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View Full Version : Time makes crap up and Dems run with it

05-27-2019, 01:10 PM
The Dems run with it and then we find out that an editor from Time just outright made the crap up. :rolleyes:


Ted Lieu and Ana Navarro Promoted Fake Trump Quote Made Up by TIME Editor-at-Large That Said ‘Smarter’ Kim Jong Un Would Make a Better President Than Biden

Rep. Red Lieu (D-CA) and Republican CNN and The View commentator Ana Navarro fell for a hoax quote fabricated and posted by TIME Editor-at-Large Ian Bremmer on Twitter Sunday that said, “President Trump in Tokyo: “Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden.”

Bremmer at first defended posting the hoax quote, then later deleted it and his defenses of it, as did Lieu and Navarro. Screen shots below.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/ted-lieu-and-ana-navarro-promoted-fake-trump-quote-made-up-by-time-editor-at-large-that-said-smarter-kim-jong-un-would-make-a-better-president-than-biden/

Trump Shreds Time Magazine Editor For Posting Fake ‘Quote’

The tweets have all been deleted, but they went viral before they disappeared.

Ian Bremmer, a foreign affairs columnist and editor-at-large at TIME who is president of Eurasia Group and a global research professor at New York University, fired out a post on Twitter on Sunday morning saying that President Trump had said that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un would be a better president than Joe Biden.

“President Trump in Tokyo: ‘Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden,'” Bremmer wrote in the now-deleted tweet, attributing the quote to Trump.

As his post made the rounds, Bremmer seemed to defend the made-up quote, saying it was “kinda plausible.”

“This is objectively a completely ludicrous quote. And yet kinda plausible. Especially on Twitter, where people automatically support whatever political position they have. That’s the point,” Bremmer wrote in the now-deleted tweet.

Then Trump ripped him a new one.

“@ianbremmer now admits that he MADE UP ‘a completely ludicrous quote,’ attributing it to me. This is what’s going on in the age of Fake News. People think they can say anything and get away with it. Really, the libel laws should be changed to hold Fake News Media accountable!” Trump wrote.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/trump-shreds-time-magazine-editor-for-posting-fake-quote/

05-27-2019, 09:19 PM
Yet there are some brain-washed fools that eat up this crap like it was fresh oatmeal.

How damn stupid can some people be?

We've had over 2 years of this idiocy...time for a lot on the left to grow the F*** up
and learn to get along.

05-28-2019, 11:55 AM
Yet there are some brain-washed fools that eat up this crap like it was fresh oatmeal.

How damn stupid can some people be?

We've had over 2 years of this idiocy...time for a lot on the left to grow the F*** up
and learn to get along.

That's the problem, liberals are children in adult bodies. They won't grow up.

05-28-2019, 12:41 PM
Yet there are some brain-washed fools that eat up this crap like it was fresh oatmeal.

How damn stupid can some people be?

We've had over 2 years of this idiocy...time for a lot on the left to grow the F*** up
and learn to get along.
I don't think that's possible, bro. Haven't seen Pete lately have we? No. Probably because he's fresh otta defense for his radical party, but doesn't have the balls to come here and say anything. He just HATES our president and everything conservative, patriotic and/or nationalistic... because that's what conservatives are and stand for, and he's been indoctrinated to RESIST, just like all the rest of his moron brethren.