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View Full Version : Racist comments about Muslim sixth-graders' class photo

06-23-2019, 11:14 AM
They are kids and shouldn't be held responsible for adult actions. At that age, they are still even wearing whatever clothing they do, as a result of their parents.

I have NO ISSUE with any adult equivalent, as then they are responsible for everything in their lives. I'll always think the dress is degrading to women, as with so much within Islam.

But here's what I have a major issue with. If anything, see if any commenters have children attending this school. Have the school, if you want, contact them or have a meeting. Set them straight. But they go INSTANTLY telling folks to contact their places of employment. Anything they disagree with and they go for the livelihood of others, and for damage to others. This doesn't mean they excuse any comments, but be rational about it. They ain't gonna be happy when the day comes that conservatives wake up and start replying in kind. As of now, they tend to be a little more like what Clint stated at the convention.

Otherwise, I agree with the rest, and they do need to understand why what they did was wrong.

Also - did children have access to this photo? Where was it posted to and who had access? My point - if only adults, then the talk of Islam is Aok in my book, but the children should still be off limits.


Community furious after racist comments about Muslim sixth-graders' class photo surface online

Community members are furious after people left racist comments about Muslim people on photos of a class of sixth-graders.

A St. Cloud, Minn. resident shared screenshots of the post and responses yesterday, pointing out that they were made by her “own neighbors,” who need to “understand the gravity of their words.”

She added that people needed to take action and mobilize by contacting the commenters’ workplaces and share the post to protect kids from “being subjected to racial predators.”

The original post, by someone named Gary Kopietz, of the photos containing the racist comments has now been removed.


The resident posted two screenshots of the comments, some of which called the students “illegal.”

“They’re multiplying everywhere and we don’t know when they will attack us again. It only took a few men and 4 Planes to kill 3000 American’s!! When are we going to pack up all these Illegal’s and send them back where they came from?” one comment read.

“It’s time for real American patriots to walk up to Washington and start dragging out every illegal free rider support out of office...by the f****** neck!” another person wrote.

Others made remarks about some of the students’ hijabs.

“Women! Rip those hijabs off! You’re now living in a FREE country! Liberate yourselves from Islamic bondage!” a woman commented. “I don’t see not one girl without that thing on her head,” another added.

Community members were not having it, and called out the racist comments, pointing out that they’re problematic and that no one deserves so much hatred.

“Why do they keep saying illegals?? Do they think every non white person in America is an illegal?” one person questioned. Another responded with “Apparently, you're only legal if you're a white, straight, Christian.”

It is unclear whether Kopietz, the person behind the original offensive post, is affiliated with the St. Cloud Area school district.

Fosia Qalif and St. Cloud Area School District 742 did not immediately respond to Yahoo Lifestyle’s request for comment.
