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View Full Version : Poll: Voters want congress to move on from Russia

05-26-2019, 11:07 AM
Things have been investigated for 2 years. Investigations by both the special counsel and within congress. America waited and heard everything out on both sides. But I think it's obvious to everyone by now that they just want to continue the BS for the elections and to obstruct as much as possible.

I think it was Graham who yesterday referred to it as a 'political rectal exam'. And much of America agrees.

So, moving forward more, and pushing for this rectal exam daily, they are playing fire with their own party and the 2020 election.


New Polls: Voters Are Tired of Trump-Russia Investigation, Say They've Heard Enough, Want Congress to Move On

Two new polls, similar results: The American people, having watched the political class bicker and blather about Russiagate for years, have heard enough. In a new national survey by conducted by Monmouth, a majority of Americans say it's time for Congressional Democrats to move on to other subjects -- this, as Democrats appear to be moving in the opposite direction, with a growing number of members calling for a highly unpopular impeachment process to commence:

While a clear majority of the public supports getting more details about the Mueller report, just over half (52%) say that Congress should move on to other issues now that the investigation has concluded. Just 41% say that Congress should continue to look into concerns related to the inquiry. These results are similar to the public’s opinion last month just before the report was released...The poll finds that 39% of Americans feel that Trump should be impeached and compelled to leave the presidency while 56% disagree with this course of action.

By double-digit margins, voters want Congress to "move on to other issues," and the gap grows even wider on impeachment. A fresh CBS News poll produces strikingly similar findings. A majority of voters want the legislative branch to pursue other issues, as they've heard enough about the Mueller report to have formed their own conclusions:

Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2019/05/23/polls-voters-tired-of-trumprussia-investigation-say-theyve-seen-enough-n2546782

05-26-2019, 11:15 AM
Graham: Impeachment Is 'Political Suicide' for Pelosi's Democrats

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's job is "very much at risk" if she decides to go along with the wishes of her Democratic caucus and pursue the impeachment of President Donald Trump, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Sunday.

In an interview on "Fox News Sunday," Graham said the California Democrat "is riding a bucking wild bronco," noting "70% of the Democratic base throughout America wants President Trump impeached."

"She knows that impeachment would be political suicide because there's no reason to impeach the president, so she's trying to keep the party intact," he said. "If she goes down the impeachment road, Republicans take back the House, we keep the Senate, President Trump gets re-elected, but her job is very much at risk . . . She's going to be driven toward impeachment. If she goes down that road, it will be suicide for the Democratic Party."

Graham also praised Trump for being the only U.S. president who has gotten "Kim Jong Un's attention," though he believes North Korean is trying "run out the clock on President Trump."

"I'm glad the president is engaging him," he said. "All those before President Trump failed on their watch and President Trump has finally got Kim Jong Un's attention."

"But I'm not naive about this. I think they're trying to run out the clock on President Trump. The only way Kim will give up his nuclear weapons if he believes he's better off without them . . . What we do in Venezuela and what we do in Iran will make a difference as to how Kim reacts to us in North Korea."

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/nancy-pelosi-democrats-house-impeachment/2019/05/26/id/917631/

05-26-2019, 05:16 PM
Part of the risk of impeachment is that VP Pence is staunchly conservative.

Yet I see the demand on the part of the Democrats is a ploy to inject Pilosi in as VP,
as according to the succession laws in the Constitution.


05-27-2019, 07:26 AM
Isn't impeachment all buy impossible at this point though?

05-27-2019, 07:45 AM
Impeachment would never get past the senate. It would be all for show, and it's exactly like saying the president was engaging in a cover up... OF WHAT? Impeaching him is the same scenario... IMPEACH HIM FOR WHAT?

The democrats are simply out of their minds with HATE. You have to be one real POS to want to be part of that party, and they are concentrated in the big cities of America. If you wiped LA, SanFran, Seattle, Portland, NYC and Chicago off the map, the democrat party would practically disappear. There's a whole lot more real estate in America that isn't leftist toilets with 40M people jammed into it like sardines.

05-27-2019, 07:51 AM
Move on from Trump-Russia? Sure I can see that.
But move on from what Russia did during your elections? That seems folly.

05-27-2019, 08:03 AM
Move on from Trump-Russia? Sure I can see that.
But move on from what Russia did during your elections? That seems folly.
Oh we're not moving on from what the DEMOCRATS did with the Russians, and the UK, and Australia, that investigation is ongoing. That investigation is relatively new. We had two years of looking at a FARCE, a COUP, an attempt by the democrat deep state to unseat a duly elected president of the U.S., and the bull in the china shop democrats were entirely ignored, the ones that REALLY colluded with the Russians. We're not moving on from investigating that. People will go to jail. Why else do you think the democrats are so UNHINGED right now? They're scared shitless.