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06-21-2019, 03:07 PM
at least if they are opposed to slavery reparations anyway. :rolleyes:


Far Left HBO Writer Rae Sanni: It’s OK to Call Black Writer a ‘Coon’ for Opposing Reparations

Such open-minded, tolerant people.

On Wednesday, Coleman Hughes, a 23-year-old writer for Quillette, testified during the House of Representatives hearing on a proposed bill to give reparations to the descendants of slaves.

Hughes slammed the idea of giving reparations to all descendants of slaves as a way to create “victims” out of black Americans.

The far left audience in the room booed him.

Hughes added that giving reparations to black Americans would further divide the country.

In response to his comments HBO writer and ‘comedian’ called him a ‘coon’or opposing reparations.

Of course, she knows there will be no repercussions for her vile, racist remarks.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/06/far-left-hbo-writer-rae-sanni-its-ok-to-call-black-writer-a-coon-for-opposing-reparations/

06-21-2019, 03:50 PM
Spoken like a true Democrat.

06-21-2019, 11:57 PM
I do not use or subscribe to Twitter.

That is a bizarre post.

Not a lot of smarts shown.:laugh:

06-22-2019, 09:21 AM
Said it a million times and I'll say it again: Show me a former slave and a former slave owner and I will be all for the latter paying for a one-way ticket back to Africa for the former.

Otherwise this is just as stupid beyond the pale as the rest of the democrats' bullshit. I for one am sick of the out-of-balance with the real population numbers of black representation in the Government and/or media. 13% of the total population shouldn't be deciding shit for the majority, especially when they're nothing but brainwashed idiots who feel entitled but have neither suffered nor earned a damned thing.

I think one of my ancestors selling what is now some prime real estate in Downtown SA was a bad decision and I want a do-over, and my land back. Same goes for my ancestors that were forced to come to the US for religious persecution on one side, and the Highland Clearances on the other.

Any place in particular repairing history should stop and start? Oh yeah. Reparations for descendants of former slaves :rolleyes:

06-22-2019, 10:18 AM
Said it a million times and I'll say it again: Show me a former slave and a former slave owner and I will be all for the latter paying for a one-way ticket back to Africa for the former.

Otherwise this is just as stupid beyond the pale as the rest of the democrats' bullshit. I for one am sick of the out-of-balance with the real population numbers of black representation in the Government and/or media. 13% of the total population shouldn't be deciding shit for the majority, especially when they're nothing but brainwashed idiots who feel entitled but have neither suffered nor earned a damned thing.

I think one of my ancestors selling what is now some prime real estate in Downtown SA was a bad decision and I want a do-over, and my land back. Same goes for my ancestors that were forced to come to the US for religious persecution on one side, and the Highland Clearances on the other.

Any place in particular repairing history should stop and start? Oh yeah. Reparations for descendants of former slaves :rolleyes:

Ancestors on my Mom's side were dirt / subsistence farmers in the South Potomac River region in West Virginia.
They never had a single slave.

Dad's ancestors came over from Austria in 1898, opened a meat market / butcher shop in Cicero IL....legal immigrants.
No slaves.

So why should I agree to 'reparations'?

That is a Fools errand. Go back to the warring tribes in Africa that sold defeated enemies
to slave traders from Belgium, Netherlands, France and Great Britain. Leave the USA out of it.

06-22-2019, 12:23 PM
Ancestors on my Mom's side were dirt / subsistence farmers in the South Potomac River region in West Virginia.
They never had a single slave.

Dad's ancestors came over from Austria in 1898, opened a meat market / butcher shop in Cicero IL....legal immigrants.
No slaves.

So why should I agree to 'reparations'?

That is a Fools errand. Go back to the warring tribes in Africa that sold defeated enemies
to slave traders from Belgium, Netherlands, France and Great Britain. Leave the USA out of it.Odd that never comes into the equation. Without blacks selling blacks, there isn't a slave trade.

I'll tell you what this, and that current crop of "knee-grows" in Congress are doing as far as I'm concerned. I've never been racist in my life. There isn't room for it, and it's stupid, IMO. At the same time, the racism against ME makes me want to fight back against it. Like they claim they are doing? I know the difference between a black and a nigger and IMO, this bunch of reparations idiots/black Dems are the latter and I have no problem calling them such, as I pointed out in another thread.

And this bunch of entitled "bro's and bro-ettes" in Congress are trying to turn the US into another South Africa and they'd run it into the ground just as fast because they are stupid. And since everything they demand/want is some kind if payback against whitey, fuck 'em.

If that reasoning gets me labeled a racist, I really don't care. They can trust THIS: I don't like former slave owners any more than they do. Reason one is because I think owning another human being is just wrong. But seeing their behavior and demands a century and a half later? I hate them for bringing even the first slave over here and forcing those of us that had nothing to do with it to pay them.

06-22-2019, 07:08 PM
I have to agree on your opinion totally.

I care not what skin color anyone is or base nationality.

The idea in our past is the blend in and assimilate notion.

These days, it goes the other direction, giving in to crybabies that
have not got the gumption to pull up their bootstraps and be
meaningful members of society and our Nation.

liberals encourage such behavior↑, but lie through their teeth.