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06-18-2019, 11:43 PM
Eh! I avoid calling out members that are not engaged in the original thread.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-19-2019, 06:32 AM
Eh! I avoid calling out members that are not engaged in the original thread.
And that is because you are both a nice guy and an honorable man. Some are just arrogant delusional pieces of shit that think anything they do is perfectly ok.
Hell, as the club's bouncer I made it a goal to be sure I was the one that escorted assholes like that out of the club--and each time prayed they'd give me just cause to beat the living hell out of them.
Some few did just that( to my ever loving delight!) but most are graven cowards that love to operate under protection of some kind, IMHO. -Tyr

06-19-2019, 07:11 AM
If the shoes or (fictional army boots) fit:

10 Signs of Emotional Childishness
How many of the following signs of emotional immaturity does your list include?

Emotional escalations: Young children often cry, get mad, or look petulant and pouting. Grownups seldom do.
Blaming: When things go wrong, young children look to blame someone. Grownups look to fix the problem.
Lies: When there's a situation that's uncomfortable, young children might lie to stay out of trouble. Grownups deal with reality, reliably speaking the truth.
Name-calling: Children call each other names. Adults seek to understand issues. Adults do not make ad hominen attacks, that is, attacks on people's personal traits. Instead, they attack the problem. They do not disrespect others with mean labels.

There is one exception. Sometimes adults, like firefighters who battle forest fires, have to fight fire with fire. They may need to use "fire" to manage an angry child or an out-of-bounds adult, in order to get them to cease their bad behavior.
Impulsivity—or as therapists say, "poor impulse control (https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/basics/self-control)": Children strike out impulsively when they feel hurt or mad. They speak recklessly or take impulsive action without pausing to think about the potential consequences. Similarly, instead of listening to others' viewpoints, they impulsively interrupt them. Adults pause, resisting the impulse to shoot out hurtful words or actions. They calm themselves. They then think through the problem, seeking more information and analyzing options.

Again, some instances of acting on impulse can be hallmarks of mature behavior. Soldiers and police, for instance, are trained to discriminate rapidly between harmless and dangerous situations so that they can respond quickly enough to protect potential victims of criminal (https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/basics/punishment) actions.
Need to be the center of attention (https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/basics/attention): Ever tried to have adult dinner conversations with a two-year-old at the table? Did attempts to launch a discussion with others at the table result in the child getting fussy?
Bullying (https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/basics/bullying): A child who is physically larger than other children his age can walk up to another boy who is playing with a toy he would like and simply take it. The other child may say nothing lest the bully turn on them with hostility. In many cases, it's safer just to let a bully have what he wants. Adults, on the other hand, respect boundaries. Yours is yours and mine is mine.
Budding narcissism: In an earlier post, I coined the term tall man syndrome (https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/resolution-not-conflict/201110/success-can-breed-the-narcissism-tall-man-syndrome) for one way that narcissism can develop. If children—or adults—can get whatever they want because they are bigger, stronger, or richer, they become at risk for learning that the rules don't apply to them. Whatever they want, they take. This narcissistic (https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/basics/narcissism) tendency may initially look like strength. But in reality, it reflects a serious weakness: being unable to see beyond the self.

Psychologically strong people listen to others, hoping to understand others' feelings, concerns and preferences. Narcissists hear only themselves and are emotionally brittle as a result. They operate like children who want to stay out and play—even though dinner is on the table—and who pitch a fit rather than heed their parent (https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/basics/parenting)'s explanation that the family is eating now. Their mindset, in short, is "It's all about me." In the eyes of a narcissist, no one else counts; if they don't get their way, they may result to pouting or bullying in order to do so.
Immature defenses: Freud (https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/basics/freudian-psychology) coined the term defense mechanisms for ways in which individuals protect themselves and/or get what they want. Adults use defense mechanisms like listening to others' concerns as well as to their own. They then engage in collaborative problem-solving. These responses to difficulties signal psychological maturity. Children tend to regard the best defense as a strong offense. While that defensive strategy may work in football, attacking anyone who expresses a viewpoint different from what they want is, in life, a primitive defense mechanism.

Another primitive defenseisdenial—"I didn't say that!" or "I never did that!" when in fact they did say and do that. Sound childlike to you?
No observing ego—that is, no ability to see, acknowledge, and learn from their mistakes: When emotionally mature adults "lose their cool" and express anger inappropriately, they soon after, with their "observing ego," realize that their outburst was inappropriate. That is, they can see with hindsight that their behavior was out of line with their value system. They can see if their outburst has been, as therapists say, ego dystonic (against their value system).

Children who have not yet internalized mature guidelines of respectful behavior toward others, or who have not developed ability to observe their behaviors to judge what's in line and what's out of line, see their anger as normal. They regard their emotional outbursts as "ego syntonic," justifying them by blaming the other person. In other words, "I only did it because you made me."

06-19-2019, 07:30 AM
There is one exception. Sometimes adults, like firefighters who battle forest fires, have to fight fire with fire. They may need to use "fire" to manage an angry child or an out-of-bounds adult, in order to get them to cease their bad behavior.
Impulsivity—or as therapists say, "poor impulse control": Children strike out impulsively when they feel hurt or mad. They speak recklessly or take impulsive action without pausing to think about the potential consequences. Similarly, instead of listening to others' viewpoints, they impulsively interrupt them. Adults pause, resisting the impulse to shoot out hurtful words or actions. They calm themselves. They then think through the problem, seeking more information and analyzing options.

Again, some instances of acting on impulse can be hallmarks of mature behavior. Soldiers and police, for instance, are trained to discriminate rapidly between harmless and dangerous situations so that they can respond quickly enough to protect potential victims of criminal

<snipped for brevity>
Definitely accurate.

I learned a lot in Maritime Law Enforcement courses.

06-19-2019, 08:25 AM
Eh! I avoid calling out members that are not engaged in the original thread.

Questioning the two primary liberals on this board directly is hardly calling someone out. I wonder if Jimmy will come in and move all the unneccesary name calling, some from a fucking admin for God sakes, to the steel cage where it belongs.

06-19-2019, 08:55 AM
I don't really see a problem here myself. There wasn't trash and personal stuff, and not much of a calling out, IMO. Looks like someone recognized what they saw as hypocrisy and asked for the take from 2 members, even if sarcastically. I don't see this as someone looking to start a fight or problem on the board. I'm gonna split things up, but not because rules were broken or anything like that, but just to keep the thread about the original subject.

06-19-2019, 08:59 AM
And I'm not taking sides here or condemning anyone or anything like that - just simply keeping clean.

06-19-2019, 10:15 AM
And I'm not taking sides here or condemning anyone or anything like that - just simply keeping clean.

I just reread this bullshit and noticed that the dipshit Darin has once again alluded to me lying about my military service. Final straw, I'm out Jimmy.

You guys must enjoy your 5 posts a day from 4 posters b/c even an admin does his best to chase off anyone he doesn't like. Peace out.

06-19-2019, 10:22 AM
I just reread this bullshit and noticed that the dipshit Darin has once again alluded to me lying about my military service. Final straw, I'm out Jimmy.

You guys must enjoy your 5 posts a day from 4 posters b/c even an admin does his best to chase off anyone he doesn't like. Peace out.

I know and believe you, and I'm sure others do too. I'm sure some hate me and some may enjoy me. Can't please everyone, so don't try!

I hope you will rethink that decision and not allow anyone to push you away over mere words as it's not worth ruining a good time here. :(

06-19-2019, 10:24 AM
And to the rest, he may be right about dwindling posts or threads. Not liking folks is no reason to continually peck. That's what the ignore feature is for. Instead, members bail, and then folks themselves don't post much since no others are posting.

06-19-2019, 10:50 AM
Jimmy , as you well know I don't care if people like me. Most don't lol but when it's an admin of the board calling you a liar about something that any reasonable person would take offense at being called a liar about it's worse than when a regular member does it, even if he was just posting as a regular member. Couple that with just the sheer hypocrisy involved with him raging at me when I give someone a hard time and well, that's not fun for me.

06-19-2019, 11:28 AM
Jimmy , as you well know I don't care if people like me. Most don't lol but when it's an admin of the board calling you a liar about something that any reasonable person would take offense at being called a liar about it's worse than when a regular member does it, even if he was just posting as a regular member. Couple that with just the sheer hypocrisy involved with him raging at me when I give someone a hard time and well, that's not fun for me.

Without moderator duties involved, staff also post as regular members, and our posts have no more weight than others. I can assure you from years of experience that even owning the place doesn't automatically give you respect. Folks are not immune from condemning me and posting shit. And members don't simply support or defend staff members just because they are staff.

06-19-2019, 11:54 AM
Without moderator duties involved, staff also post as regular members, and our posts have no more weight than others. I can assure you from years of experience that even owning the place doesn't automatically give you respect. Folks are not immune from condemning me and posting shit. And members don't simply support or defend staff members just because they are staff.

Oh I fully realize that , obviously.

But the guy is just damn near stalking my posts looking for a reason to be critical of me. The post this was cut out of was completely appropriate to the board and was offensive to no one, but along comes an admin to change that. Which hey I'm all about the troll, but don't do it and then criticize me when I do it.

I've tried to be civil with Darin, the effort is never returned and so I'm out. Or at a minimum I'll simply post less, which I realize is giving him what he wants, making that another act by me to be civil to him LOL

06-19-2019, 05:36 PM
Wiki... that's your rebuttal? You're dumber than the fucking heifers you claim you have on your farm.

Go fuck yourself.

06-19-2019, 06:41 PM
Not a Mod, but I think that is enough!

06-19-2019, 07:24 PM
Oh I fully realize that , obviously.

But the guy is just damn near stalking my posts looking for a reason to be critical of me. The post this was cut out of was completely appropriate to the board and was offensive to no one, but along comes an admin to change that. Which hey I'm all about the troll, but don't do it and then criticize me when I do it.

I've tried to be civil with Darin, the effort is never returned and so I'm out. Or at a minimum I'll simply post less, which I realize is giving him what he wants, making that another act by me to be civil to him LOL
OH you POOR little CRY BABY PUSSY. What's the matter, you can dish it out but you can't TAKE IT? You PATHETIC wise ass piece of rat shit. Your MOUTH runs like a BROKEN TOILET, and now you're going to CRY.

I know for a FACT you were asked to NOT run your wise ass mouth and talk SHIT to people in normal threads, but you HAD to DO IT ANYWAY, didn't you. Just IGNORE anyone told you ANYTHING. Yep, you sure did. Call me STUPID and a RACIST, UNPROVOKED, AND after I asked you NOT to START YOUR SHIT. You're a SHIT STIRRING ASS CLOWN.

And I don't believe you have any fucking 800 acre farm either, and I have serious doubts you've ever adopted ANYONE. There's no PROOF of ANY of it. Most farmers I know, and I DO KNOW MANY, don't have TIME to sit on a message board all day and talk SMACK. They WORK all day. So how is it you have so much TIME to SIT ON HERE ALL DAY?

You aren't JACK SHIT, you insignificant little wise ass TURD. I think you're a FAT ASS LYING GAS BAG sitting in your greasy dirty underwear in some run down trailer in a TRAILER PARK, because that's what you act like, TRAILER TRASH.

06-20-2019, 02:21 AM
I just reread this bullshit and noticed that the dipshit Darin has once again alluded to me lying about my military service. Final straw, I'm out Jimmy.

You guys must enjoy your 5 posts a day from 4 posters b/c even an admin does his best to chase off anyone he doesn't like. Peace out.

its because you lie. Or your probably Lie. I have worked for the Army for about 27 years, and at no time in my Army service has anyone ever called a PT Test a "PT Exam". You did. You brag way too much to be a veteran - at least in the way you claim to be a veteran. I'd surmise IF You are a veteran, you left service as a PFC or SPC - but even then, everyone says "PT TEST" - even and especially lower-enlisted. Look at your drama right now - NO Army MAJOR would EVER throw a big Hissy-fit. FEW Veterans are such pussies and stomp away when their precious feelings are hurt. I think ANYBODY here can look at the posts by, say, CSM, whom I KNOW as a matter of FACT is a veteran - because he and I exchanged our records - look at how he replies. Candor. Strength. Common-sense. He NEVER BRAGS ABOUT SHIT. Best thing is, I could call him a Fucker and he'd call me a dick. And it those would be terms of endearment. I left the Army as a Specialist (E-4). The highest rank I earned was Sergeant (E-5) as a Soldier and highest Grade is GS13 as a civilian. I know the Army inside and out. My spidey sense is almost always spot-on. And I think you're a phoney.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-20-2019, 02:52 AM
its because you lie. Or your probably Lie. I have worked for the Army for about 27 years, and at no time in my Army service has anyone ever called a PT Test a "PT Exam". You did. You brag way too much to be a veteran - at least in the way you claim to be a veteran. I'd surmise IF You are a veteran, you left service as a PFC or SPC - but even then, everyone says "PT TEST" - even and especially lower-enlisted. Look at your drama right now - NO Army MAJOR would EVER throw a big Hissy-fit. FEW Veterans are such pussies and stomp away when their precious feelings are hurt. I think ANYBODY here can look at the posts by, say, CSM, whom I KNOW as a matter of FACT is a veteran - because he and I exchanged our records - look at how he replies. Candor. Strength. Common-sense. He NEVER BRAGS ABOUT SHIT. Best thing is, I could call him a Fucker and he'd call me a dick. And it those would be terms of endearment. I left the Army as a Specialist (E-4). The highest rank I earned was Sergeant (E-5) as a Soldier and highest Grade is GS13 as a civilian. I know the Army inside and out. My spidey sense is almost always spot-on. And I think you're a phoney.

I was asked when I first joined here , if I had any military service, my answer was that I had none..
but that members of my family had such service. I too am fairly good at spotting those that lie about having such military service
and I think you are accurate on your judgment my friend...

I go by the reasoning that if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck but if it only does so if/when I am both blind and deaf
then maybe its just a rooster that fell into a pond and decided what the * uck. Today, I am a duck...
Unless concrete proof is given, it may just be(and very likely is) a damn lying (self-aggrandizing) rooster that is all wet behind the ears.
This is America and we all get to make our own damn judgments.. --Tyr

06-20-2019, 06:18 AM
its because you lie. Or your probably Lie. I have worked for the Army for about 27 years, and at no time in my Army service has anyone ever called a PT Test a "PT Exam". You did. You brag way too much to be a veteran - at least in the way you claim to be a veteran. I'd surmise IF You are a veteran, you left service as a PFC or SPC - but even then, everyone says "PT TEST" - even and especially lower-enlisted. Look at your drama right now - NO Army MAJOR would EVER throw a big Hissy-fit. FEW Veterans are such pussies and stomp away when their precious feelings are hurt. I think ANYBODY here can look at the posts by, say, CSM, whom I KNOW as a matter of FACT is a veteran - because he and I exchanged our records - look at how he replies. Candor. Strength. Common-sense. He NEVER BRAGS ABOUT SHIT. Best thing is, I could call him a Fucker and he'd call me a dick. And it those would be terms of endearment. I left the Army as a Specialist (E-4). The highest rank I earned was Sergeant (E-5) as a Soldier and highest Grade is GS13 as a civilian. I know the Army inside and out. My spidey sense is almost always spot-on. And I think you're a phoney.

You ARE a dick....just sayin

06-20-2019, 06:24 AM
You ARE a dick....just sayin

Fuck off.

brother. :)

Am going to walk across some grass near a Brigade HQ building sometime today, just to piss you off, Sergeant Major.

06-20-2019, 06:30 AM
Fuck off.

brother. :)

Am going to walk across some grass near a Brigade HQ building sometime today, just to piss you off, Sergeant Major.

You will get your sandals all wet, fungus will then grow between your toes and your toenails will rot off. Then I will tell you I told you so!

06-20-2019, 07:59 AM
its because you lie. Or your probably Lie. I have worked for the Army for about 27 years, and at no time in my Army service has anyone ever called a PT Test a "PT Exam". You did. You brag way too much to be a veteran - at least in the way you claim to be a veteran. I'd surmise IF You are a veteran, you left service as a PFC or SPC - but even then, everyone says "PT TEST" - even and especially lower-enlisted. Look at your drama right now - NO Army MAJOR would EVER throw a big Hissy-fit. FEW Veterans are such pussies and stomp away when their precious feelings are hurt. I think ANYBODY here can look at the posts by, say, CSM, whom I KNOW as a matter of FACT is a veteran - because he and I exchanged our records - look at how he replies. Candor. Strength. Common-sense. He NEVER BRAGS ABOUT SHIT. Best thing is, I could call him a Fucker and he'd call me a dick. And it those would be terms of endearment. I left the Army as a Specialist (E-4). The highest rank I earned was Sergeant (E-5) as a Soldier and highest Grade is GS13 as a civilian. I know the Army inside and out. My spidey sense is almost always spot-on. And I think you're a phoney.
Oh he's an ARMY MAJOR? I didn't know that. I guess if you're going to lie, LIE BIG. He couldn't just lie and say he was a Sgt, or that he had a 250 acre farm, or that he had an old hotrod once, no, he has to be an OFFICER, and the farm has to be HUGE, and the hotrod has to be a $250,000 collector car, and he hasn't adopted just one child, he's adopted half the planet, and let's not forget, adopting children is a LONG complicated process, they don't just HAND THEM OVER in PAIRS. Did anyone ever hear the name of just ONE of these fabled adopted kids? No, neither did I. Did you ever hear how many were boys and how many girls? No, neither did I. Ages? Nope. Problem is, no one has seen any proof of ANY of it. No pictures of the collector car, no pictures of the massive farm, no pictures from the military, no pictures of all these adopted kids... nothing. But I've seen just about everyone else here, including myself, post pictures lots of times, of their house, their cars, their land, their pets, on and on. From SCAAB, nothing. All we've ever gotten from him is BIG STORIES, FANTASTIC stories, UNBELIEVABLE stories to be truthful. Every time I heard him brag about this fabled 800 ACRE FARM, or the $250,000 collector GT-500 he bought when he was 16, my SPIDEY SENSE was going off too, Darin. Just the way it's brought up, over and over, why? I have a little acre and a quarter, I don't remind people of it OVER and OVER, even though I'm proud of my little chunk of land. He does, and ya know, I've never heard tell what he does with all that land. What does he plant, what kind of livestock does he have, what kind of machinery does he have, etc? I grew up right smack dab here in the middle of farm country. I spent some of my childhood on our own farm. I worked for farmers. I know many, many farmers. I know ABOUT farms, so when I hear about an 800 acre farm, and then NOTHING ELSE ABOUT IT, I find that VERY curious, and any farm that big is going to require a LOT of work. You're not going to have time to spend on a message board all day. So... he has an 800 acre farm... aaaahh... NO, I'm not buying that one for one second. And if he's lying about that, he's lying about EVERYTHING.

I think he's a blow hard lying wise ass FAKE.

06-20-2019, 08:24 AM
OH you POOR little CRY BABY PUSSY. What's the matter, you can dish it out but you can't TAKE IT? You PATHETIC wise ass piece of rat shit. Your MOUTH runs like a BROKEN TOILET, and now you're going to CRY.

I know for a FACT you were asked to NOT run your wise ass mouth and talk SHIT to people in normal threads, but you HAD to DO IT ANYWAY, didn't you. Just IGNORE anyone told you ANYTHING. Yep, you sure did. Call me STUPID and a RACIST, UNPROVOKED, AND after I asked you NOT to START YOUR SHIT. You're a SHIT STIRRING ASS CLOWN.

And I don't believe you have any fucking 800 acre farm either, and I have serious doubts you've ever adopted ANYONE. There's no PROOF of ANY of it. Most farmers I know, and I DO KNOW MANY, don't have TIME to sit on a message board all day and talk SMACK. They WORK all day. So how is it you have so much TIME to SIT ON HERE ALL DAY?

You aren't JACK SHIT, you insignificant little wise ass TURD. I think you're a FAT ASS LYING GAS BAG sitting in your greasy dirty underwear in some run down trailer in a TRAILER PARK, because that's what you act like, TRAILER TRASH.

Further proving just how stupid you are. I have NEVER once complained about being trolled. I don't give a shit about that and I've been trolled more times than I can count. I've had people threaten to gut my family like a fish and not complained. My issue here was and is people , especially an admin trolling me and then running around screaming about what an asshole I am when I troll. And being called ANYTHING by the likes of you has zero effect on my life. None.

If pointing out stupid hypocrisy is shit stirring, then I will always be a shit stirrer. Again, if that hurts your feelers, that isn't my problem, the simple solution is to stop being a stupid hypocrite.

As for what you do or do not know about what I have been told, I don't have any idea how you would know that......... Nor do I particularly care.

06-20-2019, 08:39 AM
Further proving just how stupid you are. I have NEVER once complained about being trolled. I don't give a shit about that and I've been trolled more times than I can count. I've had people threaten to gut my family like a fish and not complained. My issue here was and is people , especially an admin trolling me and then running around screaming about what an asshole I am when I troll. And being called ANYTHING by the likes of you has zero effect on my life. None.

If pointing out stupid hypocrisy is shit stirring, then I will always be a shit stirrer. Again, if that hurts your feelers, that isn't my problem, the simple solution is to stop being a stupid hypocrite.

As for what you do or do not know about what I have been told, I don't have any idea how you would know that......... Nor do I particularly care.
Ya know what, BOY, you really don't have a good argument for ANYTHING. You honestly do sound like a DUMBASS, and now you sound like a CRY BABY DUMBASS.

Why aren't you out working your 800 ACRE FARM? Is your planting done? What did you plant? What kind of machinery do you have? Has all the rain effected your fields? Let's hear about your MASSIVE FARM... OK? Seeing as you must have HIRED A SMALL ARMY to WORK IT while you sit on your ass in the house CRYING on a MESSAGE BOARD. And that would make YOU the ONLY farmer I know that DOESN'T work his OWN farm.

You're a LIAR. You're a wise ass, shit stirring, lying cuck. And ya know what else? You started this shit with me, so now enjoy it. You picked this fight and wouldn't let it go. Now I'm going be IN YOUR FACE every fucking time you shit on this board. Get used to it, punk.

Grow up and get a life.

06-20-2019, 08:40 AM
its because you lie. Or your probably Lie. I have worked for the Army for about 27 years, and at no time in my Army service has anyone ever called a PT Test a "PT Exam". You did. You brag way too much to be a veteran - at least in the way you claim to be a veteran. I'd surmise IF You are a veteran, you left service as a PFC or SPC - but even then, everyone says "PT TEST" - even and especially lower-enlisted. Look at your drama right now - NO Army MAJOR would EVER throw a big Hissy-fit. FEW Veterans are such pussies and stomp away when their precious feelings are hurt. I think ANYBODY here can look at the posts by, say, CSM, whom I KNOW as a matter of FACT is a veteran - because he and I exchanged our records - look at how he replies. Candor. Strength. Common-sense. He NEVER BRAGS ABOUT SHIT. Best thing is, I could call him a Fucker and he'd call me a dick. And it those would be terms of endearment. I left the Army as a Specialist (E-4). The highest rank I earned was Sergeant (E-5) as a Soldier and highest Grade is GS13 as a civilian. I know the Army inside and out. My spidey sense is almost always spot-on. And I think you're a phoney.

Hmm I don't remember using the terminology "PT Exam" but even if I conceded that I have exam is in fact a synonym for test so...............

And further, I don't give one fuck what you think about me, not even a little bit Darin. I was gone for TWO years and even at that I simply don't recall you and I having any negative interactions when I was here last. Maybe we did, and I just don't remember it though. But anyway, I came back after TWO years and didn't bring ANY of what happened then with me, I didn't hold grudges I didn't start shit with people who I fought with back then over what happened then and everyone of them who are still here let that shit go, EXCEPT YOU Darin, you started in with your bullshit almost immediately. Sure I got into anew with a few posters, but there was no getting into with you, you just started in for apparently what you were mad about from 2 years ago.

And I don't even particularly care about that. Like I have said repeatedly I dish it out, so I have to be able to take it. What I simply can't and won't deal with is you and others being exactly the same way and then blasting me when I do it. And even at that, whatever I'll just stop posting a much.

Like I said, have a nice circle jerk, seems weird to me that Jimmy wants an admin on his board who participates in actively running off a member, but it is his board so I respect his choices and will make my own.

06-20-2019, 08:47 AM
Ya know what, BOY, you really don't have a good argument for ANYTHING. You honestly do sound like a DUMBASS, and now you sound like a CRY BABY DUMBASS.

Why aren't you out working your 800 ACRE FARM? Is your planting done? What did you plant? What kind of machinery do you have? Has all the rain effected your fields? Let's hear about your MASSIVE FARM... OK? Seeing as you must have HIRED A SMALL ARMY to WORK IT while you sit on your ass in the house CRYING on a MESSAGE BOARD. And that would make YOU the ONLY farmer I know that DOESN'T work his OWN farm.

You're a LIAR. You're a wise ass, shit stirring, lying cuck. And ya know what else? You started this shit with me, so now enjoy it. You picked this fight and wouldn't let it go. Now I'm going be IN YOUR FACE every fucking time you shit on this board. Get used to it, punk.

Grow up and get a life.

Very mature post from someone who's telling another person to grow up.

As for never having an argument LOL you mean I don't simply agree with your world view and nod in bovine agreement with everything that comes out of your mouth and that is the only kind of person you care to read anything from . Talk about needing to grow up.

06-20-2019, 08:55 AM
Very mature post from someone who's telling another person to grow up.

As for never having an argument LOL you mean I don't simply agree with your world view and nod in bovine agreement with everything that comes out of your mouth and that is the only kind of person you care to read anything from . Talk about needing to grow up.
You expect to come on this board, make your own wild ass ignorant claims and insult people, and then don't want to take responsibility for the shit storm YOU created.

You're a real piece of work. You act just like a DEMOCRAT, talk like one too. Do as I say, not as I do, and then put on the "WHAT... WHO ME" act.

Well you called down this shit storm, YOU started it, and you're going learn I'm real good at FINISHING it.

You had every chance in the world to just not talk your SHIT to me, but you just could NOT help yourself. You HAD to stir the pot ONE MORE TIME. Well, you wanted it, now you got it. You cry about Darin trolling you when YOU trolled ME.

You're not only a wise ass full of unbelievable fantastical stories, but you're a fucking cry baby hypocrite to boot.

06-20-2019, 09:11 AM
You expect to come on this board, make your own wild ass ignorant claims and insult people, and then don't want to take responsibility for the shit storm YOU created.

You're a real piece of work. You act just like a DEMOCRAT, talk like one too. Do as I say, not as I do, and then put on the "WHAT... WHO ME" act.

Well you called down this shit storm, YOU started it, and you're going learn I'm real good at FINISHING it.

You had every chance in the world to just not talk your SHIT to me, but you just could NOT help yourself. You HAD to stir the pot ONE MORE TIME. Well, you wanted it, now you got it. You cry about Darin trolling you when YOU trolled ME.

You're not only a wise ass full of unbelievable fantastical stories, but you're a fucking cry baby hypocrite to boot.

My God you are stupid.

Let's recap

A) I've never denied that I am a trouble maker. That's actually what YOU do "oh it's all your fault, not mine" I've never said that, you have.

B) I've never reported or whined to Jim or anyone else on this board about ANYTHING another person has said on this board about me. You most certainly have. Hell , you're apparently not even smart enough to realize it takes two to fight. You could CHOOSE to simply ignore my posts. See, I could also choose to ignore your posts, but instead I CHOOSE to engage your stupidity. The difference being you're so stupid that you make the choice and then complain about the inevitable consequences of your choice. Have you ever seen me post anything so stupid as that ? No you have not, if I CHOOSE to read your posts I'm not then gonna whine about what they say.

Anyway, as I said it's clear that a few of you actually run this board , Jim just pays for it , and you want a 5 person circle jerk, so that's fine I have an imaginary farm to run after all.

06-20-2019, 09:13 AM
Hmm I don't remember using the terminology "PT Exam" but even if I conceded that I have exam is in fact a synonym for test so...............

And further, I don't give one fuck what you think about me, not even a little bit Darin. I was gone for TWO years and even at that I simply don't recall you and I having any negative interactions when I was here last. Maybe we did, and I just don't remember it though. But anyway, I came back after TWO years and didn't bring ANY of what happened then with me, I didn't hold grudges I didn't start shit with people who I fought with back then over what happened then and everyone of them who are still here let that shit go, EXCEPT YOU Darin, you started in with your bullshit almost immediately. Sure I got into anew with a few posters, but there was no getting into with you, you just started in for apparently what you were mad about from 2 years ago.

And I don't even particularly care about that. Like I have said repeatedly I dish it out, so I have to be able to take it. What I simply can't and won't deal with is you and others being exactly the same way and then blasting me when I do it. And even at that, whatever I'll just stop posting a much.

Like I said, have a nice circle jerk, seems weird to me that Jimmy wants an admin on his board who participates in actively running off a member, but it is his board so I respect his choices and will make my own.

You remember it. And you also called it 'boot camp'


And you're being a big fat baby.

06-20-2019, 12:02 PM
You remember it. And you also called it 'boot camp'


And you're being a big fat baby.

No I didn't remember it, but who cares if I called it an exam or if I called basic training boot camp .

and one of us is being a baby thats for sure.

06-21-2019, 02:13 AM
No I didn't remember it, but who cares if I called it an exam or if I called basic training boot camp .

and one of us is being a baby thats for sure.

It matters because it's evidence to your lies. I conducted an informal poll in my building. From Active duty LTCs to GS grades and even two NCOs, nobody has ever heard the term 'PT Exam' by anyone, ever used, even as a slip of the tongue. Further, nobody has specifically mentioned Boot Camp when talking about Basic. If a non-army person says "When did you go to Boot Camp?" We would reply with the details and probably not correct them. Except None of us would, when talking specifically about our history, default to Boot Camp.

It reminds me of this poster I found awhile back on an LSU forum. Fishy as fuck. Then whiny when called on it, and deflects and denies.