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View Full Version : Hillary & Chelsea to create Hollywood production company

05-31-2019, 02:37 PM
Too funny. 2 idiots. And I'm sure they'll be loved and embraced by Hollywood.


The New Grift: Hillary, Chelsea Clinton Plan to Create a Hollywood Production Company

The Clintons are on the move and finding new ways to grift — and perhaps launder money.

Books, Clinton Foundation and speeches have generally been the Clintons’ way to launder money and peddle influence.

Now they are planning on creating a Hollywood production company.

According to Bloomberg, twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea are creating a Hollywood production company that “plan to focus on stories by and about women.”

This is just a new way for Communists in DC to continue to push their radical left-wing agenda after they leave government jobs.

The Obamas also signed on with Netflix to produce radical, anti-American films and control policy by threatening states like Georgia over abortion laws.

Hillary Clinton should be in an orange jumpsuit, not producing Hollywood films.


05-31-2019, 03:11 PM

05-31-2019, 03:49 PM
They could name it Bullshit Productions and hire Bill and Joe Biden as talent directors, it would be like Harvey Weinstein never left.

06-01-2019, 07:05 AM
Cartoon Network?