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View Full Version : MASSIVE PRO TRUMP Rally In London. You WON'T See This on the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING

06-04-2019, 12:28 PM

06-04-2019, 01:30 PM
If you don't care what foreigners think when they bitch about Trump, you probably shouldn't care what they think when they support Trump. I'm just saying.......

06-04-2019, 02:22 PM
The point of the thread isn't about caring what foreigners think about our president. The point is that you won't hear about the support President Trump does have in London from the democrat propaganda wing. They want you to believe everyone there hates him, just like they'd like you to believe everyone here hates him. They're liars and purveyors of fake news. We were led to believe that 250,000 anti Trump protesters were supposed to show up, and instead it was a tiny little insignificant fraction of that. But when more supporters showed up than ever expected, the democrat propaganda wing just lost all interest.


06-04-2019, 07:19 PM
The point of the thread isn't about caring what foreigners think about our president. The point is that you won't hear about the support President Trump does have in London from the democrat propaganda wing. They want you to believe everyone there hates him, just like they'd like you to believe everyone here hates him. They're liars and purveyors of fake news. We were led to believe that 250,000 anti Trump protesters were supposed to show up, and instead it was a tiny little insignificant fraction of that. But when more supporters showed up than ever expected, the democrat propaganda wing just lost all interest.


I see that the BBC has pride of place in that image. Yes - it's well deserved.

With the BBC ... it isn't so much that they don't report ... it's that they skew their reporting to serve their biases.

The BBC did, indeed, report that there were pro-Trump demonstrators. But they downplayed their numbers.

Trump was on record (the BBC reported this) as saying that sizeable anti-Trump demonstrating only consisted of small numbers of people. The BBC itself disputes that. As Trump would call it 'fake news', so, the BBC denies that it is.

But here's one interesting fact ... Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party leader, asked to speak to President Trump while he's here in the UK (the BBC called it 'an invitation issued by Jeremy Corbyn'). Trump refused him. This is something that Corbyn didn't admit was true ... he said nothing at all about his 'invitation' to the press ... and the first we heard about it was a full day later, i.e today.

Today, Corbyn attended an anti-Trump protest. He spoke passionately, with much vitriol, against Trump. It was probably the most fiery speech we've ever had from him ....

.... and, now we know why !! Sour grapes, because Trump had even refused to acknowledge Corbyn as worth talking to.

The ever power-hungry Corbyn obviously had his pride and ego knocked back by Trump's 'daring' not to take him seriously.

... everybody say 'aaahhhh' ...... :boohoo::boohoo::waaaah::waaaah::lol9::lol9:

06-04-2019, 07:25 PM
I see that the BBC has pride of place in that image. Yes - it's well deserved.

With the BBC ... it isn't so much that they don't report ... it's that they skew their reporting to serve their biases.

The BBC did, indeed, report that there were pro-Trump demonstrators. But they downplayed their numbers.

Trump was on record (the BBC reported this) as saying that sizeable anti-Trump demonstrating only consisted of small numbers of people. The BBC itself disputes that. As Trump would call it 'fake news', so, the BBC denies that it is.

But here's one interesting fact ... Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party leader, asked to speak to President Trump while he's here in the UK (the BBC called it 'an invitation issued by Jeremy Corbyn'). Trump refused him. This is something that Corbyn didn't admit was true ... he said nothing at all about his 'invitation' to the press ... and the first we heard about it was a full day later, i.e today.

Today, Corbyn attended an anti-Trump protest. He spoke passionately, with much vitriol, against Trump. It was probably the most fiery speech we've ever had from him ....

.... and, now we know why !! Sour grapes, because Trump had even refused to acknowledge Corbyn as worth talking to.

The ever power-hungry Corbyn obviously had his pride and ego knocked back by Trump's 'daring' not to take him seriously.

... everybody say 'aaahhhh' ...... :boohoo::boohoo::waaaah::waaaah::lol9::lol9:
Apparently CNN International is the only American (fake) news station you guys can get there, or at least that's what I keep hearing. Fox News pulled out of Britain in 2017 because they couldn't get an audience. I can understand that, as left as Europe has gone in the past couple decades. It's odd there's still patriots and decent people like you left there, Drummond, but surely a good thing.

06-04-2019, 07:32 PM
With apologies to STTAB .. who presumably won't care to view it ... here's Corbyn, speaking in Trafalgar Square (to around a thousand people, I reckon), giving a list in his speech of gripes he has about Trump's policies (dressed up as a pro-humanitarian stance, in true propagandist style ...)


06-04-2019, 07:43 PM
Apparently CNN International is the only American (fake) news station you guys can get there, or at least that's what I keep hearing. Fox News pulled out of Britain in 2017 because they couldn't get an audience. I can understand that, as left as Europe has gone in the past couple decades. It's odd there's still patriots and decent people like you left there, Drummond, but surely a good thing.

Spot on ... CNN is still viewable here, via Sky satellite, I think. Fox News ... you're correct. That, too, WAS viewable, but Sky ceased transmitting it. A pity ... I used to watch it myself. I regularly tuned to the 'O'Reilly Factor' and 'Hannity & Colmes'. I know Sean Hannity's broadcasts from it, and every now and again I still catch his radio broadcasts on the Internet (usually via WSB, Atlanta).

But, hey, though we can't watch stations such as Fox News, our authorities make sure certain overseas stations are VERY available. You don't even have to pay a package fee to see them ... our 'Freeview' terrestrial system carries their output, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in 'glorious' high definition.

It won't surprise you to know what stations they are.

I refer of course to 'RT' (Russia Today) .. and, surprise surprise, the English language version of .. Al Jazeera ....

06-04-2019, 08:10 PM
So, who's viewed Corbyn's speech ?

Note exactly how the speech was crafted. Note from it how expert a propagandist effort it was ... carrying through all I've described elsewhere concerning the methodology of those who want to 'terraform' public opinion to agree with them.

Corbyn - at an anti-Trump rally, don't forget - made an impassioned speech, detailing what he wanted to tag as 'decent human values', done in such a way as to make it all sound Utopianist and ultra-'decent'. This was the tone throughout.

The listener is expected to take it all on board, THEN, to reflect on Trump's actions with respect to it (i.e via interpretation of them). The very process of the listener to the speech making 'HIS OR HER' judgments, is the process by which Corbyn hopes to convince.

This, folks, is how true propaganda best succeeds. You give the target audience a bedrock of 'standards', so attractively packaged as to seem totally routed in what's 'right'. Then, you INFER that opposition must be 'wrong'. Consequently, the person intended for demonisation is demonised ... by the mind persuaded of the 'rightness of the cause'. Not overtly, by the speaker, not in so many words, BUT, by the target of the propagandist effort. The ones convinced.

From what I've seen, your Democrats oppose Trump more directly, making an attack discernible as exactly that. The likes of Corbyn do it rather more sneakily. They don't lead ... they persuade.

Attitude terraforming. Our Lefties are expert at it, and they've had generations to work at it.

06-04-2019, 08:25 PM
Interesting article ....


Pro and anti-Donald Trump protesters have clashed during a march from Trafalgar Square to Parliament in central London.

A small group of supporters of the US president found themselves surrounded by demonstrators in Whitehall.

Police intervened and pulled the pro-Trump group into a nearby pub for their own safety as cries of “Nazi scum off our streets” rang out.

They have since barricaded the small counter-protest group in the Lord Moon of the Mall pub as thousands of demonstrators continue to stream down Whitehall.

Police officers outside the pub told The Independent around 20 pro-Trump supporters are still being held inside and that the incident was the result of a “verbal disagreement”.

[The so-called 'Independent' was a newspaper known to be 'left-of centre' in its political biases, ever since the 2003 Iraq war. It was a newspaper producing daily print editions, but for some time, now, has only had an internet presence. Too few people would buy their newspapers to make their print versions of it a viable proposition ...]

06-05-2019, 05:05 AM
here's Corbyn, speaking in Trafalgar Square (to around a thousand people, I reckon)


A thousand people you reckon :laugh::laugh::laugh: you do know we have eyes, yeah?

06-05-2019, 06:29 AM
A thousand people you reckon :laugh::laugh::laugh: you do know we have eyes, yeah?

... @Noir (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=517) ....

Indeed I do. What's more, I have two of them myself !

.. OK. You're aware of where that rally was held ? Trafalgar Square, central London (actually WC2 area, I believe). How familiar are you with Trafalgar Square, Noir ?

Trafalgar Square was, when I worked in London, around 10 minutes' walk from my workplace. I've visited it literally hundreds of times. I know the size of the area, the fact that, in part, it's part of a traffic system, linking the Mall with the Strand, and Whitehall, and Northumberland Avenue.

So part of it consists of roads. It has main roads feeding into it, with busy traffic the 'norm' there. Check out Trafalgar Square on the 'streetmap.co.uk' website yourself, Noir, and judge this for yourself.

Part of it, sure, is available for pedestrians to congregate (rather more so, after the Leftie Ken Livingstone decided to deprive its pigeons of a food supply, courtesy of much kinder-hearted tourists who used to feed them). Multiples of thousands of people ?? ... sorry. That's just not feasible.

I think you'd find it difficult to cram many more than a thousand people in that Square, Noir. Not without having them spill out into the surrounding roads, anyway.

Yes, I do have eyes. What's more ... I have ears, too. Do you ??

LISTEN to Corbyn's opening remarks, Noir. He talks of flags representing other countries being present ... including from the US. This is significant, because it means (.. if I really need to explain this to you ??) that protesters there represented other countries rather than merely England. SO ... how many activist-types had made the journey from abroad ? How big was the ACTUAL share of 'home grown' protesters ?

AND ... if attendance was that well planned, that extensive ... that speaks of organisation. To what extent were those numbers of people inflated by activist groups from across the world ??

Taking all that into account, Noir, a total attendance of one thousand really isn't impressive. More ... if many represented activist groups, those people weren't 'ordinary citizens' at all, but rather, representatives of groupings chasing their own hate-agendas !

Think about it ...

... unless, you find it more convenient NOT to ?? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

06-05-2019, 06:41 AM
Interesting article ....


[The so-called 'Independent' was a newspaper known to be 'left-of centre' in its political biases, ever since the 2003 Iraq war. It was a newspaper producing daily print editions, but for some time, now, has only had an internet presence. Too few people would buy their newspapers to make their print versions of it a viable proposition ...]

Further to this post ... a report of a rare instance of decency from an activist !

The individual who called a pro-Trump supporter 'Nazi scum' has found the decency to apologise.


An NHS worker has apologised for screaming “Nazi scum” at a Donald Trump supporter moments before he was doused in milkshake at a protest in central London.

The woman, who has since been identified as Siobhan Prigent, was filmed chanting “Nazi scum” at a Trump supporter and laughing after he had milkshake thrown at his face.

She has since said she “let herself down” at the protest, which brought London to a standstill as tens of thousands of people protested against Mr Trump’s state visit.

In a now-deleted tweet, she wrote: “I am very sorry for my behaviour today. I should have protested peacefully and I didn’t, I regret that.

"I let myself down and I do understand that fully. There are two sides to every story, but my actions were my own and that’s on me.”

As I said previously, and as I'll always contend is true, the figure of 'tens of thousands' protest-attendees just isn't credible. Not if they all crammed into Trafalgar Square, anyway.

But then ... Trump has lots of trouble with 'fake news'. Which means he'll have lots of trouble with the British media, who've been relentless in their many disparagements and demonisations of the man.

06-05-2019, 06:48 AM
... @Noir (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=517) ....

Indeed I do. What's more, I have two of them myself !

.. OK. You're aware of where that rally was held ? Trafalgar Square, central London (actually WC2 area, I believe). How familiar are you with Trafalgar Square, Noir ?

Trafalgar Square was, when I worked in London, around 10 minutes' walk from my workplace. I've visited it literally hundreds of times. I know the size of the area, the fact that, in part, it's part of a traffic system, linking the Mall with the Strand, and Whitehall, and Northumberland Avenue.

So part of it consists of roads.

Part of it, sure, is available for pedestrians to congregate (rather more so, after the Leftie Ken Livingstone decided to deprive its pigeons of a food supply, courtesy of kinder-hearted tourists who used to feed them). Multiples of thousands of people ?? ... sorry. That's just not feasible.

I think you'd find it difficult to cram any more than a thousand people in that Square, Noir.

Yes, I do have eyes. What's more ... I have ears, too.

LISTEN to Corbyn's opening remarks, Noir. He talks of flags representing other countries being present ... including from the US. This is significant, because it means (.. if I really need to explain this to you ??) that protesters there represented other countries rather than merely England. SO ... how many activist-types had made the journey from abroad ? How big was the ACTUAL share of 'home grown' protesters ?

AND ... if attendance was that well planned, that extensive ... that speaks of organisation. To what extent were those numbers of people inflated by activist groups from across the world ??

Taking all that into account, Noir, a total attendance of one thousand really isn't impressive !

Think about it ...

... unless, you find it more convenient NOT to ?? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Use your eyes, and see that there are more than 1000 people in that video.

06-05-2019, 07:31 AM
Here, Noir. Check this out.

The source of this picture is:


... so ... here's what a crowd of ten thousand people really looks like .....


Now compare that with the YouTube images of the attendees at the Trafalgar Square rally.

Do you SERIOUSLY still contend that Trafalgar Square had ten thousand people in it, when Corbyn preached his 'sour grapes' message ? :lol:

06-05-2019, 07:38 AM
Use your eyes, and see that there are more than 1000 people in that video.
We were told multiple times to expect 250,000. You see 250,000? No, no one does. In fact it's a pathetic little amount compared to what everyone was told to expect, and also worth mentioning, many less than the last time Trump visited the UK in 2018.

There were probably as many Trump supporters as radical leftists, that they had to buss in to get as many as they did.

I'm sure Drummond could tell us, since he lives there, whether or not there are truly many conservative, British patriots left in London that are sickened at what they see happening there, the police state, the speech control, the progressive islamic take over, losing their national identity, and it could be much like right here in the state of Wisconsin, USA, where you get outside of the two big cities here, Madison and Milwaukee, which are vastly leftist toilets, but get outside of those two cess pools and Wisconsin is actually quite conservative. I'd say the conservatives here outnumber the city slicker leftists, because our state congress and supreme court have remained in the hands of republicans for quite some time, and thank God for that, because they do what they can to hold our occasional dem governor in check, like our present wormy little shit stain, Tony Evers, who if it wasn't for the radical, indoctrinated dumbasses attending the UW brain washing system, no dem would EVER be elected governor in this state.

06-05-2019, 08:04 AM
We were told multiple times to expect 250,000. You see 250,000? No, no one does. In fact it's a pathetic little amount compared to what everyone was told to expect.

There were probably as many Trump supporters as radical leftists, that they had to buss in to get as many as they did.

I'm sure Drummond could tell us, since he lives there, whether or not there are truly many conservative, British patriots left in London that are sickened at what they see happening there, the police state, the speech control, the progressive islamic take over, losing their national identity, and it could much like right here in the state of Wisconsin, USA, where you get outside of the two big cities here, Madison and Milwaukee, which are vastly leftist toilets, but get outside of those two cess pools and Wisconsin is actually quite conservative. I'd say the conservatives here outnumber the city slicker leftists, because our state congress and supreme court have remained in the hands of republicans for quite some time, and thank God for that, because they do what they can to hold our occasional dem governor in check, like our present wormy little shit stain, Tony Evers.

HPD ... I used to live in London. I moved out of that city around a decade ago .. I now live in Wales.

London's definitely changed from a decade ago.

I'm sure that many good, decent and patriotic Conservatives still live in London. However .. I do suspect that their numbers are declining. Consider the recent MEP election, which saw massive support for the Brexit Party .. and London was the exception to the overall national trend. Compared to most other parts of the UK, and definitely compared just to England, support for pro-Remain Parties was stronger in London than just about anywhere else, not counting Scotland.

Sadiq Khan ... SOMEBODY must've voted for him to become Mayor ! His Party is Labour (our Left wing mainstream Party). Of course, Muslims en masse will vote for him. The concentration of Muslims in London compared to the national average is twice that of other parts of the UK.

Boris Johnson, Khan's immediate predecessor, used to reckon that attracting the Muslim vote in London was pivotal to getting elected there.

The success of the pro-Muslim propaganda effort is real ... unfortunately. After all, our Left have had decades, generations even, to work at making it successful, to dripfeed it all into the media, bit by creeping bit, over much time. When I talk of propaganda methodology, I know what I'm talking about, and precisely how the hard-Left operates. I ought to ... I've witnessed it for most of my life !!

The demographic pattern you describe for the US is seen over here, though. Go far beyond the 'cesspit' of urban London, into more rural areas, and you'll find a more solid core of Conservative values reflected in communities.

As in America, taking the wider population into account, I still believe that our overall character of our nation is broadly Conservative. However ... they're jaded, disillusioned Conservatives, thanks to Brexit, and its NON-delivery. Consequently, it'll be possible for a Conservative people to nonetheless preside over a disintegrating Conservative Party, because they've defected in large numbers to the Brexit Party.

Corbyn and his ilk remain mired in their fantasies, though ... and won't, now, commit to delivering Brexit. So, all this marginalises Corbyn .. meaning that he really can't command masses of peoples' support, not really.

So if he gets a large turnout to attend one of his public speeches, you really have to question WHERE that support precisely comes from. In the case of the Trafalgar Square rally, I'm convinced that a significant number of them weren't even UK residents. Corbyn did his bit to even confirm that, pointing out what flags from other countries he saw in the crowd he was addressing !!

06-05-2019, 08:21 AM
Use your eyes, and see that there are more than 1000 people in that video.

No, Noir. YOU use YOUR eyes. Compare the image I've posted of a real crowd of 10,000 people, and you'll see (though you doubtless won't concede it, here) that Trafalgar Square had far fewer than 10,000 attendees there for Corbyn's speech.

At a pinch .. and stretching credibility a bit ... PERHAPS as many as 2,000 people could be fitted into the space of Trafalgar Square, though if they did, they'd probably be playing with the traffic. But never 10,000, as was claimed in the media. I don't believe it can be physically done.

I've shown you what 10,000 people looks like. You'd never fit that lot into a busy Trafalgar Square environment.

06-05-2019, 08:42 AM


06-05-2019, 11:28 AM
With apologies to STTAB .. who presumably won't care to view it ... here's Corbyn, speaking in Trafalgar Square (to around a thousand people, I reckon), giving a list in his speech of gripes he has about Trump's policies (dressed up as a pro-humanitarian stance, in true propagandist style ...)


For the life of me I can't figure out why you offered apologies to me in this thread.

06-05-2019, 04:54 PM
Saw about a hundred articles today claiming Trump was wrong and it was endless thousands against him. Not ONE discussed or showed what was in the OP here. :rolleyes:

06-05-2019, 05:09 PM

I saw this on twitter a few days ago. It was actually a better video but here it is... what a brave woman. I tweeted that she needs a GoFundMe page to help pay any fines or bail she may need to get out of jail. Lots of people responded positively.


06-06-2019, 10:46 AM
For the life of me I can't figure out why you offered apologies to me in this thread.

I interpreted this ...


... as evidence of a position of yours advocating disinterest in views both for and against Trump which emanate from outside America.

Was I wrong to do so ?