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View Full Version : Mexico stops more from crossing border

06-23-2019, 01:03 PM
It's actually been a hell of a lot more than just this, I read about a few larger turn-around busts last week too, forcing folks back. The military involved and their guard. This is great of them after being 'prodded' a little and lets hope they continue to help.


Mexican National Guard Reportedly Stops Migrants from Crossing Border into U.S.

AFP Mexico reports that the Mexican National Guard deployed in Chihuahua stopped a group of Central American migrants from crossing the border into the U.S.

A tweeted message from AFP Mexico shows a pair of what is reported to be members of the Mexican National guard stopping a Central American migrant family from crossing the border at Rio Bravo in Ciudad Juarez.

“Mexican National Guard members prevent Central American migrants from crossing the Rio Bravo, in Ciudad Juarez, State of Chihuahua,” AFP Mexico tweeted.

The tweet comes on the same day that the Washington Post reported that the Mexican government announced the completion of its deployment of 6,000 National Guard troops. These troops are deployed in southern Mexico to attempt to disrupt the human smuggling caravans entering Mexico from Central America.

On Friday, National Guard troops in Mexico stopped more than 20 migrants from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh on the outskirts of Tapachula, the newspaper reported.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/border/2019/06/23/mexican-national-guard-reportedly-stops-migrants-from-crossing-border-into-u-s/