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View Full Version : What Americans Really Think of Celebrity Political Endorsements

06-16-2019, 11:47 AM
Quite frankly, I'm tired of all the celebrities getting involved with politics as if they are politicians themselves. And it's one thing if they blab their BS on Twitter, but it sucks when they start in with their lecturing at their shows, where people paid good money to see/hear entertainment, not their political BS.

I was bypassing Bon Jove and Springsteen whenever they came up on my trucks USB music, of which has nearly 6,000 songs. I got tired of doing so and brought the stick in and just deleted them from the truck USB.


Poll Shows What Americans Really Think of Celebrity Political Endorsements

Bad news for the Democrats: one of their best lazy go-to campaign strategies doesn't seem to have the firepower they think it does:

The Hill:

A large majority of registered voters say political endorsements from celebrities have no impact on their voting, according to a new poll.

A Hill-HarrisX survey released Friday found that 65 percent of respondents said political pronouncements from Hollywood stars have no bearing on their decisions at the ballot box.

In 2016, the celebrity endorsement was all the rage for Granny Maojackets. While Trump was out holding rallies in small towns in swing states, Hillary was deep in the chardonnay at concerts in her honor that were in cities she was going to win anyway.

Hollywood does have the power to influence things, that much I know is true. Television and movies can introduce and sustain leftist narratives, but that's a slow process.

Democrats bank on celebrities being able to immediately motivate voters. That obviously is not the case if one believes this poll.

An even more interesting finding of the poll is exactly how celebrity endorsements can affect voters' choices:

Twenty-four percent said endorsements would make them less likely to vote for a particular candidate, while 11 percent said the celebrity endorsements made them more likely to vote a certain way.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/poll-most-americans-arent-swayed-by-celebrity-political-endorsements/

06-16-2019, 12:02 PM
Most celebrity endorsements have little effect. However I do love how they make conservatives cry!

06-16-2019, 12:07 PM
Most celebrity endorsements have little effect. However I do love how they make conservatives cry!

They make conservatives ignore them and not spend any money on them is all they do.

Are your first 2 posts here the best you have to offer? How old are you? Are you over 17? Out of high school? Either way, you act like a child and seemingly have little to offer as far as a discussion is concerned.

06-16-2019, 12:11 PM
Oh quit your blubbering and grow up! All conservatives do is cry!

A woman's clitoris has over 8000 nerve endings and its still not as sensitive as a conservative man!

06-16-2019, 12:13 PM
Oh quit your blubbering and grow up! All conservatives do is cry!

A woman's clitoris has over 8000 nerve endings and its still not as sensitive as a conservative man!

Thanks for your honest answer, and for admitting you lied on the COPPA question, and that you are a child.

Have a good one buddy!! :beer:

06-16-2019, 12:17 PM
For others that may not be aware of what I mean by the coppa, which is an age limited law. Since this little fella showed he is about 9-10 years old... So little fella, have your parents write and sign you a permission slip. :laugh:

Children's Privacy

The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) gives parents control over what information websites can collect from their kids. The COPPA Rule puts additional protections in place and streamlines other procedures that companies covered by the rule need to follow. The COPPA FAQs can help keep your company COPPA compliant. Learn about the COPPA Safe Harbor Program and about organizations the FTC has approved to implement safe harbor programs. You can also get information about ways to get verifiable parental consent– including new methods the Commission has approved – and the process for seeking approval for new methods.