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06-13-2019, 01:52 PM
Because you WILL be if 'ol Bernie gets elected. 'cept himself of course. They mention hypocrisy. Imagine that!


Bernie Sanders Claims Americans 'Will Be Delighted to Pay More in Taxes' but Refuses to Himself

On Wednesday, Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders spoke with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, demonstrating not only how out of touch he is with what Americans want, but also his blatant hypocrisy.

When asked by Cooper if enough Americans know what socialism looks like, Bernie Sanders went into a laundry list of socialist talking points about what other countries have that we don’t that makes them so much better. Cooper actually pressed him on this point, noting that "the taxes in many of those countries are much higher than they are—individual and personal tax are—much higher than they are in the United States."

"Yeah but I suspect people in this country would be delighted to pay more in taxes, if they had comprehensive healthcare as a human right!" Bernie replied.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/bernie-sanders-claims-americans-will-be-delighted-to-pay-more-in-taxes-but-refuses-to-himself/

06-13-2019, 02:07 PM
And yet more issues with 'ol Joe. But the "scolding" accusation I disagree with, as it sounds like he clarified his stance and past support. And then the woman posts on Twitter and makes it sound like he was going to beat her up. :rolleyes:

And then in typical liberal fashion, even though SHE goes public with it, she states that if you are going to defend him to not comment. Apparently she only cares to hear with agreement. :rolleyes:

And this "gender neutral" person is a woman. :rolleyes:


Libs Angry at Biden for Scolding Gender-Neutral Person

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has had a busy week. Here's some of the mischief that nutty ol' scamp has gotten himself into, in no particular order:

----He flip-flopped on the Hyde Amendment, which bars the use of federal funds for abortion. He went back and forth on it at least twice, but who's counting?

-----He declared that when he's elected president, he's going to cure cancer. (Apparently Joe wasn't able to convince Obama to solve that problem, but this time it'll be different.)

----He repeated his claim that while he was vice president, "there wasn't one single hint of a scandal or a lie." This is, of course, a scandalous lie.

----He also repeated the delusional, fact-free claim that Stacey Abrams actually won the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial race, blaming the inconvenient real-world result on "voter suppression."

----He and Trump got into a namecalling contest, which is a handy reminder that they're both septuagenarians who never quite left elementary school.

----There was some plagiarism, because this is Biden we're talking about.

And of course, Joe sprinkled all of it with some more creepy statements to, and about, women and girls.

He also did this!

Told Biden we need someone stronger on reproductive justice, and after his reversal on the Hyde Amendment, we asked him to protect assault survivors. He said “nobody has spoken about it, done more, or changed more than I have”. I told him we deserve better.


This is from a Wisconsinite named K.C. Cayo, who describes himself herself themself as: "Activist. Women's March WI Regional Director. NextGen WI. Queer. BLM. They/Them/Theirs."

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/libs-angry-at-biden-for-scolding-gender-neutral-person/