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View Full Version : AOC can't take heat anymore on camp comments

06-25-2019, 08:29 AM
So what does she do? She backtracks by blaming someone else!! What a real winner and scumbag this one is. :rolleyes:


Ocasio-Cortez Backtracks on Concentration Camp Remark, Blames Liz Cheney

After a considerable amount of backlash for accusing the United States of running concentration camps on the southern border (and repeatedly doubling down on that claim), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now backtracking on her original statement, blaming Rep. Liz Cheney for making the comparison of concentration camps to the Holocaust.


In addition to the backlash she’s received, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has received (and turned down) multiple invites to visit and tour actual concentration camps so she can get educated on what they really were and why her comparison was irresponsible. Perhaps attempting to pin the blame on Liz Cheney was the best strategy her staff could come up with, but it rings hollow, as it was Ocasio-Cortez who originally told her followers on Instagram, “The U.S. is running concentration camps on our southern border and that is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps. And.. umm… If that doesn’t bother you… I don’t… [unintelligble] I want to talk to the people that are concerned enough with humanity to say that ‘never again’ means something,”

The words “concentration camps” and “never again” are ubiquitous with the Nazi Holocaust. It is highly unlikely that Ocasio-Cortez does not know this. Obviously, AOC was trying to evoke the Nazi Holocaust and Nazi concentration camps. Further, after she was called out by Rep. Cheney, AOC followed up with a tweet accusing the Trump administration of establishing concentration camps and saying, “This is not hyperbole. It is the conclusion of expert analysis,” and linked to an Esquire article that acknowledged that the term “is synonymous with the Nazi death machines across the European continent.” If she wasn't trying to evoke the Holocaust she would have pointed that out originally, and now she's trying to change the narrative.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/ocasio-cortez-backtracks-on-concentration-camp-remark-blames-liz-cheney/

Crackpot Socialist AOC Blames LIZ CHENEY Not Herself for Using Holocaust Imagery to Describe Illegal Alien Holding Centers

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made headlines last week when she compared ICE holding centers for illegal aliens to ‘concentration camps’ like what was in practice in Nazi Germany.

AOC later said she will NEVER apologize for her offensive and ignorant remarks.

On Saturday Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called on her supporters to report ICE sightings and to harbor illegal alien criminals in their homes!

She’s gone from obtuse statements to pushing criminal behavior.

On Monday Ocasio-Cortez reached a new low accusing Rep. Liz Cheney and not herself for using Holocaust imagery to describe the current US illegal alien holding centers.

She wants open borders and doesn’t care how many lies she has to tell to get it done.


06-25-2019, 09:32 AM
So what does she do? She backtracks by blaming someone else!! What a real winner and scumbag this one is. :rolleyes:


Ocasio-Cortez Backtracks on Concentration Camp Remark, Blames Liz Cheney

After a considerable amount of backlash for accusing the United States of running concentration camps on the southern border (and repeatedly doubling down on that claim), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now backtracking on her original statement, blaming Rep. Liz Cheney for making the comparison of concentration camps to the Holocaust.


In addition to the backlash she’s received, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has received (and turned down) multiple invites to visit and tour actual concentration camps so she can get educated on what they really were and why her comparison was irresponsible. Perhaps attempting to pin the blame on Liz Cheney was the best strategy her staff could come up with, but it rings hollow, as it was Ocasio-Cortez who originally told her followers on Instagram, “The U.S. is running concentration camps on our southern border and that is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps. And.. umm… If that doesn’t bother you… I don’t… [unintelligble] I want to talk to the people that are concerned enough with humanity to say that ‘never again’ means something,”

The words “concentration camps” and “never again” are ubiquitous with the Nazi Holocaust. It is highly unlikely that Ocasio-Cortez does not know this. Obviously, AOC was trying to evoke the Nazi Holocaust and Nazi concentration camps. Further, after she was called out by Rep. Cheney, AOC followed up with a tweet accusing the Trump administration of establishing concentration camps and saying, “This is not hyperbole. It is the conclusion of expert analysis,” and linked to an Esquire article that acknowledged that the term “is synonymous with the Nazi death machines across the European continent.” If she wasn't trying to evoke the Holocaust she would have pointed that out originally, and now she's trying to change the narrative.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/ocasio-cortez-backtracks-on-concentration-camp-remark-blames-liz-cheney/

Crackpot Socialist AOC Blames LIZ CHENEY Not Herself for Using Holocaust Imagery to Describe Illegal Alien Holding Centers

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made headlines last week when she compared ICE holding centers for illegal aliens to ‘concentration camps’ like what was in practice in Nazi Germany.

AOC later said she will NEVER apologize for her offensive and ignorant remarks.

On Saturday Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called on her supporters to report ICE sightings and to harbor illegal alien criminals in their homes!

She’s gone from obtuse statements to pushing criminal behavior.

On Monday Ocasio-Cortez reached a new low accusing Rep. Liz Cheney and not herself for using Holocaust imagery to describe the current US illegal alien holding centers.

She wants open borders and doesn’t care how many lies she has to tell to get it done.

I think AOC was put into office as a smokescreen and attempt at making Pelosi seem intelligent. How the left works. Find something stupider and the previous stupid "moderate".

06-25-2019, 09:49 AM
I think AOC was put into office as a smokescreen and attempt at making Pelosi seem intelligent. How the left works. Find something stupider and the previous stupid "moderate".

Nancy Pelosi is a lot of things, dumb isn't one of them

06-25-2019, 09:55 AM
Nancy Pelosi is a lot of things, dumb isn't one of themThat would depend on the topic, IMO. She's pretty dumb when it comes to contradicting herself to sway in the direction of the current breeze. What she said or allegedly stood for yesterday doesn't matter today. Only what Trump drank after his HS graduation does :laugh:

06-25-2019, 10:50 AM
That would depend on the topic, IMO. She's pretty dumb when it comes to contradicting herself to sway in the direction of the current breeze. What she said or allegedly stood for yesterday doesn't matter today. Only what Trump drank after his HS graduation does :laugh:

That's not her being dumb, that's her knowing Democratic voters are dumb , so she can say one thing today and the exact opposite tomorrow and pay no political consequences for it. It's actually smart on her part.

06-25-2019, 10:53 AM
That's not her being dumb, that's her knowing Democratic voters are dumb , so she can say one thing today and the exact opposite tomorrow and pay no political consequences for it. It's actually smart on her part.You got a point. Sadly.

06-25-2019, 11:02 AM
You got a point. Sadly.

That's what I'm saying , Democrat voters are stupid, but the politicians? It's a mistake to say they are dumb. They are evil, they are calculating, they are dishonest, they are without moral compass, but they are not stupid.

Well in most cases. There are the real dumb fucks who sneak in there, Waters, Swallwell, Booker , Biden etc etc, but by and large the people in charge of the DNC are not stupid.

06-25-2019, 11:38 AM
That's what I'm saying , Democrat voters are stupid, but the politicians? It's a mistake to say they are dumb. They are evil, they are calculating, they are dishonest, they are without moral compass, but they are not stupid.

Well in most cases. There are the real dumb fucks who sneak in there, Waters, Swallwell, Booker , Biden etc etc, but by and large the people in charge of the DNC are not stupid.I think how smart they are is determined by how many sheeple vote for them. The Dems are already proving they'll do anything for votes, legal or no and they've boxed up Trump pretty well. And they don't even have an actual platform except "We aren't Trump".

But individually, most of what comes out of most of their mouths is just dumb to me. Pelosi's blatant and continual hypocrisy is a red flag for me. And dumb I guess isn't the right word. They just don't care whether or not their lies are caught because their sheeple would rather believe them than any facts.

06-25-2019, 11:42 AM
I think how smart they are is determined by how many sheeple vote for them. The Dems are already proving they'll do anything for votes, legal or no and they've boxed up Trump pretty well. And they don't even have an actual platform except "We aren't Trump".

But individually, most of what comes out of most of their mouths is just dumb to me. Pelosi's blatant and continual hypocrisy is a red flag for me. And dumb I guess isn't the right word. They just don't care whether or not their lies are caught because their sheeple would rather believe them than any facts.

I mean AOC summed it up , liberals believe they are morally right and therefor facts don't matter. That's the current state of the DNC. From they believe Trump is evil so accusing him of whatever without any facts is okay to they feel like men can become women so biology doesn't matter and right on down the list.