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06-15-2019, 02:27 PM
Ok, I don't shop unless under duress so not my circus. LOL! But, I've had a call from one of the 'kids' and two friends, seems this is what they do on Saturday mornings-then call me when they can't go onto the the next store! :laugh::laugh:


06-15-2019, 02:51 PM
I can't read the article. USA Today doesn't like people that use an adblocker, so they block their page.

I just move on.

06-15-2019, 03:52 PM
I can't read the article. USA Today doesn't like people that use an adblocker, so they block their page.

I just move on.

If it's a page you REALLY want to read, or if just a good site and you don't want to have their adblock detector to work. Disable javascript for just that one site.

First thing is to click on the lock just to the left of the website's URL. It will look like this:


Most of them you will see the option for Javascript right there at the top, like this one shows in the picture above. And you just change from allow, which is default, to block. Reload the page and all should be good to go, minus anything JS, which is their adblock detector...

If javascript is not listed on the top, then click on settings as I have circled. That should open a separate page with all of the settings options, and you can disable javascript there as well. I have used my awesome drawing skills once again to show exactly where. :)


06-15-2019, 05:47 PM
If it's a page you REALLY want to read, or if just a good site and you don't want to have their adblock detector to work. Disable javascript for just that one site.

First thing is to click on the lock just to the left of the website's URL. It will look like this:


Most of them you will see the option for Javascript right there at the top, like this one shows in the picture above. And you just change from allow, which is default, to block. Reload the page and all should be good to go, minus anything JS, which is their adblock detector...

If javascript is not listed on the top, then click on settings as I have circled. That should open a separate page with all of the settings options, and you can disable javascript there as well. I have used my awesome drawing skills once again to show exactly where. :)

WOW... that worked slicker'n SHIT... COOL!!!

06-15-2019, 05:50 PM
Ok, I don't shop unless under duress so not my circus. LOL! But, I've had a call from one of the 'kids' and two friends, seems this is what they do on Saturday mornings-then call me when they can't go onto the the next store! :laugh::laugh:

Tell 'em to hit Amazon... :laugh:

06-15-2019, 06:33 PM
Tell 'em to hit Amazon... :laugh:

They like shopping. It also seems weird that it would be a nationwide down. Something seems off about that.

06-15-2019, 08:19 PM
Amazon has been a pain for me since November.

No matter how often I call, I get some Hindu that speaks too fast, with a high-pitched voice, who will not listen.

I am about done with them, and I have been a customer for over 9 years.

06-15-2019, 08:51 PM
They like shopping. It also seems weird that it would be a nationwide down. Something seems off about that.
I'll have to admit, I'm an online shop-a-holic, but in my defense, it's usually for things I no way could find around here, and I always shop for the best rated items and the best deals. My problem is I ENJOY IT. Just when I get things paid off I find something else I just HAVE to HAVE... :rolleyes:

Amazon has been a pain for me since November.

No matter how often I call, I get some Hindu that speaks too fast, with a high-pitched voice, who will not listen.

I am about done with them, and I have been a customer for over 9 years.
That's odd, bro. Amazon has been more than good to me, and the couple times I did call, I got a person that I thought was in America, or at least they spoke such good English that I couldn't tell the difference. I have Amazon Prime, and I know I've saved a small fortune in free shipping, not to mention I like the 5% cash back on the Amazon Store Card and the Prime TV. I do love Amazon, but every once and awhile there is that one item I can't find on there, because there are brands that don't allow their products to be sold on there. I could name quite a few when it comes to audio electronics, but even that new mattress I have on order. You can't buy that on Amazon either. That was just the latest example I found. Ebay is the one that I've all but given up on. They screwed me real good, twice, and I've all but quit going there.

06-15-2019, 09:04 PM
I have never used E-Bay.

Mom and Step Dad had some French China gilded in gold and Platinum that I wanted appraised.

Their 'appraisal' was rock-bottom cheap, and no guarantee of payment.

06-15-2019, 09:09 PM
I have never used E-Bay.

Mom and Step Dad had some French China gilded in gold and Platinum that I wanted appraised.

Their 'appraisal' was rock-bottom cheap, and no guarantee of payment.
I used to do a LOT on ebay. My feedback rating stands at 808 transactions and 100%. Been sitting on 808 for about six months too, because I quit using it.

Never knew they even had an appraisal service.

I think they are slipping. Their fees are higher than most other places and people are finding other places to sell. I have a friend that has been selling stuff on ebay extensively for probably a decade, and he's about sick of it. He had no idea he could sell stuff on Amazon. I told him to check it out, or etsy.

Abbey Marie
06-15-2019, 10:08 PM
I would have to be under some form of extreme duress to shop at Target. The whole atmosphere simultaneously depresses me and makes me feel anxious. I think it’s the relentless red and weird lighting. I do go there very rarely to print pics off my phone or iPad, which up-front so I can get quickly in and out.

I agree something seems odd about this nationwide failure.