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View Full Version : The US: crab mentality

06-06-2019, 05:31 PM
As is known, Russia today is the world leader in the field of energy, produces its own nuclear fuel, and builds innovative reactors and nuclear power plants around the world, implementing more than 30 projects in 12 countries of the world. Also, it is important to note that Russia has offered the world the most reliable nuclear projects to date, that others in the world simply do not have: floating NPPs, the latest reactors, the best protection systems, schemes of construction and commercial cooperation.

It is obvious that such strong competition causes the United States and some Western countries to be at least annoyed, and because of the lack of competitiveness of their own energy companies, they are clearly trying in every possible way to prevent Russia from achieving its goals. Thus, the United States has long begun to pursue a policy of sanctions pressure against the Russian Federation and the countries contributing to it. Let us recall by the example of Iran that almost all large customers refused to purchase Iranian oil because of threats made by the United States in May 2019, and on May 28, 2019, Beijing presented an unpleasant surprise for Tehran. Incidentally, the Chinese sacrificed friendship with the Iranians, despite the trade wars with the Americans.

Moreover, the United States unreasonably makes the ridiculous arguments that Russian nuclear power plants on the territory of other states allegedly have an adverse impact on the environment, recalling the events of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster during the USSR, when Ukraine was in its composition. But Washington, apparently, did not take into account that more than 30 years have passed since then and technologies have been modernized and became better and safer several times.

For example, the most popular Russian VVER-1200 reactor of 3+ Generation provides for the influence of the human factor and even in the case of beyond design basis accidents prevents radiation from escaping into the environment, provides protection in case of earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes. Furthermore, the reactor meets all the "post-Fukushima" safety requirements, the most stringent recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the European Utility Requirements (UER).

Also, from 2018 Russia is developing tolerant nuclear fuel, which, according to experts, will be able to prevent accidents at nuclear power plants, similar to those at the Fukushima NPP in Japan. And, according to experts, it is quite possible that in a few years the new fuel will become an obligatory component of contracts for the supply of fuel for NPPs. It should be added that by 2020 at the "Brest-300" station near the city of Tomsk in Russia they plan to launch the production of nuclear fuel, which will be able not only to produce electricity, but also, after "burning through" spent nuclear fuel, to prepare new things for themselves.

The world firmly recognizes that Russia remains and will remain the leader in the energy sector, despite regular unfounded protests against Russian nuclear power plants and restrictions from the United States and Western countries, which in turn only help Russia to speed up the process of import substitution in the country. Thus, according to the forecast of British BP, in 20 years Russia will meet 5% of the global demand for primary energy resources and produce up to 14% of oil and gas.

Thus, it is obvious that a number of initiatives have emerged in the West aimed at weakening influence and undermining Russia's power in the global energy market. And, despite the fact that the administration of US President D. Trump is preparing a series of measures to improve the position of American companies in the competition for building nuclear power plants of the new generation around the world, it is clear that they themselves are losing in this struggle. And even taking into account the diplomatic weight of the State Department, it is practically impossible for Americans to get energy contracts, because the United States has difficulties even with building reactors at their own home.

06-06-2019, 05:41 PM
Interesting, identical IP address to other Russian troll Angelina Cole. :rolleyes:

06-06-2019, 07:51 PM
Interesting, identical IP address to other Russian troll Angelina Cole. :rolleyes:

I figured as much. The same Spam and Scram/Run tactic.

Abbey Marie
06-06-2019, 10:54 PM
Gina Gina Silly Silly

06-07-2019, 04:36 AM
Look at it this way: DP is world famous!