announced his run for president on Thursday.


New York Post cover on Thursday

Most Americans are scratching their heads and asking, “Why?”

On Friday de Blasio traveled to Iowa to test the waters.

It was a mistake.
18 people showed up to see de Blasio at a Woodbury County Democratic Party fundraiser.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/better-than-expected-bill-de-blasio-pulls-in-whopping-crowd-of-18-at-iowa-campaign-stop/

I think I could get more people than that to vote for ME :laugh2: