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View Full Version : Now This, At the Very Least, Borders On Treason

06-21-2019, 10:01 AM
IMO. I agree with the conclusion:


The Iran Attack Head Fake

JAZZ SHAWPosted at 8:01 am on June 21, 2019

The somewhat disturbing news from last night involved Iran once again. Yesterday I was pondering (https://hotair.com/archives/2019/06/20/iran-shot-one-drones-now/) what our response would be to Iran shooting down one of our drones. Surely some sort of meaningful action was called for, but what form would it take? Now we may (or may not) have found out what was on the agenda before allegedly being rejected at the last minute. Assuming the reporting of the New York Times can be taken at face value (a big assumption, which I’ll get to in a moment), we were set for air strikes against Iran until the President changed his mind at the last minute and canceled them (https://nypost.com/2019/06/20/trump-approved-strikes-on-iran-before-changing-his-mind-report/). (NY Post)

President Trump reportedly gave the order to bomb Iran on Thursday night in response to its “unprovoked” downing of a US drone — even going so far as to put planes in the air and ships in position to strike — before eventually changing his mind, officials say.

The retaliation mission was ordered up earlier in the day, according to the New York Times, and was still in the progress of being carried out as of 7 p.m., the newspaper reports.

Multiple senior officials, speaking under the condition of anonymity, said the president was prepared to attack a number of Iranian targets, including radar and missile batteries. However, he eventually gave the word to stand down — with sources telling the Times that he chose to pull the US military forces he had positioned in the region back, though it’s unclear why.

There are two ways to read this news. One is to take the report at face value, in which case it’s highly disturbing. If “multiple senior officials” are leaking news like this, it comes off as some serious deep state antics aimed at undermining the President by making him seem erratic or indecisive. And that’s the sort of catnip that the New York Times could never resist. But it’s the sort of leak that exposes our hand to Iran when we’re perched on the precipice of military action against a formidable opponent. That sort of leaking (along with the willingness to report on it immediately) is unconscionable.

But there’s one other possibility that I wouldn’t rule out entirely. This leak may have been orchestrated by the White House. Why? Because the target audience isn’t the Democrats or the Republicans in the United States. The message was for Tehran. Not only have they shot down one of our drones, but they’re stonewalling us on a more acceptable nuclear deal. If this was a designed leak, it’s a reminder to the Iranian regime that they aren’t dealing with Barack Obama anymore. Trump isn’t going to respond to their provocations with a strongly worded letter.

Trump demonstrated his willingness to pull the trigger early in his administration with the strikes on Syria. It’s a message saying that he actually is erratic and unpredictable (or at least wants to be viewed that way). His unhappiness with Iran’s government could result in some bunker busters raining down on their radar installations, secret nuclear facilities and possibly Mehrabad International Airport for all we know. But this time they lucked out… for now. And the Iranians are left to stew in their own juices for a little while, wondering if the bombs are about to start falling and if just possibly they shouldn’t be working on being less aggressive and more accommodating before it’s too late.

We won’t know for sure unless the President decides to tell us, but I’d certainly rather think that was the underlying reality. The alternative is that multiple people were engaging in something that borders on treason, having revealed sensitive military planning details to our adversaries virtually in real time.

06-21-2019, 10:08 AM

President Obama made a desperate and terrible deal with Iran – Gave them 150 Billion Dollars plus I.8 Billion Dollars in CASH! Iran was in big trouble and he bailed them out. Gave them a free path to Nuclear Weapons, and SOON. Instead of saying thank you, Iran yelled…..

….Death to America. I terminated deal, which was not even ratified by Congress, and imposed strong sanctions. They are a much weakened nation today than at the beginning of my Presidency, when they were causing major problems throughout the Middle East. Now they are Bust!….

….On Monday they shot down an unmanned drone flying in International Waters. We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not….

….proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone. I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world. Sanctions are biting & more added last night. Iran can NEVER have Nuclear Weapons, not against the USA, and not against the WORLD!

06-21-2019, 10:09 AM
That was my first thought this morn and I'm glad to see you picked up on that too. Sad if someone is still out there making such leaks. :(

06-21-2019, 10:12 AM
That was my first thought this morn and I'm glad to see you picked up on that too. Sad if someone is still out there making such leaks. :(

Yep, it's beyond problematic. I can honestly understand someone resigning because they don't like the President or strenuously believe he's making bad decisions. I don't understand the undermining that is going on. Mind you, these types of leaks are coming from 'his' people, which is also beyond problematic. Somehow he's failed to engender the loyalty he seemed to have with many employees in his businesses.

06-21-2019, 10:19 AM
I just don't get it, even when they catch these leakers they decline to prosecute. I'm very disappointed that this 2 1/2 years later this hasn't been contained.

06-21-2019, 10:20 AM
President Obama made a desperate and terrible deal with Iran – Gave them 150 Billion Dollars plus I.8 Billion Dollars in CASH! Iran was in big trouble and he bailed them out. Gave them a free path to Nuclear Weapons, and SOON. Instead of saying thank you, Iran yelled…..

….Death to America. I terminated deal, which was not even ratified by Congress, and imposed strong sanctions. They are a much weakened nation today than at the beginning of my Presidency, when they were causing major problems throughout the Middle East. Now they are Bust!….

….On Monday they shot down an unmanned drone flying in International Waters. We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not….

….proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone. I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world. Sanctions are biting & more added last night. Iran can NEVER have Nuclear Weapons, not against the USA, and not against the WORLD!

It's all correct from him. But I wonder if there were any leaks beyond his own words? I agree with stopping any attack that would take out that many civilians. Hit their oil or their nuclear facilities.

As far as folks leaving. Folks do that, but much more so in this administration. Trump forces folks to work the hours he does, which I think is unfair to these people working for him. Add in the amount of negativity hitting the WH, I would imagine folks can only take that kind of shit for so long.

And leaks. Man, I never really thought much about just how many "leftovers" there are in our government and the career leftovers. From both sides of course. And I never wondered much before about leaks and where they come from, and whether supporters of opponents could still be in government somewhere. Call me majorly naive and trustworthy of our government at one point. I look back and shake my head. I still trust and/or have faith in a lot of things, but also question everything I see. Everyone of them is corrupt in some way or manner.

06-21-2019, 10:21 AM
I just don't get it, even when they catch these leakers they decline to prosecute. I'm very disappointed that this 2 1/2 years later this hasn't been contained.

Exactly! What the hell is the deterrent?

Maybe now doxxing!! That jerk got 4 years as Kath posted.... but anyone above an intern gets protected. :(

06-21-2019, 10:24 AM
It's all correct from him. But I wonder if there were any leaks beyond his own words? I agree with stopping any attack that would take out that many civilians. Hit their oil or their nuclear facilities.

As far as folks leaving. Folks do that, but much more so in this administration. Trump forces folks to work the hours he does, which I think is unfair to these people working for him. Add in the amount of negativity hitting the WH, I would imagine folks can only take that kind of shit for so long.

And leaks. Man, I never really thought much about just how many "leftovers" there are in our government and the career leftovers. From both sides of course. And I never wondered much before about leaks and where they come from, and whether supporters of opponents could still be in government somewhere. Call me majorly naive and trustworthy of our government at one point. I look back and shake my head. I still trust and/or have faith in a lot of things, but also question everything I see. Everyone of them is corrupt in some way or manner.

I still maintain that A LOT of this was simply due to the fact that Trump really didn't think he could overcome DNC cheating and win. He wasn't prepared to fill all the positions and so many of the people who are there now were either there under Obama OR they are people recommended to Trump by other Republicans who simply don't have Trump's best interest, or America's, at heart.

06-21-2019, 10:27 AM
It's all correct from him. But I wonder if there were any leaks beyond his own words? I agree with stopping any attack that would take out that many civilians. Hit their oil or their nuclear facilities.

As far as folks leaving. Folks do that, but much more so in this administration. Trump forces folks to work the hours he does, which I think is unfair to these people working for him. Add in the amount of negativity hitting the WH, I would imagine folks can only take that kind of shit for so long.

And leaks. Man, I never really thought much about just how many "leftovers" there are in our government and the career leftovers. From both sides of course. And I never wondered much before about leaks and where they come from, and whether supporters of opponents could still be in government somewhere. Call me majorly naive and trustworthy of our government at one point. I look back and shake my head. I still trust and/or have faith in a lot of things, but also question everything I see. Everyone of them is corrupt in some way or manner.

What are called the 'leftovers' or 'deep state' are the career bureaucrats. These leaks aren't from them. This is upper level military or high ranking presidential advisers. Bureaucrats don't know squat about strikes in real time or if they've been called off '10 minutes before attack.'

06-21-2019, 10:29 AM
I still maintain that A LOT of this was simply due to the fact that Trump really didn't think he could overcome DNC cheating and win. He wasn't prepared to fill all the positions and so many of the people who are there now were either there under Obama OR they are people recommended to Trump by other Republicans who simply don't have Trump's best interest, or America's, at heart.

And the left STILL hasn't voted on ALL nominees to date. They sat on them purposely. :rolleyes:

Plus like I said, there are folks in not only politics, but in the intel agencies that are there thru various presidencies. Look at all the things happening and so much of it from the FBI and the DOJ. A lot prior to Trump taking office, but who the hell are the leftovers? Could be anyone with all kinds of access. And no argument either - some left due to being killed with work. Some left just not wanting to deal anymore - emotionally exhausted. And no bones about it, some left because of Trump and decisions.

06-21-2019, 10:33 AM
What are called the 'leftovers' or 'deep state' are the career bureaucrats. These leaks aren't from them. This is upper level military or high ranking presidential advisers. Bureaucrats don't know squat about strikes in real time or if they've been called off '10 minutes before attack.'

I guess what I meant is what I just wrote above about the folks with intel access. I recall reading articles in the past about how various phone calls in the presidency are recorded and they claimed that perhaps others had access. Outside that, you betcha, you're 100% spot on. I'm just a dummy and would have just called those under the president the "politics side" and the others the "intel side". But you spelled it out MUCH better, because of knowledge. I is a dummy. :)

Folks close to him wouldn't surprise me. I sure hope it's not from the military side.

I often spoke about George Conway, and the way he makes things uncomfy for his wife. Outside of him, I would never even think of her, as it seems they have one of the best relationships. But her and hubby make me wonder. :(

06-21-2019, 10:53 AM
Iran has stated they had planned on exceeding allowable levels of their uranium in 10 days, and going to raise to nuclear weapons level. IF that is true and can happen very soon - then I hope what they plan is a surgical strike on such facilities.

Posting 4 articles so as not to have to make 4 new threads.


Donald Trump Confirms Decision to Call Off Military Strike on Iran

President Donald Trump confirmed Friday he pulled back a military strike on Iran after he learned the number of possible casualties.
“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on three different sights (sic),” Trump revealed on Twitter. The attack was planned in retaliation for Iran shooting down a U.S. surveillance drone on Thursday in international waters.

Trump said prior to the strikes he was told by a general the casualties could be up to 150 people.

“Ten minutes before the strike I stopped it, not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone,” he wrote.

Trump added that he was in “no hurry” for additional military conflicts with Iran but warned them against obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/06/21/donald-trump-confirms-decision-to-call-off-military-strike-on-iran/

Iran: ‘U.S. Has No Right for a Military Response’ to Drone Shootdown

A spokesman for Iran’s Supreme National Security Council said on Thursday the United States has no right to retaliate for Iran’s attack on an unmanned drone, repeating Iran’s claim the drone was shot down over its territory instead of international airspace.
“The U.S. has no right for a military response after Iran reacted to this infringement. Iran is determined to offer a firm response to any aggression,” council spokesman Kelvan Khosravi said in an interview with Russia’s Sputnik News.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif claimed on Thursday night that Iran has recovered debris from the drone in its territorial waters. Zarif claimed the drone “took off from the UAE [United Arab Emirates] in stealth mode and violated Iranian airspace.”

The Global Hawk drone is not a stealth aircraft – it is large, slow, expensive, and primarily intended to defend itself by flying at high altitudes. Defense analysts have questioned the wisdom of relying on reconnaissance aircraft that are highly vulnerable to ground attack. The U.S. Navy has said the drone destroyed by Iran is one of the older models in its inventory.

Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) aerospace division, claimed on Friday that Iran could have shot down a manned American plane that was operating near the drone but chose not to.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2019/06/21/iran-u-s-has-no-right-for-a-military-response-to-drone-shootdown/

Iran Urges Security Council Action Against U.S. After Downing Drone

The rogue Islamic government of Iran petitioned the United Nations on Friday to take action against the United States after Iranian military forces shot down an American surveillance drone.

Tehran claims the drone had made an unauthorized entry into Iranian airspace, violating international law. President Donald Trump referred to the Iranian attack as a “mistake” and American officials released video footage proving that the drone was legally present in international airspace when Iran shot it down.

Iranian Ambassador to the U.N. Majid Takht Ravanchi urged U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to bring the “very dangerous and provocative act” of the United States of flying the drone to the Security Council, where allies China and Russia could presumably take some action against Washington. Ravanchi called the drone’s flight a “blatant violation of international law” but stopped short of specifying what sort of action he hoped the U.N. would take in response.

“The international community is called upon to demand the United States to put an end to its continued unlawful and destabilizing measures in the already volatile region of the Persian Gulf,” Ravanchi wrote to Guterres, according to a copy of the letter published by Iran’s Tasnim news agency. “Iran condemns, in the strongest possible terms, this irresponsible and provocative wrongful act by the United States, which entails its international responsibility.”

“While the Islamic Republic of Iran does not seek war, it reserves its inherent right, under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, to take all appropriate necessary measures against any hostile act violating its territory, and is determined to vigorously defend its land, sea and air,” Ravanchi argued. “This is not the first provocative act by the United States against Iran’s territorial integrity.”

“It would be highly appreciated if you could have the present letter issued as a document of the Security Council,” the ambassador concludes.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2019/06/21/iran-urges-security-council-action-against-u-s-after-downing-drone/

Mark Levin: Trump Isn’t ‘Provoking a Damn Thing’ with Iran

Appearing Thursday on the Fox News Channel’s Hannity, nationally syndicated radio broadcaster Mark Levin vigorously defended President Donald Trump against accusations his administration is “provoking” a military conflict with Iran.
A partial transcript is as follows:

MARK LEVIN: We’re starting to get propaganda, it sounds like Iranian propaganda coming from the mouths of Americans — Americans who should know better. They ask you, ” Can you point to one example where Iran committed a terrorist act?” I can point to many, but let me start with 1984. Beirut, Lebanon, Hezbollah, which is the terror militia wing of Iran blew up our Marine barracks. Two truck bombs killed over 250 Americans, most of whom were Marines. That was Iran. Iran was behind that. Stop apologizing for Iran.

What I hear tonight, and what I’m hearing throughout the day, is a bunch of people who are embracing Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy of appeasement, of distraction, of excuses, of spin. You can embrace Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy a wild failure, or you can embrace Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy, a wild success. I’m also hearing, maybe it’s coming from Iran, China, Russia, or North Korea, a clear campaign against John Bolton. John Bolton hasn’t done anything, he is a national security advisor and advises the president of the United States. I’m sure China and Russia and North Korea and Iran love it when they hear hosts and others trashing John Bolton part of a massive propaganda effort. The president of the United States is a strong leader, he will listen to advice from many people, he will make the decision. These attacks on Bolton, including leaks coming out of the White House are a disgrace, absolute disgrace.

SEAN HANNITY: It’s not about that, Mark, you and I have discussed this at length. You were chief of staff for a great attorney general, he worked in Reagan administration, a man by the name of Ed Meese. The point here that I’m making is, peace through strength is our only option. But you and I have both watched now wars started, then politicized and then we say “nevermind.” I’d personally like to see the next generation of sophisticated technology and weaponry where we don’t have to send kids there to fight and to do what’s necessary from here.

LEVIN: Let me tell everybody a secret. It’s a very big world and their are very many genocidal maniacs out there. From the head of red China to the head of Russia to the head of North Korea, to the head of Iran. And I just got started. We’re not the problem, we’re not the ones who instigate wars and I’m sick and tired of hearing people on cable TV and other words suggest the president of the United States is provoking anything. We’re not provoking a damn thing.

In fact, we never provoke anything. You know why we went into Afghanistan? Because that’s where 9/11 was hatched. That’s where we were attacked. And don’t tell me Iraq is the reason not to deal with Iran. One has nothing to do with the other. And the world’s always going to be evil. Sometimes their will be war, sometimes their won’t. Sometimes their will be military action, sometimes their won’t. The word here to keep in mind is prudence, not ideology from the Code Pink Republicans and the hard-left who sound alike. Not the radical interventionists — prudence.


06-21-2019, 11:01 AM
What are called the 'leftovers' or 'deep state' are the career bureaucrats. These leaks aren't from them. This is upper level military or high ranking presidential advisers. Bureaucrats don't know squat about strikes in real time or if they've been called off '10 minutes before attack.'

Except that they do Kath, because the career people run the communications networks and such that the "higher ups" use to communicate. You'd probably be shocked at how many people have access to a communication between say The President and the Joint Chiefs and then to whatever unit had been spun up to possibly execute a mission.

06-21-2019, 12:06 PM
Except that they do Kath, because the career people run the communications networks and such that the "higher ups" use to communicate. You'd probably be shocked at how many people have access to a communication between say The President and the Joint Chiefs and then to whatever unit had been spun up to possibly execute a mission.

Neither of us have any way of knowing for sure, but I believe that those that are getting the orders, those using the joysticks to do surveillance with drones and other things, are not the folks that would be the loose lips. The bureaucrats or DOD, State, NSA, etc., are not the ones in the know for these types of things-once in play. Planning, yes. Being able to know about '10 minutes?' No.

06-21-2019, 01:57 PM
Neither of us have any way of knowing for sure, but I believe that those that are getting the orders, those using the joysticks to do surveillance with drones and other things, are not the folks that would be the loose lips. The bureaucrats or DOD, State, NSA, etc., are not the ones in the know for these types of things-once in play. Planning, yes. Being able to know about '10 minutes?' No.

So last night's events could well have served a dual purpose. The leaks could well have been just as effective as any airstrike as far as making a point to the leaders of Iran, while making Trump look like the reasonable one. Additionally, the seriousness of the unfolding events could well have flushed out the leakers and exposed them to their superiors.

President Trump is well aware of the internal sabotage that has occurred throughout the first half of his term and I'm sure he is in the process of cleaning things up. He did not get to his station in life, in the dog eat dog world of high stakes real estate, without identifying the back stabbers and knowing how to eliminate them or use them to his advantage.

06-21-2019, 02:15 PM
So last night's events could well have served a dual purpose. The leaks could well have been just as effective as any airstrike as far as making a point to the leaders of Iran, while making Trump look like the reasonable one. Additionally, the seriousness of the unfolding events could well have flushed out the leakers and exposed them to their superiors.

President Trump is well aware of the internal sabotage that has occurred throughout the first half of his term and I'm sure he is in the process of cleaning things up. He did not get to his station in life, in the dog eat dog world of high stakes real estate, without identifying the back stabbers and knowing how to eliminate them or use them to his advantage.

Well it seems to me that what was telegraphed was, "We don't want to hurt anyone, please come talk with us." Iran gave that the finger, before and after. Then there is the likelihood that Russia, not Iran may be pulling the strings. If that were the case, all the talks would be for nothing anyways.

Now I don't want war, I don't think that is necessarily the best response to what is an escalating problem. Levying draconian sanctions coupled with more cyber attacks might be much better.

06-21-2019, 02:57 PM
Well it seems to me that what was telegraphed was, "We don't want to hurt anyone, please come talk with us." Iran gave that the finger, before and after. Then there is the likelihood that Russia, not Iran may be pulling the strings. If that were the case, all the talks would be for nothing anyways.

Now I don't want war, I don't think that is necessarily the best response to what is an escalating problem. Levying draconian sanctions coupled with more cyber attacks might be much better.

And don't forget about another player, China. China is the largest buyer of Iranian oil and is the one that most desperately needs the Straights of Hormuz open. I'm sure that the stand down order, and its benefits to China, will be a major topic of discussion between Xi and Trump at the upcoming G20 meetings vis-a-vi the on going trade negotiations.

06-21-2019, 04:19 PM
What are called the 'leftovers' or 'deep state' are the career bureaucrats. These leaks aren't from them. This is upper level military or high ranking presidential advisers. Bureaucrats don't know squat about strikes in real time or if they've been called off '10 minutes before attack.'Not impossible that a military person is going to leak such info but I'm going to say a LOT less probable than high ranking people in Trump's organization.

Military or not, I DO consider leaking operational information treason or worse. The real possibility of front line people getting killed because some REMF can't keep his mouth shut doesn't have a stiff enough term nor punishment to me.

As far as the President's decision to call a halt goes, I can't really say I agree or disagree. It's HIS call. MY idea of a retaliatory strike would be to take out the missile site that was used to shoot the drone down. I don't particularly care who is at the site at the time.

06-21-2019, 04:24 PM
I cannot find what IRAN claims as it's territorial sea, but 1982 treaty it is supposed to be no greater than 12
nautical miles (nm) from mean low water baseline. Exceptions are narrow waterways. The 12 miles also includes
the airspace above. Exclusive economic zone extends 200 nm, which reserves it for a coastal nation's
fishing and commerce.


I recall Qaddafi claiming far greater than the 12 nm for Libya.