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06-05-2019, 11:13 PM
... and I've been around this area virtually my whole LIFE.

Just ordered a pizza from the little mini mart gas station in town, great pizza by the way, but when I got home, I put the truck in the shop and closed the big garage door, then stepped back outside to check on the picnic table frame I sanded and painted and WHOOW... I heard this LONG, LOW howl come from way back up on the hills just south of me. There's no one living in those hills because I know who owns them. Their name is Hippenbecker, but besides that, it was no dog and SURELY not a coyote, who's call is a high pitched yipping and yapping. This was a WOLF, undoubtedly, a WOLF. There hasn't been wolves in this area for a long, LONG time, but Wisconsin has been repopulating the state with Elk up north and other things. There has been Cougar spotted in the area, aka Mountain Lion, black beer, I see no reason why there shouldn't be a WOLF move in. I just wonder if anyone else heard it.

We also have... ahem... BIGFOOT... ;) Yes they've been SEEN and heard around here too by credible witnesses, and I believe I heard one myself long ago one night with a friend way the hell back in the river bottoms. When you grow up in the sticks with a Dad that hunts and fishes, you learn what all the woodland critters sound like, and the sound this friend and I heard that night long ago was NOTHING like ANYTHING I ever heard in my life. It scared us enough to pack the hell up and get out of there, even though we had shot guns that we were shooting, which is what I believe pissed it off.

Abbey Marie
06-06-2019, 06:26 AM
Is there a lake nearby where you heard the howl?

06-06-2019, 06:28 AM
I am thinking that Bigfoot had himself a belly full of black beer and was feeling feisty....


Wouldn't surprise me if a few wolves were prowling around out there.

06-06-2019, 11:09 AM
I am thinking that Bigfoot had himself a belly full of black beer and was feeling feisty....


Wouldn't surprise me if a few wolves were prowling around out there.
I'll tell ya, about Bigfoot, I know what I heard. It was so loud and guttural, it was nothing like anything I'd ever heard before, and we were on a DEAD END road that led back to where we were at. The direction the howl came from was the direction where it had to be out in the swampy river bottoms where no human could get to without a canoe or something, and even then virtually impossible when it's pitch black at 2:30 AM.

I have another friend that their family has a house along the Wisconsin River that runs right past town, fairly large river, and he was outside one night late shining a new laser he had bought across the river, when all of a sudden that pissed something off and it gave off a roar like nothing he's ever heard, and the bank where it came from across the river, that's in the middle of nowhere with no road near it.

Yeah it's pretty wild in the woods around here... and then there's these reports very near here...



06-06-2019, 11:10 AM
Is there a lake nearby where you heard the howl?
No lake, but the Wisconsin river is right on the north edge of town. Pretty big river, flows into the Mississippi.

06-06-2019, 11:15 AM
I'll tell ya, about Bigfoot, I know what I heard. It was so loud it was unreal, and nothing like I ever heard before, and the DEAD END road that led back to where we were at, the direction the howl came from was the direction where it had to be out in the swampy river bottoms where no human would could get to without a canoe or something, and even then virtually impossible when it's pitch black at 2:30 AM.

I have another friend that their family has a house along the Wisconsin that runs right past town, fairly large river, and he was outside one night late shining a new laser he had bought across the river, when all of a sudden that pissed something off and it gave off a roar like nothing he's ever heard, and the bank where it came from across the river, that's in the middle of nowhere with no road near it.

Yeah it's pretty wild in the woods around here... and then there's these reports very near here...



I have no doubt that there are critters running around we know nothing about. Heck, even here in NH we have been told since I was a kid that catamounts are extinct. Been a lot of sightings in the past few years and finally a carcass turned up. Truthfully, people scare me more than Bigfoot or any other critter. People are bat shit crazy and you never know what they are going to do.

06-06-2019, 11:33 AM
I have no doubt that there are critters running around we know nothing about. Heck, even here in NH we have been told since I was a kid that catamounts are extinct. Been a lot of sightings in the past few years and finally a carcass turned up. Truthfully, people scare me more than Bigfoot or any other critter. People are bat shit crazy and you never know what they are going to do.
Yeah I'm with ya about people. When I'm in the city around crowds, I'm always watching out of the corner of my eye. I don't trust a damn one of them.

I've spent a lot of time wandering around out in the woods and mountains, and aside from hearing that eerie howl in the river bottoms, I've never felt threatened or been scared. Being out in the woods is as natural for me as a teenage city slicker hanging out in the mall. Course, probably worth mentioning, I'm usually pretty heavily armed when I'm out in the sticks. I mean if you're going to be out there, might as well have some fun rattling a few rounds off... ;)

Abbey Marie
06-06-2019, 02:24 PM
No lake, but the Wisconsin river is right on the north edge of town. Pretty big river, flows into the Mississippi.

Just wondering if it could have been a loon call. They can sound a little like wolves.

06-06-2019, 09:14 PM
Just wondering if it could have been a loon call. They can sound a little like wolves.
Interesting thought, but I know a Loon when I hear one. Yeah there's no water any near south of me up in the hills so, there wouldn't have been a Loon up there anyway. They don't seem to like the river much either, however we do have quite a few different Cranes, the biggest being the Sand Hill Crane, they're everywhere, and you can hear them from a long way off when they fly over...


Yeah I can say with 99.99% certainty, I heard a wolf howl. It was about 10:45 PM, and this is very close to what I heard...


06-06-2019, 09:51 PM
I believe in the possibility of Bigfoot, Sasquatch, or Yeti.

After all, the legends of them date back hundreds of years.

One legend has it that Bigfoot can escape into a 4th dimension that humans cannot access.

Google Mt Shasta legends

06-07-2019, 06:57 AM
I believe in the possibility of Bigfoot, Sasquatch, or Yeti.

After all, the legends of them date back hundreds of years.

One legend has it that Bigfoot can escape into a 4th dimension that humans cannot access.

Google Mt Shasta legends
Yup, I've heard that lots of times. Some Indian tribes believe that Bigfoot is a spirit that can appear and disappear. That certainly would explain why it's so illusive. Some even speculate they're extraterrestrial... :rolleyes:

But there's plenty of video of Bigfoot, and some of the more recent video is very compelling, and people that have seen one, and/or had an encounter with one like up front and personal, they tell their stories regardless of any backlash or ridicule. They know what they saw.

06-07-2019, 07:14 AM
Just read this a few days ago:

The truth is out there: FBI releases its file on Bigfoot

The Federal Bureau of Investigation on Wednesday released a correspondence file containing the results of tests it performed on a tissue sample alleged to be from Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch — a purported human-like creature that was sporadically reported to be roaming the wilderness in the Pacific Northwest.

The 22-page file, made public following a Freedom of Information Act request, showed that the FBI agreed to test a hair sample “attached to a tiny piece of skin” obtained and submitted by the Oregon-based Bigfoot Information Center.

The letters show the group sent the sample after a 1975 report in the “Washington Environmental Atlas” referred to tests by the FBI Laboratory “in connection with the Bigfoot phenomenon.”


Will you kindly, to set the record straight, once and for all, inform us if the FBI has examined hair which might be that of a Bigfoot; when this took place; if it did take place; what the results of the analysis were,” Peter Byrne, director of the Bigfoot Information Center, wrote in a letter to the bureau. “Please understand that our research here is serious.”

The FBI said it had no record of conducting such tests.

But in a subsequent letter addressed to Byrne, dated Dec. 15. 1976, Jay Cochran Jr., assistant director of the FBI’s Scientific and Technical Services division, told him to send the sample to the FBI Laboratory in Washington.

“The FBI Laboratory conducts examinations primarily of physical evidence for law enforcement agencies in connection with criminal investigations,” Cochran wrote. “Occasionally, on a case-by-case basis, in the interest of research and scientific inquiry, we make exceptions to this general policy. With this understanding, we will examine the hairs and tissue mentioned in your letter.”

Three months later, the FBI reported the results of its tests.

“The hairs are of deer family origin,” Cochran wrote.

Read the FBI’s full “Bigfoot” file below:

(at link)


06-07-2019, 07:30 AM
Just read this a few days ago:

The truth is out there: FBI releases its file on Bigfoot

The Federal Bureau of Investigation on Wednesday released a correspondence file containing the results of tests it performed on a tissue sample alleged to be from Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch — a purported human-like creature that was sporadically reported to be roaming the wilderness in the Pacific Northwest.

The 22-page file, made public following a Freedom of Information Act request, showed that the FBI agreed to test a hair sample “attached to a tiny piece of skin” obtained and submitted by the Oregon-based Bigfoot Information Center.

The letters show the group sent the sample after a 1975 report in the “Washington Environmental Atlas” referred to tests by the FBI Laboratory “in connection with the Bigfoot phenomenon.”


Will you kindly, to set the record straight, once and for all, inform us if the FBI has examined hair which might be that of a Bigfoot; when this took place; if it did take place; what the results of the analysis were,” Peter Byrne, director of the Bigfoot Information Center, wrote in a letter to the bureau. “Please understand that our research here is serious.”

The FBI said it had no record of conducting such tests.

But in a subsequent letter addressed to Byrne, dated Dec. 15. 1976, Jay Cochran Jr., assistant director of the FBI’s Scientific and Technical Services division, told him to send the sample to the FBI Laboratory in Washington.

“The FBI Laboratory conducts examinations primarily of physical evidence for law enforcement agencies in connection with criminal investigations,” Cochran wrote. “Occasionally, on a case-by-case basis, in the interest of research and scientific inquiry, we make exceptions to this general policy. With this understanding, we will examine the hairs and tissue mentioned in your letter.”

Three months later, the FBI reported the results of its tests.

“The hairs are of deer family origin,” Cochran wrote.

Read the FBI’s full “Bigfoot” file below:

(at link)

Ya... just like Roswell was a UFO crash that people witnessed and it was reported in huge, bold headlines... until it was a weather balloon.

I don't trust our government any further than the Mafia, and now, especially... the FBI.