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View Full Version : Witness At War Crimes Trial Says HE Killed The ISIS Prisoner In Iraq

06-20-2019, 04:01 PM
Claims it was mercy killing:


Witness at Navy SEAL trial admits killing Islamic State prisoner, not Gallagher

By: Julie Watson, The Associated Press (https://www.navytimes.com/author/julie-watson)and Brian Melley, The Associated Press (https://www.navytimes.com/author/brian-melley)

SAN DIEGO — The latest on the trial of a decorated Navy SEAL charged with killing an Islamic State prisoner (https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2019/06/16/with-a-new-team-of-prosecutors-the-navy-takes-a-final-shot-at-seal-eddie-gallagher/) in his care (all times local):

11:10 a.m.

A Navy SEAL called by prosecutors to testify at the murder trial (https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2019/06/19/seal-war-crimes-trial-begins/)of a colleague has acknowledged killing a wounded prisoner in Iraq in what he described as an act of mercy.

Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Corey Scott said Thursday that he asphyxiated the teenage Islamic State fighter after Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward Gallagher unexpectedly stabbed him.

Gallagher is facing court-martial on charges of murder and attempted murder (https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2019/06/08/navy-judge-wont-dismiss-seal-war-crimes-case-but-sanctions-prosecutors/).

Scott says the militant had been stabilized and was breathing normally after he and Gallagher treated him for wounds suffered in an airstrike.

Scott says the patient would have survived the stabbing, but he decided to plug the youth's air tube because he believed he would eventually be tortured by Iraqi forces.

A prosecutor says Scott never revealed that version of events in previous conversations and accused him of lying to help Gallagher.


06-20-2019, 04:06 PM
Well that’s a wild ride of a story 0,o

06-21-2019, 08:18 AM
Claims it was mercy killing:


And there is your reasonable doubt

07-02-2019, 07:37 PM
Not guilty of 6 of 7 counts. Last was for the photo with corpse, he's already served 9 months in prison, the last charge carries max sentence of 4 months, he's done:


07-03-2019, 03:47 AM
“Nearly a dozen members of Gallagher's platoon testified against him, revealing that nearly all the platoon members posed for photos with the dead prisoner”

Well they sound like very pleasant people indeed.

07-03-2019, 05:34 AM
“Nearly a dozen members of Gallagher's platoon testified against him, revealing that nearly all the platoon members posed for photos with the dead prisoner”

Well they sound like very pleasant people indeed.

The U.S. government has never sent the tabernacle choir to engage terrorists. They send rugged, well trained professionals to eliminate those "evil doers". They are not "pleasant people" if you are considered their enemy. I am very, very glad of that. I know that causes dismay for some who benefit from their actions.

07-03-2019, 07:33 AM
The U.S. government has never sent the tabernacle choir to engage terrorists. They send rugged, well trained professionals to eliminate those "evil doers". They are not "pleasant people" if you are considered their enemy. I am very, very glad of that. I know that causes dismay for some who benefit from their actions.

When I was reading more last evening, it seems there was some issues between the long-serving marines and those who were referred to as 'millennial seals' by the defense. Quite a lot in I think it was 'Navy Times'?

07-03-2019, 07:48 AM
When I was reading more last evening, it seems there was some issues between the long-serving marines and those who were referred to as 'millennial seals' by the defense. Quite a lot in I think it was 'Navy Times'?

It is not uncommon for subordinate members of a squad/platoon to make accusations against their leaders, especially if that leader seems strict or harsh in the execution of their duties and responsibilities. In my experience, the youngsters always "know better" and second guess the chain of command at every turn... right up until they become responsible for others and getting the mission done. Given our society today, I have no doubt that some military members advocate for a "kinder and gentler" military. I also have no doubt that many young soldiers, airmen and Marines believe their leadership is archaic and unnecessarily harsh.

07-03-2019, 08:04 AM
The U.S. government has never sent the tabernacle choir to engage terrorists. They send rugged, well trained professionals to eliminate those "evil doers". They are not "pleasant people" if you are considered their enemy. I am very, very glad of that. I know that causes dismay for some who benefit from their actions.

Do they train professionally to have their photo taken with dead 15 year olds?

07-03-2019, 08:11 AM
Do they train professionally to have their photo taken with dead 15 year olds?

That dead 15 year old was trying to kill them (a small distinction you studiously ignore). Triumph over an enemy has historically been celebrated... in this case a photograph. I am quite sure you find such photos disturbing. As an aside, photos of dead bodies as a result of war have been around since the invention of the camera. I sincerely hope that you are never a victim of one of those 15 year old children intent on killing any Westerner they run into. Fortunately for you, there those (even in your country) who are willing to stand between you and them.

07-03-2019, 08:13 AM
The U.S. government has never sent the tabernacle choir to engage terrorists. They send rugged, well trained professionals to eliminate those "evil doers". They are not "pleasant people" if you are considered their enemy. I am very, very glad of that. I know that causes dismay for some who benefit from their actions.

They should capture them and stone them to death.
Maybe catch them and use dull knives to cut their heads off.
Maybe tie to seats and shoot RPG's at them?
Or tie a wired necklace around 8 necks at once and blow all their heads off?
Put in cages and lower into deep end of pools to drown them? Or burn them alive in the cages?

You see, take some photos or treat terrorists unkindly, and the left bitches and moans.

But apparently, if you do those horrid things above - the left is AOK with all of that.

Let's THANK GOD that they don't run our military or make any military decisions. It would be filled with fruit loops handing out flowers as they see enemies. And GOD FORBID we only injure one, instead of killing the scum, they should then sneak into America and just get free healthcare! :laugh:

07-03-2019, 08:16 AM
That dead 15 year old was trying to kill them (a small distinction you studiously ignore). Triumph over an enemy has historically been celebrated... in this case a photograph. I am quite sure you find such photos disturbing. As an aside, photos of dead bodies as a result of war have been around since the invention of the camera. I sincerely hope that you are never a victim of one of those 15 year old children intent on killing any Westerner they run into. Fortunately for you, there those (even in your country) who are willing to stand between you and them.

Black humor. Police too tend to do the same. Actually teachers too to some extent, it's the 'survivability' and sadness at the conditions that I think one finds ways to separate oneself from? I don't know if that makes sense? A sad/sick sort of laugh, and an air of 'this show must go on?'

07-03-2019, 08:19 AM
That dead 15 year old was trying to kill them (a small distinction you studiously ignore). Triumph over an enemy has historically been celebrated... in this case a photograph. I am quite sure you find such photos disturbing. As an aside, photos of dead bodies as a result of war have been around since the invention of the camera. I sincerely hope that you are never a victim of one of those 15 year old children intent on killing any Westerner they run into. Fortunately for you, there those (even in your country) who are willing to stand between you and them.

I thanked your posts and liked your posts - and gave rep to both which I VERY RARELY ever do on this board. And now I would like to applaud you, your take on such matters and reminding me again of your service to our great country.

:clap::clap: :saluting2: :clap::clap:

Amazing that the extreme overwhelming majority if not nearly all of those that whine and bitch about the military, call them baby killers and other unsavory names - have never picked up a weapon and stood at a post - as Jack perfectly stated. It's easy to sit back and lob retarded things at them, or to judge as if they were there in various wars, when that's all they do, is judge and toss bombs.

07-03-2019, 08:27 AM
“Nearly a dozen members of Gallagher's platoon testified against him, revealing that nearly all the platoon members posed for photos with the dead prisoner”

Well they sound like very pleasant people indeed.

I've known a few SEALs, in fact a real good friend was killed on Extortion 17, and can tell you they ARE good people, good people who are asked to do some tough things that would jade anyone. That doesn't excuse murder , which I personally believe this guy just got away with, but it does explain things like posing with dead terrorists.

07-03-2019, 08:31 AM
I thanked your posts and liked your posts - and gave rep to both which I VERY RARELY ever do on this board. And now I would like to applaud you, your take on such matters and reminding me again of your service to our great country.

:clap::clap: :saluting2: :clap::clap:

Amazing that the extreme overwhelming majority if not nearly all of those that whine and bitch about the military, call them baby killers and other unsavory names - have never picked up a weapon and stood at a post - as Jack perfectly stated. It's easy to sit back and lob retarded things at them, or to judge as if they were there in various wars, when that's all they do, is judge and toss bombs.

Let there be no doubt that under the circumstances of heated combat, one does develop a rather dark sense of humor (among other things). I have seen soldiers display more compassion for a downed enemy than could be expected and I have also seen such displays of callousness as boggles the mind. The more heated and prolonged the combat, the more extremes of both. It is one thing to rage against the inhumanity to others during war/combat and quite another to experience the conditions which fosters such.

Most people today have the luxury of criticizing those who defend country, home and family but would not even consider the possibility that those who defend them may some day just say "Screw it, defend yourself if you can!" Also, make no mistake, there is a price to pay for foisting such inhumanity on others and that price is paid as long as they live.

07-03-2019, 08:33 AM
I've known a few SEALs, in fact a real good friend was killed on Extortion 17, and can tell you they ARE good people, good people who are asked to do some tough things that would jade anyone. That doesn't excuse murder , which I personally believe this guy just got away with, but it does explain things like posing with dead terrorists.

Maybe he got away with murder but clearly the military justice system was incapable of proving it.

07-03-2019, 08:36 AM
Maybe he got away with murder but clearly the military justice system was incapable of proving it.

Reading the accounts of how they were working on that kid, harkens back to the post you just wrote about the care for enemies 'can be' astounding,' something like that; at first I took the witness saying 'he killed' the kid, not Gallagher as a case of muddying the waters. Now I'm not so sure. His explanation was having witnessed what the Iraqis did to the captured, 'mercy killing.'

We'll never know, nor would it help.

07-03-2019, 08:40 AM
Reading the accounts of how they were working on that kid, harkens back to the post you just wrote about the care for enemies 'can be' astounding,' something like that; at first I took the witness saying 'he killed' the kid, not Gallagher as a case of muddying the waters. Now I'm not so sure. His explanation was having witnessed what the Iraqis did to the captured, 'mercy killing.'

We'll never know, nor would it help.

At this point, it is over and done with. Atrocities are committed in war by all sides. That does not make them "morally" right or excusable BUT they are inevitable. Sometimes punishable (particularly by the winner of the conflict when they sentence the loser for "war crimes").

07-03-2019, 08:44 AM
Reading the accounts of how they were working on that kid, harkens back to the post you just wrote about the care for enemies 'can be' astounding,' something like that; at first I took the witness saying 'he killed' the kid, not Gallagher as a case of muddying the waters. Now I'm not so sure. His explanation was having witnessed what the Iraqis did to the captured, 'mercy killing.'

We'll never know, nor would it help.

It seems rather incongruous that the team would be rendering medical aid just to kill the guy in the end. Why bother? It just doesn't add up in my book.

07-03-2019, 09:45 AM
Maybe he got away with murder but clearly the military justice system was incapable of proving it.

I think it was proven that he did it, and the jury just wanted to let him go. That's what I think.

Would have been a completely different situation if that had been some innocent bystander of a Muslim (as if there is such a thing, but I digress) I believe that jury simply said "we're not gonna punish this guy for killing a fucking terrorist" and the witness saying he's actually the one who killed him gave them the perfect opportunity to do so.

07-03-2019, 10:31 AM
I think it was proven that he did it, and the jury just wanted to let him go. That's what I think.

Would have been a completely different situation if that had been some innocent bystander of a Muslim (as if there is such a thing, but I digress) I believe that jury simply said "we're not gonna punish this guy for killing a fucking terrorist" and the witness saying he's actually the one who killed him gave them the perfect opportunity to do so.

I would hope that anyone on that jury based their findings on the case presented and NOT on their preconceived (and largely unsubstantiated) opinions. Then again, I am not so stupid as to believe that some military folks have less integrity than others.

07-03-2019, 10:40 AM
I would hope that anyone on that jury based their findings on the case presented and NOT on their preconceived (and largely unsubstantiated) opinions. Then again, I am not so stupid as to believe that some military folks have less integrity than others.

People sometimes forget that when talking about the military or even police. We ARE talking about groups of human , so expecting them to be more than human in their behaviors is more than a little foolish.