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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-14-2019, 09:58 AM
Flag Day Poem, Dedicated To Those That Have So Honorably Served, The One And The All.

To Honor One And All, Our Flag And Its Mighty Defenders

Old I am but our nation's flag I proudly salute
bright waving stripes, its bold colors of red, white and the blue
some call it beautiful, pretty or perhaps even cute
but by red-blood sacrificed it represents both me and you!

On bloody battle soil, so very many gave their all
they that answered with true honor, courage, duty and pride
living out their sworn oaths, their immense sacrifice not small
facing war, knowing its pounding waves of coming red tide!

Some lived with greatest of sad loss, torn body and deep scars
ripped hearts and flesh, watching far, far too many friends fall
millions have suffered, death and savagery are fruits of wars
yet each held to be true, that our flag must always fly tall!

We honor one and all, flag and its mighty defenders
and especially so, those rows and rows of white crosses
those that have so bravely died, fighting evil pretenders
brutal, wicked dictators that sought to be our bosses!

Old I am but our nation's flag I proudly salute
bright waving stripes, its bold colors of red, white and the blue
some call it beautiful, pretty or perhaps even cute
but by red-blood sacrificed it represents both me and you!

Robert J. Lindley,
2019, June 14 (Honoring Flag Day)
Rhyme, ( What Our Nation Was Founded On And Stands For )

Note: To do no less than honor those that have served, those that have so mightily and honorably sacrificed and those that gave their all, I compose those humbly written but heartfelt poem dedicated to them - one and all. God bless.

Syllables Per Line:
14 14 14 14 0 14 14 14 14 0 14 14 14 14 0 14 14 14 14 0 14 14 14 14
Total # Syllables: 280
Total # Words: 206

06-14-2019, 10:18 AM
Wonderful homage, Tyr!

06-14-2019, 10:49 AM

06-14-2019, 04:20 PM
Awesome poem.

I fly my flag all day, every day.

Have a project in the que to erect a new galvanized steel, 2"x22' tall flag pole and have a new 4'x6' Annon American flag to go on it.