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View Full Version : Democrats are plotting a 'coordinated effort' to take down Trump

05-22-2019, 04:08 PM
Of course it is! It's been that way since at least pre-2016 election at minimum. The DOJ and the FBI were involved. The Clinton campaign originally paid for this Steele dossier, and it made it's rounds. In comes Mueller for a 2 year investigation, in which the facts show nothing on Trump. And they continue, and will do so until they either get rid of him, beat him in an election or go down in 2020 themselves and wait him out. But facts? Evidence? Collusion? Of COURSE this whole thing is still coordinated. And now it's important to have Barr get his investigation going, well, it is actually. A little odd, don't ya think, that this immediate talk of starting impeachment plans withing 2 weeks, and then talk of cover-up ---- right after news comes this week about Barr's investigation.

And what DO the democrats do? What do they do for America? For their constituents? All I ever see is negative BS, investigations, obstruction, obstruction and endless obstruction.


Rep. Jim Jordan says Democrats are plotting a 'coordinated effort' to take down Trump

Rep. Jim Jordan on Wednesday accused his Democratic colleagues in the House of plotting a "coordinated effort to take down the president" and believes they are already working in concert behind the scenes to impeach Donald Trump.

"I don't think the Democrats can help themselves," he said on "America's Newsroom." "Remember, after all on the very first day of Congress they introduced articles of impeachment... I think they've been determined to get here and I think they've already started. They just haven't formally stated that's what they're up to."

Jordan, R-Ohio, told Fox News there's little, if anything, the Republicans can do to appease Democrats and hold off an avalanche of inquiries targeting Trump.

"They're ridiculous," Jordan said, referencing requests by the Ways & Means Committee, the Oversight Committee and the Financial Services Committee demanding Trump's tax, business and banking records.

"This is the Democrats," he added. "So much focus on taking down the president and not any type of focus on doing what's best for the country. I think this is where they are going to go so I don't know what we can do to satisfy that. They are bound and determined to do things we've never seen before."

Rest - https://www.foxnews.com/politics/jim-jordan-says-democrats-plotting-to-take-down-trump

Abbey Marie
05-22-2019, 04:18 PM
Like Trump or not, every American should be appalled and frightened to see this outright assault on our Republic.

05-25-2019, 10:06 AM
The democrat propaganda wing sends out DAILY talking points for them ALL to repeat, and they do just that like good little programmed bots...


... and they've been doing this for a long time now. They just REGURGITATE their pap. There's not a one of them with any individuality or original thought.

06-01-2019, 09:52 PM
Of course it is! It's been that way since at least pre-2016 election at minimum. The DOJ and the FBI were involved. The Clinton campaign originally paid for this Steele dossier, and it made it's rounds. In comes Mueller for a 2 year investigation, in which the facts show nothing on Trump. And they continue, and will do so until they either get rid of him, beat him in an election or go down in 2020 themselves and wait him out. But facts? Evidence? Collusion? Of COURSE this whole thing is still coordinated. And now it's important to have Barr get his investigation going, well, it is actually. A little odd, don't ya think, that this immediate talk of starting impeachment plans withing 2 weeks, and then talk of cover-up ---- right after news comes this week about Barr's investigation.

And what DO the democrats do? What do they do for America? For their constituents? All I ever see is negative BS, investigations, obstruction, obstruction and endless obstruction.


Rep. Jim Jordan says Democrats are plotting a 'coordinated effort' to take down Trump

Rep. Jim Jordan on Wednesday accused his Democratic colleagues in the House of plotting a "coordinated effort to take down the president" and believes they are already working in concert behind the scenes to impeach Donald Trump.

"I don't think the Democrats can help themselves," he said on "America's Newsroom." "Remember, after all on the very first day of Congress they introduced articles of impeachment... I think they've been determined to get here and I think they've already started. They just haven't formally stated that's what they're up to."

Jordan, R-Ohio, told Fox News there's little, if anything, the Republicans can do to appease Democrats and hold off an avalanche of inquiries targeting Trump.

"They're ridiculous," Jordan said, referencing requests by the Ways & Means Committee, the Oversight Committee and the Financial Services Committee demanding Trump's tax, business and banking records.

"This is the Democrats," he added. "So much focus on taking down the president and not any type of focus on doing what's best for the country. I think this is where they are going to go so I don't know what we can do to satisfy that. They are bound and determined to do things we've never seen before."

Rest - https://www.foxnews.com/politics/jim-jordan-says-democrats-plotting-to-take-down-trump

I haven't changed my mind on Trump or impeachment. Once again I find myself agreeing with George Will, a columnist and conservative that many liked once upon a time. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/impeachment-would-be-a-debacle/2019/05/31/61474462-8315-11e9-933d-7501070ee669_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.27eb423c2ce8

In essence, 'Trump has not done anything beyond what those who voted for him expected. He is what they wanted when they voted for him and still is.' Those who didn't vote for him don't like him, which is sort of the point of elections.


Attempting to overturn the result of a presidential election is a momentous undertaking. In 1998, when Republicans impeached President Bill Clinton for lying about sex with an intern, the public punished (https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2018/08/30/for_both_parties_1998_midterms_offer_a_lesson_for_ 18_137939.html) them for what it considered a grossly disproportionate response. Today, many Democrats are fixated on Trump’s possible obstruction of the investigation into an offense — conspiracy with Russia — for which the investigation did not find sufficient evidence. Prudent Democrats will not propose removing Trump because, for example, they think he had a corrupt intention when he exercised a core presidential power in firing FBI Director James B. Comey.
What can accurately be called aesthetic considerations are, however, powerfully germane. As Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 65 (http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/fed65.asp), impeachable offenses should “relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself.” Trump’s incessant lying and increasingly contemptible coarseness are as reprehensible as was President Richard M. Nixon’s surreptitious criminality. And — because they are constant, public and hence desensitizing — they will inflict more long-term damage to America’s civic life than Nixon’s misdeeds did.
But Democrats should heed Weiner (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/01/opinion/how-not-to-impeach.html): “That an offense is impeachable does not mean it warrants impeachment.” Potential impeachers must consider “the general political context of the times,” including “the potential public reaction.” Democrats should face two lamentable but undeniable facts: Trump was elected because many millions of Americans enjoy his boorishness. And he essentially promised to govern as a lout. Promise-keeping would be an unusual ground for impeachment.

06-02-2019, 09:35 AM
I haven't changed my mind on Trump or impeachment. Once again I find myself agreeing with George Will, a columnist and conservative that many liked once upon a time. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/impeachment-would-be-a-debacle/2019/05/31/61474462-8315-11e9-933d-7501070ee669_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.27eb423c2ce8

In essence, 'Trump has not done anything beyond what those who voted for him expected. He is what they wanted when they voted for him and still is.' Those who didn't vote for him don't like him, which is sort of the point of elections.

Anyone who thinks Trump hasn't accomplished a shit ton, is either a never Trump hater, a liberal or someone literally who couldn't care less about facts. But I posted like a few thousands positive things since he's been in office, plenty for those who hate him to completely ignore, not a peep - until the time is appropriate to claim that he hasn't done much other than what his lame supporters want out of him.

I think, actually know, that he has accomplished a ton, as I have read. watched, listened, posted about & discussed. He has, IMO, accomplished about 400% more than what I expected of him.

But then the impeachment crap is an entire different animal, something made from the Democrats that was in hiding, in waiting, long before he made a single decision. He may not be perfect, but it's the dems playing games in office, and the media and others refusing to acknowledge and/or discuss anything positive.

And I still say, if he had the typical support - and the lack of obstruction and investigation games from the left - he would have been one of the most successful presidents, IMO. I make no apologies for my stance, and have gladly posted and discussed all aspects of hid presidency, so I know I'm not mistaken or hallucinating. :)

06-02-2019, 01:38 PM
Anyone who thinks Trump hasn't accomplished a shit ton, is either a never Trump hater, a liberal or someone literally who couldn't care less about facts. But I posted like a few thousands positive things since he's been in office, plenty for those who hate him to completely ignore, not a peep - until the time is appropriate to claim that he hasn't done much other than what his lame supporters want out of him.

I think, actually know, that he has accomplished a ton, as I have read. watched, listened, posted about & discussed. He has, IMO, accomplished about 400% more than what I expected of him.

But then the impeachment crap is an entire different animal, something made from the Democrats that was in hiding, in waiting, long before he made a single decision. He may not be perfect, but it's the dems playing games in office, and the media and others refusing to acknowledge and/or discuss anything positive.

And I still say, if he had the typical support - and the lack of obstruction and investigation games from the left - he would have been one of the most successful presidents, IMO. I make no apologies for my stance, and have gladly posted and discussed all aspects of hid presidency, so I know I'm not mistaken or hallucinating. :)

My concerns were not what he would/could/has/will accomplished. Not my circus or monkeys. As I stated, I agree with Will and his stance on impeachment-should not happen. The President is doing and acting exactly as those who elected him wanted and still want. Impeachment isn't to be used to change electoral outcomes.

06-02-2019, 01:55 PM
My concerns were not what he would/could/has/will accomplished. Not my circus or monkeys. As I stated, I agree with Will and his stance on impeachment-should not happen. The President is doing and acting exactly as those who elected him wanted and still want. Impeachment isn't to be used to change electoral outcomes.

But the part in bold has absolutely nothing to do with impeachment, or why it's not appropriate in this case.

If the folks outside of his supporters feel he wasn't doing what was wanted or still want - that still has nothing to do with impeachment.

As I felt Clinton shouldn't have been removed from office, nor impeached in anyway, the same goes for Trump. It's not about games as man of the Dems want to play, and not about tying things up and/or obstruction in order to politically harm an opponent - and a sitting president no less. Quite a few investigations played out and folks waited. The Dems will try for 99 different ways at the apple if they can, if that means more power for them. I listened out - but am no longer entertaining the same old repeated BS from them. It's over and they want to extend and play games, plain and simple.

They wants things in public, but then not things in public. They want people involved in wrongdoing exposed, but then don't want it exposed if it's harmful to the left. The only thing they have ever been transparent about is their lame accusations and intent to obstruct Trump at every turn.

Ad I believe that we are going to find wrongdoing from the many people I have posted about for quite some time. But I also believe that some will be allowed to slide. I can't imagine any action towards Obama, Holder or Lynch for example. And Hillary. Hell, the efforts of looking into her foundation never really even got started!! But ALLLLLLL of it is now being investigated, and I'm dying to find out who did what.

06-02-2019, 05:20 PM
But the part in bold has absolutely nothing to do with impeachment, or why it's not appropriate in this case.

If the folks outside of his supporters feel he wasn't doing what was wanted or still want - that still has nothing to do with impeachment.

As I felt Clinton shouldn't have been removed from office, nor impeached in anyway, the same goes for Trump. It's not about games as man of the Dems want to play, and not about tying things up and/or obstruction in order to politically harm an opponent - and a sitting president no less. Quite a few investigations played out and folks waited. The Dems will try for 99 different ways at the apple if they can, if that means more power for them. I listened out - but am no longer entertaining the same old repeated BS from them. It's over and they want to extend and play games, plain and simple.

They wants things in public, but then not things in public. They want people involved in wrongdoing exposed, but then don't want it exposed if it's harmful to the left. The only thing they have ever been transparent about is their lame accusations and intent to obstruct Trump at every turn.

Ad I believe that we are going to find wrongdoing from the many people I have posted about for quite some time. But I also believe that some will be allowed to slide. I can't imagine any action towards Obama, Holder or Lynch for example. And Hillary. Hell, the efforts of looking into her foundation never really even got started!! But ALLLLLLL of it is now being investigated, and I'm dying to find out who did what.

Yes, it does. The premise basically seems to be that the democrats in particular, there are others, that are looking at impeachment because they just don't like him. Like they ever did? At least with the Monica thing, there was 'proof' of his lie/obstruction, though the cause just wasn't worth the costs to the country, imo, obviously others too. High price to tell a president YOU DON'T LIKE HIM/HER. It should not be over frivolous matters-possible obstruction during an investigation into something that didn't happen? Nope, the whole impeachment thing is that many just think he shouldn't be there. But. He. Is. Legally. They need to shut up and move on.

In all honesty though, there were plenty here all fired up about 'treasonous', 'lying', scumbag liberals, etc., going after Trump. Many of the same folks were doing the same about Obama, for pretty darn close to the same reasons.

06-03-2019, 11:36 AM
Like Trump or not, every American should be appalled and frightened to see this outright assault on our Republic.

That is what is truly appalling about this, EVERY American should be frightened about what a corrupt government did to someone as rich and powerful as Donald Trump. What the hell could they do the ordinary average American if they were a mind to?

06-04-2019, 07:51 AM
What the democrats are doing right now should scare the living crap otta any American. They got their S.C. by corrupt means, got two years of unlimited investigation into everything Trump and found nothing, along with 3 other investigations, but they all came up empty handed, the left is now just saying, "well, he's guilty, we know he's guilty, we don't know of what and have no proof of any crime, but we know he's guilty, so we're going to impeach him anyway because we KNOW he's guilty." What they are doing is unprecedented. They lost the election, so they've been on an absolutely unhinged SHIT FIT since, and the law has been just thrown out the window. The left have their propaganda wing, they have their deep state and they have the power of the federal treasury at their disposal, and they don't care who knows or who sees what they're doing or how damn corrupt it is, they're NOT going to STOP until they take out Trump. The democrat party has gone FULL TOTALITARIAN. You either agree with them and bend to THEIR WILL, THEIR AGENDA, or they want you GONE, they want you SHUT THE FUCK UP. Yeah, say something THEY don't like, and magically it's all of a sudden HATE SPEECH, screw the 1st Amendment, their propaganda wing CENSORS YOU, you're BANNED from their social media.

I'd say this is one of the most dangerous times in America's history. These democrats are as RADICAL as they come, and FULL CONTROL OF YOU is THEIR agenda. You're vote doesn't matter, elections don't matter. If they don't like the outcome, they'll just REMOVE whoever you elect by whatever means necessary, no matter how CORRUPT the process is. You're FREEDOMS be DAMNED. You follow THEIR agenda, period, you don't have ANY freedom. If you don't follow their agenda, then you need to STFU. You're a HATER. Never mind the mind numbing IRONY of that.


Abbey Marie
06-04-2019, 03:43 PM
Those guys are funny and right.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-04-2019, 04:17 PM
Those guys are funny and right.


Yet when too much power has been seized by darkness, being that -- being right-- becomes meaningless.
We see this now after 8 years of the obama, wherein that evil and very, very destructive standard was set.
For eight years obama ,his Dem party, and his corrupt government set this up, infiltrated all the top Federal department, installed leftist/socialist/liberal puppets/henchmen in order to carry on after he leaves office. He was chosen because he would get a pass on all of his treasonous actions-- and just that has happened.
Many top constitutional experts have admitted and rightly noted his deliberate unconstitutional edicts-Executive Orders, yet nobody is calling for him to to be brought to justice for his out and out treason, as well as his easily seen corruption and fraudulently constructed image!
In that reality, one can easily see fruits for this nation's coming fall.
That the traitor obama is beyond justice and even celebrated as a great man, as a hero!
A sure sign to me, that we as a people, have let the evil. the destroyers gain far, far, far too much power and will very likely suffer the coming extremely severe consequences for our indifference, our failure to stop it when we could. As it looks like now, the destruction and infiltration has advanced too damn far to be stopped by the usual, normal means available, IMHO.-Tyr