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View Full Version : Pelosi: Anti-Abortion Laws About ‘White Guys’ ‘Fear’ of Women

05-22-2019, 03:25 PM
According to Pew Research Center, as of 2018, 58% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 37% say it should be illegal in all or most cases. - https://www.pewforum.org/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/

And according to that, it's more than just white guys and fear of women. Of course they want you to believe that. But there are women out there that are pro-life.


Pelosi: Anti-Abortion Laws About ‘White Guys’ ‘Fear’ of Women

Wednesday at the 2019 Center for American Progress Ideas Conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said the laws passed in several state legislatures banning abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected was about “fear” of women.

Pelosi said, “This is about family planning. It’s about birth control. They like to argue the case in some words that aren’t true but are alarming to people about abortions that must take place in the late term, the health of the mother whatever, but they describe it terribly, and it has a market. That’s why they do it. What woman should know is this is not about just that. It’s about family planning, and access to women’s health, it’s about in vitro fertilization to have babies.”

She continued, “This is about lack of respect for woman. This is about some fear that is in our community, our society about women having the ability to have the size and timing of their families working with their husbands, with their doctors, with their God whatever it is, but to just see it as a choice issue is one piece of it. It’s about lack of respect, and it’s reflected when they won’t give equal pay or family medical leave, which really benefits woman and the rest.”

Discussing abortion legislature in the House, Pelosi added, “When you see them lined up at the floor of the House guys, guys, guys, just white guys, guys signing for their discharge petition in a way that doesn’t represent the truth of what they are putting down there. I say we don’t agonize we organize.”


Abbey Marie
05-22-2019, 04:16 PM
I think we need male birth control, stat. Many, many fewer abortions, and a lot of pissed off feminists. It sounds great.