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View Full Version : Trump approval rating hits highest level in 2 years

05-31-2019, 02:33 PM
Rasmussen also has him at 48%. Mostly attributed to the economy. But imagine the numbers if folks in congress did their jobs? I've listed many times the endless things he is up against and yet he still produces, much to the hatred of some.

And while so so many on the left, and in the media and online, all claim that folks need jobs and blah blah blah. Meanwhile, the unemployment is at its lowest level in 50 years.


Trump approval rating hits highest level in 2 years

President Donald Trump’s approval rating reached its highest level in two years, according to a new poll from Harvard CAPS/Harris, which suggests in its analysis that consumer confidence in the economy is likely a contributing factor.

Forty-eight percent of voters surveyed said they approve of the job Trump is doing as president, which is the highest approval rating captured by the Harvard poll since June 2017. Trump’s disapproval rating was just slightly higher at 52 percent, as first reported by The Hill.

The survey, which was conducted between May 29 and 30, notes that the good economy could be spurring the relatively high approval rating. Fifty-nine percent of respondents said they approve of Trump’s handling of the economy, while a record 62 percent said they approve of his approach to employment.

A stunning 71 percent of voters viewed the economy as “strong” or “very strong.”

“People’s views on the economy are gradually pushing Trump’s numbers up and his actions on other issues like China and immigration are neutral to positive,” Mark Penn, the c0-director of the Harvard poll, said.

The Department of Labor reported in its April jobs report that the unemployment rate fell to 3.6 percent and the economy added 263,000 jobs, making March the 103rd consecutive month of job growth. The unemployment rate was at its lowest level in 50 years.
