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06-03-2019, 02:49 PM
So Nikoh ran way last night. We got her back within 15 minutes but the damage was done.

Now typing this with just my right hand has a cast from my wrist beyond my elbow.

I ran across the street after her as i was afraid of losing her. Across the street is a grassy field part of the apartment complex that starts there. When you get to the other side you go down a small embankment about 10-12 feet or so. And it had rained, so my ass went out from under me. By instinct I caught mt fall with left hand/wrist/arm... it felt like it snapped in half, and I also had my head hit and bounce pretty hard off the ground. Not a pretty sight to see a 50yr old chasing his dog and falling squarely on his ass. The pain was beyond incredible and still is.

I think I may have had a concussion as i later got a terrible headache and threw up. And my arm still hurt worse. So off to urgent care a bit ago as the pain became too unbearable. 4 xrays later and apparently 2 small fractures. This seems and feels like a real cast but the doc said to immediately see the orthopedic doctor elsewhere for full real cast. And he gave me nothing for the pain but i also chickened out in asking, didn't want to come off as drug seeker. and now i suffer. :(

He gave me copies of the xrays, the temp cast/splint to holdover and out the door. Wife is at work and i cant drive with one arm. place was about 2 minutes from home but took me like 10 driving with one arm and was feeling a bit unsafe. now how the hell i get relief? how do i shower? couldnt sleep from pain.

i hate me right now, what a dumbass i am!

06-03-2019, 03:20 PM
So Nikoh ran way last night. We got her back within 15 minutes but the damage was done.

Now typing this with just my right hand has a cast from my wrist beyond my elbow.

I ran across the street after her as i was afraid of losing her. Across the street is a grassy field part of the apartment complex that starts there. When you get to the other side you go down a small embankment about 10-12 feet or so. And it had rained, so my ass went out from under me. By instinct I caught mt fall with left hand/wrist/arm... it felt like it snapped in half, and I also had my head hit and bounce pretty hard off the ground. Not a pretty sight to see a 50yr old chasing his dog and falling squarely on his ass. The pain was beyond incredible and still is.

I think I may have had a concussion as i later got a terrible headache and threw up. And my arm still hurt worse. So off to urgent care a bit ago as the pain became too unbearable. 4 xrays later and apparently 2 small fractures. This seems and feels like a real cast but the doc said to immediately see the orthopedic doctor elsewhere for full real cast. And he gave me nothing for the pain but i also chickened out in asking, didn't want to come off as drug seeker. and now i suffer. :(

He gave me copies of the xrays, the temp cast/splint to holdover and out the door. Wife is at work and i cant drive with one arm. place was about 2 minutes from home but took me like 10 driving with one arm and was feeling a bit unsafe. now how the hell i get relief? how do i shower? couldnt sleep from pain.

i hate me right now, what a dumbass i am!

I'm sorry. That sounds horrible.

06-03-2019, 03:22 PM
Until you get to an ortho, pop some Tylenol, keep the arm elevated, and put an ice bag inside your elbow.

To shower, cover it with a plastic bag sealed with medical or athletic tape.

Been there, done that with a broken hand and a broken thumb.

06-03-2019, 03:39 PM
I'm sorry. That sounds horrible.

It really is. I'm no wuss and initially didn't even want medical care. But the pain got THAT bad.

Until you get to an ortho, pop some Tylenol, keep the arm elevated, and put an ice bag inside your elbow.

To shower, cover it with a plastic bag sealed with medical or athletic tape.

Been there, done that with a broken hand and a broken thumb.

I have tons of regular meds, but also a leftover bottle of 800mg ibuprofen i just found. Waiting on wife's ok before I swallow a dozen of them.

06-03-2019, 04:12 PM
Here i am in all my misery. Didn't even call ortho yet, too much pain. You can see it in my eyes, and notice that it hurts so bad that its making even my face sweat. :(


Abbey Marie
06-03-2019, 04:30 PM
Sorry Jim!
I once broke my arm from just below shoulder to elbow in a “spiral” break. I knew immediately because it felt like my arm was completely disconnected from me. I had surgery the next morning, and it was a rough night before since I cannot handle pain meds at all. I will just throw up as soon as I feel them, even via IV.

I would take baths with the arm out of the water for now.
I’m actually more concerned about your head injury.

My friend had a Husky who regularly ran away. I don’t know if it’s a breed thing.

Hope you get pain relief soon.

06-03-2019, 05:04 PM
Dang... that all sounds horrible. Yeah I'm with Abbey, if that headache doesn't go away, I think I'd go to urgent care and tell them you hit your head real bad. I recently had a friend die, I think I mentioned this, on his Harley trike. Some dumbass farmer was going to beat him across the highway with his tractor and wagon and didn't, and he hit the wagon. He'd be alive today had he been wearing a helmet. He banged up a couple things but actually pretty minor, but he hit his head, no helmet, and died from swelling of the brain. So it's no joke, and you really can't gauge it by yourself.

I get 60 .5mg oxycodone a month. I've read much about the subject of addiction, and that isn't even enough to become addicted, but I'm damn glad the VA gives me that. It's the only thing they've ever given me that put a dent in my pain. I know it makes some people sick, Abbey, and some people just hate the way it makes them feel, my sister, but I love it. It's like Curly Bill in the movie Tombstone when he comes walking out of the opium den and says... "I feel.... capitol" ... ;) I'd ask for something stronger than Tylenol III or Ibuprofen for pain.

Take care of yourself, man.

Abbey Marie
06-03-2019, 05:15 PM
Dang... that all sounds horrible. Yeah I'm with Abbey, if that headache doesn't go away, I think I'd go to urgent care and tell them you hit your head real bad. I recently had a friend die, I think I mentioned this, on his Harley trike. Some dumbass farmer was going to beat him across the highway with his tractor and wagon and didn't, and he hit the wagon. He'd be alive today had he been wearing a helmet. He banged up a couple things but actually pretty minor, but he hit his head, no helmet, and died from swelling of the brain. So it's no joke, and you really can't gauge it by yourself.

I get 60 .5mg oxycodone a month. I've read much about the subject of addiction, and that isn't even enough to become addicted, but I'm damn glad the VA gives me that. It's the only thing they've ever given me that put a dent in my pain. I know it makes some people sick, Abbey, and some people just hate the way it makes them feel, my sister, but I love it. It's like Curly Bill in the movie Tombstone when he comes walking out of the opium den and says... "I feel.... capitol" ... ;) I'd ask for something stronger than Tylenol III or Ibuprofen for pain.

Take care of yourself, man.

Yeah, I also don’t like the way it makes my head feel all fuzzy and weird. Same reason I don’t like VR I guess. I like dead straight reality too much. Except when I don’t, and then there’s always some wine or a Manhattan, lol.

06-03-2019, 05:32 PM
geezus Jim.... :( Can I send you a get-well package from here? Candy? Chocolate? whatever?

06-03-2019, 05:53 PM
Yeah, I also don’t like the way it makes my head feel all fuzzy and weird. Same reason I don’t like VR I guess. I like dead straight reality too much. Except when I don’t, and then there’s always some wine or a Manhattan, lol.
Odd it makes your head feel fuzzy and weird. There's really nothing psychotropic in it. But, I can understand how the physical effects on someone could make their brain react to their body. Oxycodone has never made my head feel different, just my body. In it's purest form that I get now, just a tiny little white oxycodone pill, no acetaminophen like in Percocet or Hydrocodones, I call it my "pill cocaine," because aside from working great on pain, it makes me feel all full of energy, almost euphoric. I go like crazy getting stuff done when I take it. That's why I stay away from taking it too late in the afternoon, it'll keep me awake come bedtime. I can't sleep on it.

06-03-2019, 05:54 PM
It really is. I'm no wuss and initially didn't even want medical care. But the pain got THAT bad.

I have tons of regular meds, but also a leftover bottle of 800mg ibuprofen i just found. Waiting on wife's ok before I swallow a dozen of them.

A dozen of them may be far too much, unless that was sarcasm!

I had 250mg Vicodin for two knee operations and dental surgery. It did not even phase me or take the
edge off the pain, but Tylenol III did.

PS...try the elevation and ice bag. That really helps.

06-03-2019, 06:35 PM
geezus Jim.... :( Can I send you a get-well package from here? Candy? Chocolate? whatever?
Can I get one of those without falling down and hurting myself, Darin?

Abbey Marie
06-03-2019, 07:42 PM
geezus Jim.... :( Can I send you a get-well package from here? Candy? Chocolate? whatever?

Aww that’s sweet, D.


06-03-2019, 11:01 PM
Very sorry to learn of all this, Jim. If nothing else, you could certainly do without the pain involved.

Happens to the best of us, though ...

I went through my own experience of an arm fracture, around 3 decades ago, and it was entirely my fault. Rushing to get a train, I ran across a road, not caring that a bus was bearing down on me. It hit me (we're talking double-decker London bus) ... knocked me down, & was unconscious for around 5 minutes. Luckily for me, it was at a bus station, so traffic was easily stopped.

Anyway, I woke up, was taken to hospital, and was told I'd fractured my left arm in six places, the worst of them being my elbow, where the joint had been crushed. So ... all this took seven weeks to heal before the arm could be used again, with a metal pin taking the place of much of the elbow's bone mass ... attached to a metal rod running down almost the length of the arm, all inserted internally.

The complete recovery process took just under a year, when all the hardware was surgically removed. I recovered almost all of the joint's original mobility, though I couldn't completely straighten my arm (and physiotherapy was needed to rebuild muscle strength, and to compensate for damaged muscle fibre). I never have been able to, since.

Interestingly .. I've also a small patch of my face where sensation in it has never recovered ... an area the size of a pea, sensation-dead. Though to look at me, you'd be hard-pressed to discern any abnormality (ugly features notwithstanding ...:rolleyes:).

... All 'jolly fun', eh ! I was lucky, as I escaped my experience almost pain-free throughout. Shows that you can never know what surprises life may give you, though, from one day's end to the next.

Anyway, you'll recover. It'll all seem like a minor blip in your life, eventually (as mine did). 'Chin up', as they say in my part of the world. Best wishes.

06-04-2019, 03:39 AM
Can I get one of those without falling down and hurting myself, Darin?

Yes. Absolutely. Send your address :D

06-04-2019, 05:13 AM
Sorry to hear that.

The Army guy in me wants to scream "Suck it up and ruck on!!" but having been there under similar circumstances (but for different reasons) my advice would be "Go get that cast!" and have your head checked while you are at it.

06-04-2019, 09:54 AM
Ouchtown population you bro. Feel better.

06-04-2019, 11:54 AM
damn dude, this sucks to hear! Get well fast and glad you got the dog back! That is scary! Def get the head checked out. Almost certainly a concussion and that is no joke. When you throw up it means it's bad.

06-04-2019, 12:02 PM
Has anyone heard from Jim in the last 24-36 hours?

06-04-2019, 12:09 PM
Has anyone heard from Jim in the last 24-36 hours?

If my math doesn't fail me, he was posting after the fall, less than 24 hours ago.

06-04-2019, 12:12 PM
If my math doesn't fail me, he was posting after the fall, less than 24 hours ago.
I know the head thing can manifest into a problem a week or later after it happened with brain swelling. I just do hope he did get that checked out.

I suppose if he got a whole cast put on, typing is going to be a pain too.

06-04-2019, 12:47 PM
I know the head thing can manifest into a problem a week or later after it happened with brain swelling. I just do hope he did get that checked out.

I suppose if he got a whole cast put on, typing is going to be a pain too.

I agree, the head bump, especially after vomiting needed to be check out.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-04-2019, 04:22 PM
Sorry to hear of your injury my friend. Having myself once had a similar injury long ago, I know that
the pain can be quite intense, agonizing and worrisome. Yet one must be careful not to let using the pain killers become an addiction.
As that is the greater danger of this type of injury. One that must be known and adequately guarded against my friend.
God bless and heal and protect you.....

06-04-2019, 05:39 PM
so barely slept last night as the pain was terrible. kept rolling around looking for a better position for my arm. Miserable by this morning. I couldn't get an appt with an ortho no matter what. Went back to urgent care and he said go to hospital asap to see ortho as it may need surgery. Its broken from one side of the bone all the way through. Hospital put cast on it and confirmed surgery 'may' be necessary, but gotta wear cast for few weeks before he decides. Still nothing for pain. Guy that helped me said tell the folks at the desk when done. Then that guy tells me to take 600mg ibuprofen aka 3 advils. no prescription to help and nothing there. just go home and take advil as needed. told him i already have 800mg ibuprofen at home and it didn't help. few mins later he tells me to take 3 advil when i get home. I get their concerns and all but one night of pain relievers alone would have been nice. or hell, something for the pain while i was there for hours for that fact.

I gotta wait on pain a little and get used to having a cast before i can type. Still just my right for now as typing with left fingers hurts like hell. I appreciate the words from everyone though!!

06-04-2019, 07:08 PM
so barely slept last night as the pain was terrible. kept rolling around looking for a better position for my arm. Miserable by this morning. I couldn't get an appt with an ortho no matter what. Went back to urgent care and he said go to hospital asap to see ortho as it may need surgery. Its broken from one side of the bone all the way through. Hospital put cast on it and confirmed surgery 'may' be necessary, but gotta wear cast for few weeks before he decides. Still nothing for pain. Guy that helped me said tell the folks at the desk when done. Then that guy tells me to take 600mg ibuprofen aka 3 advils. no prescription to help and nothing there. just go home and take advil as needed. told him i already have 800mg ibuprofen at home and it didn't help. few mins later he tells me to take 3 advil when i get home. I get their concerns and all but one night of pain relievers alone would have been nice. or hell, something for the pain while i was there for hours for that fact.

I gotta wait on pain a little and get used to having a cast before i can type. Still just my right for now as typing with left fingers hurts like hell. I appreciate the words from everyone though!!
Unbelievable they didn't give you ANYTHING for pain, that they only recommended a couple OTC pain pills FOR A BROKEN ARM. That's just unreal. They have to be absolutely freaked out unreasonable over this oxycodone melt down. I feel really sorry for ya, brother. They SHOULD have given you something.

Anyway... I hope the head feels better, and we don't have to worry about that.

06-05-2019, 04:56 PM
Another day checking in. Reading along but not up to much posting or typing. Did a lot of 3 hour spurts of sleeping since last night, then I wake, up for a bit with ibuprofen and then try again. Now I'm tired.

06-05-2019, 05:04 PM
Another day checking in. Reading along but not up to much posting or typing. Did a lot of 3 hour spurts of sleeping since last night, then I wake, up for a bit with ibuprofen and then try again. Now I'm tired.
What a crappy time, bro. I'm sure the first week or two is going to be hell.

We're pullin' for ya though, man. Hang in there.

06-06-2019, 05:56 PM
So today went to orthopedic surgeon who did my elbow surgery. More xrays and more twisting of my arm. :rolleyes:

He said no surgery, thankfully, and should heal nicely. Said it was still swelled so left cast 'cut'. Next week go back and the cast closed and reinforced. He gave me anti-inflammatory, which he said he was surprised neither place gave me, and also little 5mg hydrocodone. I don't even care, they will help, and i told him i only wanted 3 days worth - to keep my ass honest.

Got special sleeves arriving tomorrow so i can shower and bathe properly. :2up:

06-06-2019, 06:04 PM
so barely slept last night as the pain was terrible. kept rolling around looking for a better position for my arm. Miserable by this morning. I couldn't get an appt with an ortho no matter what. Went back to urgent care and he said go to hospital asap to see ortho as it may need surgery. Its broken from one side of the bone all the way through. Hospital put cast on it and confirmed surgery 'may' be necessary, but gotta wear cast for few weeks before he decides. Still nothing for pain. Guy that helped me said tell the folks at the desk when done. Then that guy tells me to take 600mg ibuprofen aka 3 advils. no prescription to help and nothing there. just go home and take advil as needed. told him i already have 800mg ibuprofen at home and it didn't help. few mins later he tells me to take 3 advil when i get home. I get their concerns and all but one night of pain relievers alone would have been nice. or hell, something for the pain while i was there for hours for that fact.

I gotta wait on pain a little and get used to having a cast before i can type. Still just my right for now as typing with left fingers hurts like hell. I appreciate the words from everyone though!!

To save you some trouble. I believe Google Chrome has an APP that you can TALK, and it will type what you are saying. That can save you the agony of only using One hand. Just a thought. DO AS THE DOC SAYS.....PROMISE!

06-06-2019, 07:03 PM
So today went to orthopedic surgeon who did my elbow surgery. More xrays and more twisting of my arm. :rolleyes:

He said no surgery, thankfully, and should heal nicely. Said it was still swelled so left cast 'cut'. Next week go back and the cast closed and reinforced. He gave me anti-inflammatory, which he said he was surprised neither place gave me, and also little 5mg hydrocodone. I don't even care, they will help, and i told him i only wanted 3 days worth - to keep my ass honest.

Got special sleeves arriving tomorrow so i can shower and bathe properly. :2up:
Glad you got something for swelling and pain. With the cast cut and anti-inflammatory, the pain will be more manageable hopefully.

Thinking of you.

06-06-2019, 07:49 PM
Jim, I still advise elevation and an ice bag, or bag of frozen peas around the elbow.

Also, in regard to the head, I had a few concussions. Dark glasses will help lessen the effect of bright lights and glare.

06-06-2019, 08:00 PM
Google Chrome has the app VOICENOTE II Voice to Text. Haven't tried it, but it might help. Go to GOOGLE CHROME, type apps.

06-07-2019, 04:44 PM
Ahhh, the little things in life that I miss already! :laugh:

The ease in the way one takes care of themselves when done in the bathroom. Being able to put deodorant or soap or anything in my right armpit, using my right hand. Don't work that way! So I tried gently with my left hand, NO WAY, too much pain. But I get 'er done in the end.

Combing and putting gel in your hair? LOL

Getting your normal 10 cups of java a day - and figuring out how to get that heavy mug back upstairs with one hand and 2 doors!


Hell, eating, unless it was the pizza I had, that wasn't bad at all.

Get dressed? Surely you jest! Underwear takes awhile. Socks take forever, nearly impossible with one hand, so HAVE to guide with the left a little. No pain, no gain. :( Loose fitting t-shirts aren't bad. And it's been only my larger sized sweatpants since. Oh, and slippers, I just looked at and laughed at my sneakers and boots.

Couldn't open a medicine bottle, not even close with the pain. I take medications as it is, so had to have the kiddo open every bottle for me and I just left them open for now.

You get the point. I'm finding out that a limb is kinda important to have!!!

06-07-2019, 04:54 PM
Ahhh, the little things in life that I miss already! :laugh:

The ease in the way one takes care of themselves when done in the bathroom. Being able to put deodorant or soap or anything in my right armpit, using my right hand. Don't work that way! So I tried gently with my left hand, NO WAY, too much pain. But I get 'er done in the end.

Combing and putting gel in your hair? LOL

Getting your normal 10 cups of java a day - and figuring out how to get that heavy mug back upstairs with one hand and 2 doors!


Hell, eating, unless it was the pizza I had, that wasn't bad at all.

Get dressed? Surely you jest! Underwear takes awhile. Socks take forever, nearly impossible with one hand, so HAVE to guide with the left a little. No pain, no gain. :( Loose fitting t-shirts aren't bad. And it's been only my larger sized sweatpants since. Oh, and slippers, I just looked at and laughed at my sneakers and boots.

Couldn't open a medicine bottle, not even close with the pain. I take medications as it is, so had to have the kiddo open every bottle for me and I just left them open for now.

You get the point. I'm finding out that a limb is kinda important to have!!!

I feel your pain, damn shoulder is still not 100%. Back when it was horrid! Hope you're better super quick!

06-07-2019, 05:12 PM
I feel your pain, damn shoulder is still not 100%. Back when it was horrid! Hope you're better super quick!

Well, at least pain is more manageable today, and therefore I am trying to type a tad. I said I would limit myself to 30 minutes, but here I am. :)

06-07-2019, 05:23 PM
Well, at least pain is more manageable today, and therefore I am trying to type a tad. I said I would limit myself to 30 minutes, but here I am. :)

Yeah, I always found a way to type. How's the swelling/pain, are the meds doing their thing?

06-07-2019, 05:29 PM
Yeah, I always found a way to type. How's the swelling/pain, are the meds doing their thing?

Swelling seems gone and pain much better!

Amazing what FINALLY an anti-inflammatory and pain med will do when you're suffering!!

06-07-2019, 07:23 PM
Wow, sorry to hear about this, Jim! That must have been an intense pain level, what with the compound fracture and the blow to the head. And I recall that the worst thing about broken bones is just how constant the pain stays.

Feel better, and stick with the non-opioid pain pills, which it sound like you already know.

You will be in our prayers.

- Russ

06-07-2019, 07:25 PM
By the way, when Abbey broke her arm and I took her to the hospital, you should have seen the looks I was getting from the hospital staff! :p

06-07-2019, 07:25 PM
Wow, sorry to hear about this, Jim! That must have been an intense pain level, what with the compound fracture and the blow to the head. And I recall that the worst thing about broken bones is just how constant the pain stays.

Feel better, and stick with the non-opioid pain pills, which it sound like you already know.

You will be in our prayers.

- Russ

Oh, no compound fracture... isn't that when the bone comes through the skin? I would have robbed a pharmacy if that were the break I had!!

Thanks, Russ!!

06-07-2019, 07:29 PM
By the way, when Abbey broke her arm and I took her to the hospital, you should have seen the looks I was getting from the hospital staff! :p
Spiral fractures will do that! When there's abuse, that's the usual type. Glad they cleared you! ;)

Abbey Marie
06-07-2019, 11:15 PM
Ahhh, the little things in life that I miss already! :laugh:

The ease in the way one takes care of themselves when done in the bathroom. Being able to put deodorant or soap or anything in my right armpit, using my right hand. Don't work that way! So I tried gently with my left hand, NO WAY, too much pain. But I get 'er done in the end.

Combing and putting gel in your hair? LOL

Getting your normal 10 cups of java a day - and figuring out how to get that heavy mug back upstairs with one hand and 2 doors!


Hell, eating, unless it was the pizza I had, that wasn't bad at all.

Get dressed? Surely you jest! Underwear takes awhile. Socks take forever, nearly impossible with one hand, so HAVE to guide with the left a little. No pain, no gain. :( Loose fitting t-shirts aren't bad. And it's been only my larger sized sweatpants sincere. Oh, and slippers, I just looked at and laughed at my sneakers and boots.

Couldn't open a medicine bottle, not even close with the pain. I take medications as it is, so had to have the kiddo open every bottle for me and I just left them open for now.
O way
You get the point. I'm finding out that a limb is kinda important to have!!!

I had Russ dress me before he left for work. No way I could button a top. I wore huge men’s button down shirts and left the broken arm out of the sleeve.
The funniest was him trying to put my hair in a ponytail. He just couldn’t do it, lol. And he carried my stuff downstairs for me and set me up on the couch for the morning.

Abbey Marie
06-07-2019, 11:18 PM
Spiral fractures will do that! When there's abuse, that's the usual type. Glad they cleared you! ;)

Me too!

06-07-2019, 11:18 PM
Me too!

06-08-2019, 09:30 AM
Figured I would hijack my own thread and post about sunglasses! It kinda OT as I did first take a picture of my cast. Anyway, wifey went to some kind of work function with another company, and they gave her free Ray Ban's, which she gave to me!! They are the Aviator version. I love my sunglasses but always think I look weird with them on. Nevermind the head behind them, thoughts on that style sunglasses??

Here's the dumb cast, probably shouldn't drive like this. :)


And a better pic of the new glasses.


06-08-2019, 09:31 AM
And YES, always with my L5 Alaska hat on, advertising where no one can go. :) And especially now. Should have seen me yesterday after I did my hair after the shower. Needless to say, on went the hat pretty quick. :)

Abbey Marie
06-08-2019, 11:14 AM
Everyone looks cool in Aviators.
Nice perk for your wife, btw.

And no, you probably should not drive that way!

Did they offer surgery as an option?

06-08-2019, 11:50 AM
Everyone looks cool in Aviators.
Nice perk for your wife, btw.

And no, you probably should not drive that way!

Did they offer surgery as an option?

Thank God no surgery necessary the orthpedic told me. I'll be getting the cast fully closed on the 13th and then 4 weeks like that.

Wifey gets a lot of cool stuff for me over the years! Shirts galore, sunglasses, ton of battery chargers for cells, a portable projector from Brookstone, a lot of food and candy! It's when she gets the electronics when I speak up. She even came home with a 37" TV once, but she won that one at a similar function. Oh, a set of golf clubs she got I believe. Couldn't take for myself as they are/were lefty, which she is.

Abbey Marie
06-08-2019, 12:00 PM
Thank God no surgery necessary the orthpedic told me. I'll be getting the cast fully closed on the 13th and then 4 weeks like that.

Wifey gets a lot of cool stuff for me over the years! Shirts galore, sunglasses, ton of battery chargers for cells, a portable projector from Brookstone, a lot of food and candy! It's when she gets the electronics when I speak up. She even came home with a 37" TV once, but she won that one at a similar function. Oh, a set of golf clubs she got I believe. Couldn't take for myself as they are/were lefty, which she is.

Does she work in the City?

When I worked at 30 Rock for Chemical Bank’s Trust division, I really didn’t get any stuff, unless a client gave it to me. One rich old widow once brought me back a Fendi bag from Capri. That was nice. But we did get to go to some very sweet cocktail parties and dinners. Tavern on the Green, Rainbow Room, Sotheby’s, Christie’s, etc. I’m glad I was young and cute enough to really enjoy it. Now I’d be like, I just want to get home, thanks though!

Those late nights when I couldn’t stay in the city, and ended up needing to go to Penn Station, or especially the Port Authority, were a trip.

06-08-2019, 01:03 PM
Does she work in the City?

When I worked at 30 Rock for Chemical Bank’s Trust division, I really didn’t get any stuff, unless a client gave it to me. One rich old widow once brought me back a Fendi bag from Capri. That was nice. But we did get to go to some very sweet cocktail parties and dinners. Tavern on the Green, Rainbow Room, Sotheby’s, Christie’s, etc. I’m glad I was young and cute enough to really enjoy it. Now I’d be like, I just want to get home, thanks though!

Those late nights when I couldn’t stay in the city, and ended up needing to go to Penn Station, or especially the Port Authority, were a trip.

Yup, at a large real estate company, commercial real estate. She's actually kinda a big deal in real estate, especially for a woman. She has set some records on deals made around NYC in various buildings they own. From Rock Center to I believe the Chrysler building, another huge one on 6th aka Avenue of the Americas, and really all over the place. She's busted her butt over the years and moved up the corporate ladder and is senior VP now. So she gets the better parties to go to, and the better gifts for me!! :) The downfall is long days and a lot of getting around for her.

06-08-2019, 01:05 PM
Tavern on the Green,

I was at our company party there one Christmas, and went to another companies party on the invite list. Both times, while I absolutely loved it there, I felt out of place. Fancy Shmancy and I get lost with all the mirrors!! :laugh:

06-08-2019, 01:09 PM
Didn't know this myself, just learned this about her company.

Says they are the second largest of their kind in the world. #1 is CBRE group.

06-08-2019, 04:36 PM
Everyone looks cool in Aviators.
I was going to say that... :thumb:

Abbey Marie
06-09-2019, 12:53 AM
Yup, at a large real estate company, commercial real estate. She's actually kinda a big deal in real estate, especially for a woman. She has set some records on deals made around NYC in various buildings they own. From Rock Center to I believe the Chrysler building, another huge one on 6th aka Avenue of the Americas, and really all over the place. She's busted her butt over the years and moved up the corporate ladder and is senior VP now. So she gets the better parties to go to, and the better gifts for me!! :) The downfall is long days and a lot of getting around for her.

Did she ever work a deal with Trump? Or if not, know much about him pre-Presidential run?

06-09-2019, 07:21 AM
Did she ever work a deal with Trump? Or if not, know much about him pre-Presidential run?

She has sat in on a few meetings with him in attendance for deals, but he isn't really one who deals with that much more. She also dealt more with one of the kids she said, and like them more.

I once walked along inside the Trump Building at 58th & 5th where I worked with him - he just didn't know it. :) He had a LOT of large men with him, assuming bodyguards of some sort, and that was not long after he got with Melania. :)

06-09-2019, 07:29 AM
I stand corrected - for 3 years she worked with a building he owned, and therefore saw him more than I was aware.

Abbey Marie
06-09-2019, 06:24 PM
I stand corrected - for 3 years she worked with a building he owned, and therefore saw him more than I was aware.

Did she think well of him?

06-10-2019, 09:07 AM
So Nikoh ran way last night. We got her back within 15 minutes but the damage was done.

Now typing this with just my right hand has a cast from my wrist beyond my elbow.

I ran across the street after her as i was afraid of losing her. Across the street is a grassy field part of the apartment complex that starts there. When you get to the other side you go down a small embankment about 10-12 feet or so. And it had rained, so my ass went out from under me. By instinct I caught mt fall with left hand/wrist/arm... it felt like it snapped in half, and I also had my head hit and bounce pretty hard off the ground. Not a pretty sight to see a 50yr old chasing his dog and falling squarely on his ass. The pain was beyond incredible and still is.

I think I may have had a concussion as i later got a terrible headache and threw up. And my arm still hurt worse. So off to urgent care a bit ago as the pain became too unbearable. 4 xrays later and apparently 2 small fractures. This seems and feels like a real cast but the doc said to immediately see the orthopedic doctor elsewhere for full real cast. And he gave me nothing for the pain but i also chickened out in asking, didn't want to come off as drug seeker. and now i suffer. :(

He gave me copies of the xrays, the temp cast/splint to holdover and out the door. Wife is at work and i cant drive with one arm. place was about 2 minutes from home but took me like 10 driving with one arm and was feeling a bit unsafe. now how the hell i get relief? how do i shower? couldnt sleep from pain.

i hate me right now, what a dumbass i am!I'm REALLY trying hard ... REALLY :). Putz :slap:

06-10-2019, 09:17 AM
I'm REALLY trying hard ... REALLY :). Putz :slap:

Ahhh, go ahead, I deserve it with this one for not thinking while running, but I would have run through traffic to get her back! Love my doggies. :)

06-10-2019, 09:25 AM
Losing the use of an arm SUCKS right down to the simplest crap. Shaving. I know you aren't a fan of that anyway, but imagine if you shaved your head too? Getting your balance. Ask Kath. Not sure where your arm is broken, but when it's your shoulder and you can't lift your arm?

Prepare for impact with the ground :laugh:

06-10-2019, 09:57 AM
Losing the use of an arm SUCKS right down to the simplest crap. Shaving. I know you aren't a fan of that anyway, but imagine if you shaved your head too? Getting your balance. Ask Kath. Not sure where your arm is broken, but when it's your shoulder and you can't lift your arm?

Prepare for impact with the ground :laugh:

I got a great electric razor that I'm gonna have to use, but it's not as good as a razor of course, but it'll do.

And yeah, I thought just me, I keep losing balance here and there, going up/down stairs... and keep dropping things, only little things thankfully.

I fell coming in from outside like 2 days ago and came about an inch from cracking my forehead open! Luckily instinct brought my right arm forward this time, and I didn't break it!! :)

06-10-2019, 10:18 AM
I got a great electric razor that I'm gonna have to use, but it's not as good as a razor of course, but it'll do.

And yeah, I thought just me, I keep losing balance here and there, going up/down stairs... and keep dropping things, only little things thankfully.

I fell coming in from outside like 2 days ago and came about an inch from cracking my forehead open! Luckily instinct brought my right arm forward this time, and I didn't break it!! :)Things you don't figure out until later:

I lost my balance and fell shoulder-first into the corner of a brick pillar on the front porch. It was when I first got out of the hospital so the 205 lbs of padding was replaced by 155 soaking wet of skin and bones. Bones with no padding hurt when they hit bricks. I couldn't use my left arm forever it seemed. I mean even raise it.

Once i got to rehabbing it and all the swelling had gone away I had a broken collar bone and torn muscle. I basically forced it back into working condition lifting weights and forcing it to keep up with my other shoulder. When it first happened, I couldn't even operate a wash rag properly,

Of course, I blame the whole thing on bad karma from Kathianne. Never had a problem until she decided to blow out her shoulder :)

06-10-2019, 10:24 AM
Things you don't figure out until later:

I lost my balance and fell shoulder-first into the corner of a brick pillar on the front porch. It was when I first got out of the hospital so the 205 lbs of padding was replaced by 155 soaking wet of skin and bones. Bones with no padding hurt when they hit bricks. I couldn't use my left arm forever it seemed. I mean even raise it.

Once i got to rehabbing it and all the swelling had gone away I had a broken collar bone and torn muscle. I basically forced it back into working condition lifting weights and forcing it to keep up with my other shoulder. When it first happened, I couldn't even operate a wash rag properly,

Of course, I blame the whole thing on bad karma from @Kathianne (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=8). Never had a problem until she decided to blow out her shoulder :)

06-13-2019, 12:40 PM
So back to the ortho today, sit waiting forever, then wait again in little room. Doc took 10 secs with me and then wait in little room again, and then finally someone came in to put the new cast on. Oh, almost forgot, in between, ANOTHER set of xrays! Man, sure hope most is covered, gonna be getting some big bills soon. :(

At least better color and no more ace bandage making it even thicker and cumbersome.


06-13-2019, 12:42 PM
So back to the ortho today, sit waiting forever, then wait again in little room. Doc took 10 secs with me and then wait in little room again, and then finally someone came in to put the new cast on. Oh, almost forgot, in between, ANOTHER set of xrays! Man, sure hope most is covered, gonna be getting some big bills soon. :(

At least better color and no more ace bandage making it even thicker and cumbersome.


Pretty purple! Get a flyswatter, new! Those things get itchy and by holding the 'swatter side' you can use the rounded side to itch! Much better than getting scratched by open hanger.

06-13-2019, 12:46 PM
Pretty purple! Get a flyswatter, new! Those things get itchy and by holding the 'swatter side' you can use the rounded side to itch! Much better than getting scratched by open hanger.

MUCH tighter this go 'round, so I hope I can still get to some of the itching!! I have a few tools. :)


06-13-2019, 12:50 PM
MUCH tighter this go 'round, so I hope I can still get to some of the itching!! I have a few tools. :)


Of those, seems the hanger is the one that would fit. If you can keep the end 'rounded,' should work! Hate itching!

06-13-2019, 01:04 PM
LOL @ Jim trying to pretend like the biggest hardship for him after breaking his arm is being unable to masturbate.

06-13-2019, 01:07 PM
LOL @ Jim trying to pretend like the biggest hardship for him after breaking his arm is being unable to masturbate.

I know I'm "ok" in that department, but dang, I don't need 2 hands to go wrestling!!! LOL

I'm righty and mostly good to go! :2up: