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View Full Version : Country is at Risk Again, new Immigration bills coming up

09-03-2007, 03:02 PM
Summer is over which means our nation is in grave danger.

Lock up your daughters, hold on to your wallets and pray for America. Kennedy, his democratic cronies, and his band of republican traitors are back in session. Get ready to fight!

In this newsletter you'll find a summary of all of the recent legislation we have covered. Thought you would like a list of all these gems that the Anti-American congressmen are trying to pass to subvert the will of true Americans.

This may be one of your last chances to stop this insanity. If you don't call and fax, the Kennedy gang will bring in so many Illegals, allow them to stuff the ballot boxes, and you'll be out on your butt.

It comes down to this; Who wants America most....you or them!

Now is the time to get active. You've got the list below. Let them know you are not "gonna take it any more". You have the power if you will take action.

Ring their phones of the hook. Fill their fax machines. Make sure they know you are going to cut them off from feeding at the Corruption Trough.

Folks, the crooked politicians will do anything you want if they believe they will be cut off from all the "under the table" sources of funds they are so use to receiving. Let's put the fear of God into them!

OPPOSE the Granting of $10 Million per year to La Raza ---Say no to HR1999.

◊ OPPOSE the S-CHIP Amendment, H.R. 976, a bill to amend the social Security Act to authorize the State Children's (up to 25 Yrs old) Health Insurance Program. Gives benefits to illegals while cutting services to senior citizens.

◊ OPPOSE Senator Kennedy's hate crimes amendment (S.Amdt. 2067) to the defense spending bill (H.R. 1585) – Could allow criminal actions against Border agents

◊ OPPOSE H.R. 1557 introduced to allow Elvira Arellano to become a legal resident of USA

◊ SUPPORT H.R. 1940; Birthright Certification This amends section 301 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to clarify which individuals born in the United States who should be citizens of the United States at birth.

◊ SUPPORT H.R. 499; Tell Bush administration to enforce existing laws.

◊ SUPPORT H.R. 3074; Stops funding of Mexican trucks coming into USA..

◊ SUPPORT; Enforce Work place verification- Aggressive 'no-match' campaign can lead to firing of hundreds of thousands of illegal workers

◊ SUPPORT; Enforce E-Verify: Companies doing business with feds have to use E-VERIFY to weed out illegal new hires.

◊ Push to Build the Fence – 17 miles of 500 miles in 9 months is unacceptable!

Brief Information on Actions Above

**Oppose H.R.1999. This bill was introduced in April to give La Raza $5million this year and $10 million in the following two years.

Gives federal funds (Your Money) to ...Racists Group
This group aids illegals....housing etc.
This group fights all efforts to solve the illegal migrant problems.
This group is outspoken to change the U. S. laws in favor of illegals.
This group has heavy duty lobbyists in Washington.


** Oppose H.R. 976. S-CHIP Amendment. Kennedy, ALL Democratic Senators, and 17 Republicans voted to pass this bill to amend the social Security Act to authorize the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

This amendment is the first significant step to socialized medicine. That is bad enough. But what makes this legislation an OUTRAGE is the fact that they voted down an amendment to preclude Illegal Aliens from Free medical services.

Your illustrative Senators decided to give illegals food stamps, housing, and free medical care while cutting medicare benefits for senior who are American citizens. Great group of guys...Help illegals, hurt citizens.


**Oppose H.R. 1585 Kennedy "Hate Crimes" S.Amdt. 2067

Tell them to oppose Senator Kennedy's hate crimes amendment (S.Amdt. 2067) to the defense spending bill (H.R. 1585).
Tell them offending someone must not be a federal crime.
Tell them censorship is un-American and unconstitutional.
Tell them not to play games with our troops.
Tell them they must not further hamstring, handcuff or criminalize the necessary actions of our Border Patrol.


**Call your Representatives today and urge them to sign on as co-sponsors of House Resolution 1940! This bill is the Birthright Certification and will stop the "Anchor Baby" problem by not making just anyone born in the USA a citizen. One must have a nexus to America..ie, one parent must be a citizen or permanent resident of USA.


**Call your Representatives today and urge them to sign on as co-sponsors of House Resolution 499!!! We already have the laws......This Resolution is telling the President to enforce them


**PLEASE call for support of amendment to HR3074! This amendment call's for a stop of all funding for cross-border trucking programs with Mexico.


**PLEASE call your Representatives and Senators and urge them to vote NO on Commission bill (H.R.1/S.4) Tell them they should not vote for it until the language expanding the Visa Waiver Program has been stripped out!!!! 1-866-220-0044

This expansion is a threat to national security and is an insult to the American people as the 9/11 Commission actually recommended RESTRICTING the program, NOT expanding it!

Numbers You Need to Keep the Pressure On!!!!

1-866-220-0044 to reach both the Senate and House

1-866-340-9281 to reach both the Senate and House

Remember, you can use these Toll Free numbers

toll-free numbers to congress switchboard

1-800-833-6354 , 1-866-340-9281, 1-877-762-8762
1-866-808-0065, 1-866-220-0044

Ask your representative why the President will not protect us from terrorists crossing our borders

Yikes they are voting on giving La Raza 10 million? Are they nuts?!? They are an anti-American militia orginization. Damn Harry Reid and Kennedy they need to burn in hell.

09-03-2007, 03:29 PM
Tell your plan for fixing the problem and how much it will cost the tax payer?

09-03-2007, 03:31 PM
Tell your plan for fixing the problem and how much it will cost the tax payer?

Giving La Raza $10 Million is definatly not in my plans.

09-03-2007, 03:49 PM
So that is the extent of your plans?

09-03-2007, 03:54 PM
The plan is to stop all the amnesty bills and remind congress, once again, they work for us, not the illegals.

09-03-2007, 03:55 PM
The plan is to stop all the amnesty bills and remind congress, once again, they work for us, not the illegals.

That will not fix the problem now will it?

What do you want congress to impliment and how much will it cost?

09-03-2007, 04:03 PM
That will not fix the problem now will it?

What do you want congress to impliment and how much will it cost?

They need to hire Federal Agents for each state whos job is to track down illegals and employers who hire them. Arrest the Illegals and employers.The fines alone from the employers would cover their salary. The build the fence with camera's, motion detectors and land mines. Put sniper towers on the fence. Get equipment to detect underground for tunnels. Make it mandatory prison time for illegals and employers that hire them at a hard work prison camp like Sheriff Arpio's jail in Arizona. Make it a Felony with mandatory prison time for aiding an illegal in this country.

09-03-2007, 04:03 PM
That will not fix the problem now will it?

What do you want congress to impliment and how much will it cost?

Enforce the laws against employers that hire illegals. Drop all the amnesty laws they are currently working on. Finish the fence. With no work or services available to illegals most will go home on their own. Those that stay will eventually be caught and can be deported. It is the simplest and cheapest way to go.

They are like flies drawn to shit. Clean up the shit and they all go away.

09-03-2007, 04:04 PM
The plan is to stop all the amnesty bills and remind congress, once again, they work for us, not the illegals.

Make them have Law Enforcement round the illegals up asap and get them out. Make it to where they can't get welfare, scholarships or anyother benefit unless they are citizens.

09-03-2007, 09:57 PM

Make them have Law Enforcement round the illegals up asap and get them out. Make it to where they can't get welfare, scholarships or anyother benefit unless they are citizens.

09-03-2007, 10:00 PM
Enforce the laws against employers that hire illegals. Drop all the amnesty laws they are currently working on. Finish the fence. With no work or services available to illegals most will go home on their own. Those that stay will eventually be caught and can be deported. It is the simplest and cheapest way to go.

They are like flies drawn to shit. Clean up the shit and they all go away.

Maybe impliment a three strikes rule, someone who is caught in this country illegally three times make it an automatic minimum of 25 years in the pen.:salute: