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View Full Version : Trump 'Wasn’t Racist Before He Became President and He’s Not Racist Now'

05-25-2019, 10:36 AM
There's never been any evidence of these claims. But tons of evidence of him being the opposite of racist all his years prior to running for office. Then in comes the Dem smear machine. Trump wants to limit incoming people from certain war torn countries - and that was all they needed to run with lame claims of racism. They have continued this lie morning, noon & night of every day since. And just like never offering any evidence of their endless accusations, they have none here either.


Herman Cain: Trump 'Wasn’t Racist Before He Became President and He’s Not Racist Now'

WASHINGTON – Former GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain told PJM that he rates President Trump’s job performance an A minus, citing the passage of tax reform, the ongoing trade negotiations with countries like China and regulatory reform.

“We’re not in a trade war. We’re in trade negotiations. This is what a lot of people don’t understand. There’s a difference between negotiations and a war. We’re not in trade wars. This president understands negotiations,” Cain said during a recent interview after a "Big Tech Vs. Free Speech: Conservatives Push Back on Blacklisting" discussion at the National Press Club.

“For example, China, he said they want to move the goal posts. They wanted to start all over and they thought they were close to a deal. Well, maybe some of our previous presidents folded like a blanket but he didn’t,” added Cain, who Trump was considering for a Federal Reserve Board position before Cain withdrew from the nomination process.

Cain said making progress on immigration reform has been difficult for Trump because the Democrats are seeking to make his job as “chaotic and as challenging as they possibly can.”

Cain pushed back on Democrats who have labeled Trump racist.

“It is not valid whatsoever. Look, I knew Donald Trump before he was president of the United States and he wasn’t racist before he became president and he’s not racist now — that is a false narrative that was ginned up and generated by people who can’t accept the fact that he won the presidency,” said Cain, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza.

Cain recalled someone recently asking him what Trump has done for black people. Referring to the state of the economy, Cain said, “He’s helped all people, period” and “he has done more for prison reform than any other president of the last 4 or 5 but no, that’s not what makes the news.”


05-26-2019, 08:52 AM
There's never been any evidence of these claims. But tons of evidence of him being the opposite of racist all his years prior to running for office. Then in comes the Dem smear machine. Trump wants to limit incoming people from certain war torn countries - and that was all they needed to run with lame claims of racism. They have continued this lie morning, noon & night of every day since. And just like never offering any evidence of their endless accusations, they have none here either.


Herman Cain: Trump 'Wasn’t Racist Before He Became President and He’s Not Racist Now'

WASHINGTON – Former GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain told PJM that he rates President Trump’s job performance an A minus, citing the passage of tax reform, the ongoing trade negotiations with countries like China and regulatory reform.

“We’re not in a trade war. We’re in trade negotiations. This is what a lot of people don’t understand. There’s a difference between negotiations and a war. We’re not in trade wars. This president understands negotiations,” Cain said during a recent interview after a "Big Tech Vs. Free Speech: Conservatives Push Back on Blacklisting" discussion at the National Press Club.

“For example, China, he said they want to move the goal posts. They wanted to start all over and they thought they were close to a deal. Well, maybe some of our previous presidents folded like a blanket but he didn’t,” added Cain, who Trump was considering for a Federal Reserve Board position before Cain withdrew from the nomination process.

Cain said making progress on immigration reform has been difficult for Trump because the Democrats are seeking to make his job as “chaotic and as challenging as they possibly can.”

Cain pushed back on Democrats who have labeled Trump racist.

“It is not valid whatsoever. Look, I knew Donald Trump before he was president of the United States and he wasn’t racist before he became president and he’s not racist now — that is a false narrative that was ginned up and generated by people who can’t accept the fact that he won the presidency,” said Cain, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza.

Cain recalled someone recently asking him what Trump has done for black people. Referring to the state of the economy, Cain said, “He’s helped all people, period” and “he has done more for prison reform than any other president of the last 4 or 5 but no, that’s not what makes the news.”

https://pjmedia.com/trending/herman-cain-trump-wasnt-racist-before-he-became-president-and-hes-not-racist-now/I don't see Trump being called a racist by the left/MSM as any big deal. They call anyone-or-thing that doesn't conform to what they tell you to think racist. I figure if I get called a racist, I've done something right and/or hit a nerve to earn the "boy who cried wolf" response. It's usually in response to something they aren't ready for and are in need of a quick, knee jerk comeback.

IMO, responding to the accusation is playing their game of intellectually dishonest wordsmithing. Nothing he can say is going to change the mind of anyone convinced he is.

05-28-2019, 12:00 PM
I don't see Trump being called a racist by the left/MSM as any big deal. They call anyone-or-thing that doesn't conform to what they tell you to think racist. I figure if I get called a racist, I've done something right and/or hit a nerve to earn the "boy who cried wolf" response. It's usually in response to something they aren't ready for and are in need of a quick, knee jerk comeback.

IMO, responding to the accusation is playing their game of intellectually dishonest wordsmithing. Nothing he can say is going to change the mind of anyone convinced he is.

Bingo, but their accusations can't be simply ignored. One thing I think the Republican Party is terrible about is just pointing out the intellectual dishonesty of Democrats . They call ANYONE who disagrees with them a racist, including black people; as they themselves get caught all the time calling people who disagree with them racist names. They pretend like they aren't the party of slavery, but we all know it's the truth THEY are the racists.

05-29-2019, 09:48 AM
Bingo, but their accusations can't be simply ignored. One thing I think the Republican Party is terrible about is just pointing out the intellectual dishonesty of Democrats . They call ANYONE who disagrees with them a racist, including black people; as they themselves get caught all the time calling people who disagree with them racist names. They pretend like they aren't the party of slavery, but we all know it's the truth THEY are the racists.I'll tell you how their great plan has worked on me and at least a few others I know ...

The left and the bro's and the Mexican'ts are doing a damned good job of making me that way. I'm tired of hearing the bitch-boy crying from people that have more Rights, by law, than I do.

05-29-2019, 10:56 AM
I'll tell you how their great plan has worked on me and at least a few others I know ...

The left and the bro's and the Mexican'ts are doing a damned good job of making me that way. I'm tired of hearing the bitch-boy crying from people that have more Rights, by law, than I do.

Same here. It's clear as day that the Democrats are more concerned with illegals , criminals, and assorted scum than they are with ordinary every day Americans. I suppose that's because they know ordinary hard working Americans hate their guts but still.