View Full Version : Activists chain themselves to slaughter machine

06-13-2019, 02:33 PM
First, keep an eye on King Idiot throughout and his radio talk. He thinks he's military or something. :rolleyes:

So they sneak in - and chain themselves by the NECK. So long as they were connected and locked it would have worked, but King Idiot has them attach via the necks.

THEN, King Idiot collects all the keys from everyone so they can't be unlocked. And you'll note that King Idiot never does so himself.

Yup, right there any person who is even 1/4 sane and an IQ of 50 or so would see the issue coming....

I know there are at least 2 vegetarian/vegan members here. Don't feel slighted, I'm not posting to offend you but rather posting for the video of these specific idiots. I would have posted if they were doing the same to protest computers as well. :)

There IS some footage of the ducks, and mostly all still alive, but being held. So please don't watch if easily offended by such. No really "slaughter" in the video that I saw but it does show the ducks being held by the machine. Abbey Noir

