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View Full Version : Kamala Harris Continues to Lie About Charlottesville ‘Very Fine People’ Hoax

06-16-2019, 12:20 PM
It's been awhile now, and she is sucking in the polls, so time to run on some lies. :rolleyes:

They don't even care about the truth anymore.


Kamala Harris Continues to Lie About Charlottesville ‘Very Fine People’ Hoax

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) continues to lie by claiming that President Donald Trump called neo-Nazis in Charlottesville “very fine people” in 2017, repeating the false claim on Friday.

Harris tweeted a number of dubious claims, including the “very fine people” hoax:


As Breitbart News and others have explained — and as even CNN, after much pressure, has finally admitted — Trump did not refer to neo-Nazis and white supremacists as “very fine people.” He specifically said he was not referring to them, saying that they should be “condemned totally.” He said he was referring to legitimate, non-violent protesters on either side of the controversy over a removal of a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee from a public park.

Sen. Harris is among the many Democratic presidential candidates who continue to repeat the Charlottesville hoax, long after it has been thoroughly and publicly debunked. Former vice president Joe Biden also continues to refer to the hoax, and used it to launch his campaign in April.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2019/06/16/kamala-harris-continues-to-lie-about-charlottesville-very-fine-people-hoax/

06-16-2019, 11:21 PM
To the radical left, "neo Nazis" and "white supremacists" are ANYONE that's WHITE that DISAGREES with them. Frankly, I think "feel the burn Sanders" is about as NEO NAZI as you can get. He's WHITE, he's a SOCIALIST, and I would say an AUTHORITARIAN, because he would FORCE his SOCIALIST GARBAGE on EVERYONE, so he'd have fit RIGHT IN, in Hitler's Nazi Germany.

The radical left LOVES their LABELS, but only MORONS listen to them.

I saw on the local news from the leftists cess pool here in Wisconsin, Madison, and they were doing a story on... wait for it... "MISS BLACK AMERICA." Well isn't that SPECIAL. Where's the MISS WHITE AMERICA pageant winner?

Openly BLATANT racism, but since it's BLACKS doing it, it's A-OK. This double standard hypocrisy turns my freakin' stomach. Democrats have exactly ZERO moral high ground. They are two faced, hypocritical filth.

06-17-2019, 09:53 AM
Kamala Harris is currently trailing Satan in national polling, so there is nothing she won't say .