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06-25-2019, 07:27 AM
Changed the title in the title section as this applies to every single democrat blaming Trump for the things Obama did.


'Morally Bankrupt:' Joe Biden Blames Trump for Obama Immigration Policies

On Monday, former Vice President Joe Biden published an op-ed in the Miami Herald slamming the Trump administration for "morally bankrupt" policies regarding Latin America and presenting his immigration agenda as an example of "America's values." Ironically, he blamed the Trump administration for immigration actions that took place while Biden was vice president and blatantly lied about others.

"Under Trump, there have been horrifying scenes at the border of kids being kept in cages, tear-gassing asylum seekers, ripping children from their mothers’ arms — actions that subvert American values and erode our ability to lead on the global stage," Biden wrote. "At a time when the challenges we face demand a united, regional response, Trump repeatedly invokes racist invective to describe anyone south of the Rio Grande, including calling migrants 'animals.'"

Many of these "horrifying scenes" more accurately describe the government under Barack Obama, rather than under Donald Trump.

For instance, the infamous photos of "kids in cages" by the border came from 2014 under the Obama administration, not under Trump. Photos showing immigrants sleeping on the concrete floor also date from Obama's tenure, in 2015.

The Obama administration used tear gas against immigrants 126 times, according to FactCheck.org. The Obama administration also separated families at the border, refusing to place children in detention centers with their parents. Democrats have demonized these policies, conveniently forgetting that Democratic presidents have also used them.

Biden's claim that Trump used the term "animals" in a racist fashion to demonize "anyone south of the Rio Grande" is perhaps the worst lie of all. Trump called the vile murderers and rapists of the international gang MS-13 "animals." The New York Times led other media outlets in concocting a fake news narrative that Trump's dehumanizing comment referred vaguely to illegal immigrants, rather than to members of the horrific gang.

Many Democrats parroted the fake news, however, suggesting that Trump's comments referred to asylum seekers, rather than MS-13 gang members. PolitiFact exposed this horrific lie, but it seems Joe Biden wasn't paying attention.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/morally-bankrupt-joe-biden-blames-trump-for-obama-immigration-policies/

AP FACT CHECK: 2014 photo wrongly used to hit Trump policies

Photos Offer Glimpse Inside Arizona Border Detention Centers

Several Administrations Used Tear Gas at the Border

Yes, Obama separated families at the border, too

06-25-2019, 10:02 AM
I have always felt Biden was a day late and a dollar short. Nothing here to change that opinion :laugh:

I don't know what it is but he always appears to be not quite getting it and/or paying attention, and definitely his political comments are usually off base. I'm not really picturing him the Dem candidate but then, I didn't think an unconstitutional, America-hating racist like Obama had a chance either.

06-25-2019, 10:14 AM
I have always felt Biden was a day late and a dollar short. Nothing here to change that opinion :laugh:

I don't know what it is but he always appears to be not quite getting it and/or paying attention, and definitely his political comments are usually off base. I'm not really picturing him the Dem candidate but then, I didn't think an unconstitutional, America-hating racist like Obama had a chance either.

Biden is dumb. Obama's own National Security Advisor said it himself "In 40 years of public service , Joe Biden has been on the wrong side in every single major decision . The guy literally never makes the right decision.

Trump hit the nail on the head about Biden not getting Obama's endorsement too.