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View Full Version : Venezuelan Military warns it is ready to slaughter US troops

05-18-2019, 12:46 PM
And Iran is taking out our entire military fleet with one missile. :rolleyes:


‘Weapons in our hands’ Venezuelan Military warns it is ready to slaughter US troops

Troops in the South American country took part in what was dubbed a “march of loyalty” to show their support for President Nicolas Maduro.

The embattled Socialist leader visited Aragua State to watch the fawning show, in which soldiers pledged their allegiance.

"Only the ones who fight have a right to be. You will never invade my country. Listen to us small gringo. We are ready. With weapons in our hands … we are waiting for you," the personnel shouted during the parade.

It has been suggested the United States could stage a military intervention to oust Maduro, with the Trump administration repeatedly voicing their opposition to him.

Just days ago, the US Department of Transportation ordered the suspension of all commercial passenger and cargo flights between the countries, saying “conditions in Venezuela threaten the safety and security of passengers, aircraft, and crew travelling to or from that country.”

Rest - https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/779742/venezuela-united-states-maduro-weapons-warning

Abbey Marie
05-18-2019, 12:50 PM
“Small gringo”? Lol.

But I am against us invading them.

05-18-2019, 01:23 PM
And Iran is taking out our entire military fleet with one missile. :rolleyes:


‘Weapons in our hands’ Venezuelan Military warns it is ready to slaughter US troops

Troops in the South American country took part in what was dubbed a “march of loyalty” to show their support for President Nicolas Maduro.

The embattled Socialist leader visited Aragua State to watch the fawning show, in which soldiers pledged their allegiance.

"Only the ones who fight have a right to be. You will never invade my country. Listen to us small gringo. We are ready. With weapons in our hands … we are waiting for you," the personnel shouted during the parade.

It has been suggested the United States could stage a military intervention to oust Maduro, with the Trump administration repeatedly voicing their opposition to him.

Just days ago, the US Department of Transportation ordered the suspension of all commercial passenger and cargo flights between the countries, saying “conditions in Venezuela threaten the safety and security of passengers, aircraft, and crew travelling to or from that country.”

Rest - https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/779742/venezuela-united-states-maduro-weapons-warninga not-so-wise, former evil dictator for life, after capture, stated he never for a second believed the US would actually invade; thus, the saber rattling. Saddam Hussein.

05-18-2019, 10:31 PM
Ohhhh....good luck with this paper tiger!:laugh:

05-19-2019, 10:26 AM
Ohhhh....good luck with this paper tiger!:laugh:Straight-up I could care less who we support, arm put in power or whatever. Invading Venezuela would go down as one of the dumbest freakin' ideas ever.

If we are going to combat socialism, we should probably start at home. While everyone is paying attention to the line (of fire), the left is behind the line stealing all the ammo, ability and authority to even have a war, much less start one.