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05-30-2019, 01:25 PM
“They made him very ill by refusing him ANY access to life sustaining fresh air, exercise, sun/VitD or proper medical care for 6 YEARS of illegal Embassy detention,” she tweeted at the United Nations Twitter account. “Then against ALL medical advice threw him into a prison cell.”

So Assange voluntarily enters the embassy for protection. He had access to a balcony at minimum that allowed for fresh air. I would assume the place had windows somewhere too. Exercise? Hell, plenty of space to do that on your own. Many people simply do pushups, pullups, situps & all kinds of other exercises to stay in shape. Did he really expect people to wait on him hand and foot, bring in doctors and make his life as pleasant as possible? I don't think so. Then he ends up in jail, and he and others are upset that it's not up to his liking. And his medical needs are currently being tended to. Instead of facing his accusers and defending himself, he CHOSE to hide instead. There are consequences for that.


Mother of Julian Assange: ‘The UK Gov is Unlawfully Slowly Killing My Son!’

Christine Assange, the mother of imprisoned WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, says that the UK government is killing her son.

Mrs. Assange’s statement comes amid news that the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize nominee is so gravely ill that he has been moved to the prison’s medical unit and cannot even hold a normal conversation with his lawyers.

Responding to the news of Julian’s deteriorating health, Mrs. Assange tweeted that the “UK Gov is unlawfully slowly killing my son!”

“They made him very ill by refusing him ANY access to life sustaining fresh air, exercise, sun/VitD or proper medical care for 6 YEARS of illegal Embassy detention,” she tweeted at the United Nations Twitter account. “Then against ALL medical advice threw him into a prison cell.”

Mrs. Assange quote tweeted a statement issued by WikiLeaks on Wednesday, asserting that during his seven weeks in Belmarsh prison his health has “continued to deteriorate and he has dramatically lost weight.”

The WikiLeaks statement explained that the United Nations has twice found him to have been arbitrarily detained and called on the United Kingdom to honor its commitments under international law and free him. “The UK’s refusal to abide by UN rulings, and its subsequent treatment of Mr. Assange since his arrest, presents serious questions about the UK’s standing as a human rights-abiding nation,” the statement read. “In his last year in the embassy, as the US finalized its extraditions plans, Julian Assange was, at the bequest of US authorities, totally isolated and gagged – a situation designed to make his life as hard as possible.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/mother-of-julian-assange-the-uk-gov-is-unlawfully-slowly-killing-my-son/

05-30-2019, 03:18 PM
So Assange voluntarily enters the embassy for protection. He had access to a balcony at minimum that allowed for fresh air. I would assume the place had windows somewhere too. Exercise? Hell, plenty of space to do that on your own. Many people simply do pushups, pullups, situps & all kinds of other exercises to stay in shape. Did he really expect people to wait on him hand and foot, bring in doctors and make his life as pleasant as possible? I don't think so. Then he ends up in jail, and he and others are upset that it's not up to his liking. And his medical needs are currently being tended to. Instead of facing his accusers and defending himself, he CHOSE to hide instead. There are consequences for that.


Mother of Julian Assange: ‘The UK Gov is Unlawfully Slowly Killing My Son!’

Christine Assange, the mother of imprisoned WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, says that the UK government is killing her son.

Mrs. Assange’s statement comes amid news that the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize nominee is so gravely ill that he has been moved to the prison’s medical unit and cannot even hold a normal conversation with his lawyers.

Responding to the news of Julian’s deteriorating health, Mrs. Assange tweeted that the “UK Gov is unlawfully slowly killing my son!”

“They made him very ill by refusing him ANY access to life sustaining fresh air, exercise, sun/VitD or proper medical care for 6 YEARS of illegal Embassy detention,” she tweeted at the United Nations Twitter account. “Then against ALL medical advice threw him into a prison cell.”

Mrs. Assange quote tweeted a statement issued by WikiLeaks on Wednesday, asserting that during his seven weeks in Belmarsh prison his health has “continued to deteriorate and he has dramatically lost weight.”

The WikiLeaks statement explained that the United Nations has twice found him to have been arbitrarily detained and called on the United Kingdom to honor its commitments under international law and free him. “The UK’s refusal to abide by UN rulings, and its subsequent treatment of Mr. Assange since his arrest, presents serious questions about the UK’s standing as a human rights-abiding nation,” the statement read. “In his last year in the embassy, as the US finalized its extraditions plans, Julian Assange was, at the bequest of US authorities, totally isolated and gagged – a situation designed to make his life as hard as possible.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/mother-of-julian-assange-the-uk-gov-is-unlawfully-slowly-killing-my-son/

Totally nuts.

OK, then. So, throughout Assange's six year chosen stay in the Ecuadorian Embassy, the UK's authorities - overriding Ecuador's own wishes ? - had total control over Assange's access to that balcony, the one he appeared at .. ? Did they search all packages received at that embassy, even diplomatic pouches, to make totally sure that nobody had any chance of sending Assange any so-called 'desperately needed' vitamin D tablets ??

Well, I have my doubts !! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

We have no specific evidence that Assange is either suffering nor is under physical threat, much less is anything like 'mortally ill'. Any protests emanate from those motivated to support him, by whatever means they choose.

The UK administers no Middle Eastern jail 'hellholes'. That's propagandist fantasy. And, that's all I need say.

05-30-2019, 04:10 PM
I worked in a prison, a maximum security prison, and those cells are freakin' small, like 6'x10', and even the bed was a raised cement slab with a thin little mattress on it, and for sunlight there's just a tiny little opaque skylight, and they only get out of that cell for 1 hour a day for exercise. I'm pretty sure his stay in the embassy was MUCH better than THAT.

Her rant is ridiculous.


When I started work at that prison in 1999 it was still under construction and didn't even have inmates yet. It was called the Supermax, for supermaximum security, for the worst of the worst hardened criminals. It's changed it's name and mission since, and it's been built on to.


05-31-2019, 12:02 AM
For the exercise part...cannot hand him a jump rope unsupervised.

He made his own bed...now has to wallow in it.