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05-18-2019, 06:46 PM
General Flynn, treated like the enemy. :rolleyes:


MUST READ: Mueller’s Reprehensible Ultimatum to General Flynn: Your Son or Your Country? Make Your Decision!

General Flynn was given an ultimatum by the corrupt Mueller team – choose either your son or your country! This grotesque abuse of power and the legal system by the Mueller gang should never have happened and should not go unpunished!

General Flynn worked for the Obama Administration but at some point was fired by Obama for apparently disagreeing with his policies and actions and speaking out against his failed policies in Iraq and Syria. Soon after, then candidate Trump ran for office and General Flynn supported the future President and introduced the candidate at rallies and then was offered a position on the Trump team.

Obama was upset with Flynn for supporting Trump and it appears that he had some sort of vendetta with Flynn for his comments on the growing threat of ISIS. It’s also suspected that after Flynn parted ways with President Obama he was set up at a dinner with Russians where he was seated next to Russian President Putin in December 2015.

The American spy in England used often by the Deep State, Stefan Halper, seated Flynn next to Putin and then it is suspected used this information as an informant for the Obama administration to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on General Flynn.

Additional information on the framing of General Flynn was reported from a woman who said she was used as a Russian against the General –

Svetlana Lokhova, the Russian historian at the center of Michael Flynn investigation for ‘alleged contacts with Russians’, told Fox News in an exclusive interview with Catherine Herridge, that she is not a Russian spy and that she thought “there’s a high chance that is was coordinated, and believe it needs to be properly investigated.”

In 2017, American various media outlets framed her as a Russian operative and linked her to Michael Flynn. The allegations involved her contact with Flynn three years prior at a 2014 dinner at the University of Cambridge, England, when Flynn was Defense Intelligence Agency director.

General Flynn’s actions had nothing to do with collusion with Russia. He was set up and spied on!

In October 2016, shortly before the election, based on a bogus and fake dossier financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, Obama’s gang of corrupt Intel Heads filed for and eventually obtained a warrant to spy on fellow Americans. The warrants were fraudulent due to their source and made up content.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/must-read-muellers-reprehensible-ultimatum-to-general-flynn-your-son-or-your-country-make-your-decision/

05-18-2019, 06:55 PM
I'm wondering how long the left is going to tolerate this. Its bleeding out of every orifice.

Time for another school shooting ...:rolleyes:

05-18-2019, 10:29 PM
I'm wondering how long the left is going to tolerate this. Its bleeding out of every orifice.

Time for another school shooting ...:rolleyes:

Stop that! Even tongue in cheek! Not even mildly humorous..

05-19-2019, 10:22 AM
Stop that! Even tongue in cheek! Not even mildly humorous..It was meant neither as tongue in cheek nor humor. It is a comment on the MO of the Dems/left/MSM, not to mention the 3 second attention span of most Americans.

If they cannot find a crisis to beat the f*ck out of, they'll manufacture one. Their boys taking a daily beating in the media is NOT in their game plan.