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View Full Version : Trump Surging in Florida; Tops Biden and Every Democrat in New Poll

05-22-2019, 02:24 PM
Too many of these polls and too many used for BS. And we all know how these polls 'usually' work out anyway.


SHOCK POLL: Trump Surging in Florida; Tops Biden and Every Democrat in New Poll

President Donald Trump’s popularity in the key swing state of Florida is surging, pushing him to a lead over every Democrat vying to challenge him for reelection in 2020–including former Vice President Joe Biden–according to a new Florida Atlantic University Business and Economics Polling Initiative poll released Wednesday. With 29 electoral college votes, Florida is a must win for Republicans and Democrats and was key to Trump’s 2016 victory.

Trump’s approval in the Sunshine State has jumped to 47 percent compared to 41 percent approval in the February FAU poll when Trump’s popularity was underwater. He is now above water with 44 percent disapproval, down from 46 percent disapproval in February.

In head to head match-ups with the top Democrat presidential contenders, Trump beats them all. Biden, who dominates the Democrat field with 39 percent support of primary voters, is the closest, well within the poll’s +/-3 percent margin of error but also out of the margin for victory in a state where elections are won by tenths of a percent out of millions of votes.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/shock-poll-trump-surging-in-florida-tops-biden-and-every-democrat-in-new-poll/