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06-25-2019, 12:02 PM
This woman's hatred is all she runs on.


Traitor Maxine Waters Just Publicly Sided with Iran

Rep. Maxine Waters has gone from treating Trump supporters like the enemy to taking a real enemy’s side.

The California Democrat has previously been best known for incessantly chanting “impeachment” when it comes to President Donald Trump and urging her supporters to confront Trump’s officials wherever possible.

But in a Twitter post Sunday night, she openly took the side of the Islamic Republic of Iran in its dispute with the United States, and Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas didn’t let her get away with it.

Waters was commenting on last week’s downing of an American military drone by Iranian forces. Iran maintains the drone was in its airspace when it was shot down.

American military officials and the Trump administration say the drone was in international airspace.

Naturally, we know who Waters is going to believe.

”Trump, you get no credit for so-called stopping the strike against Iran,” she wrote. “Why was the unmanned drone in Iran’s airspace? Why the surveillance? Don’t provoke and then pretend innocence.”

It’s worth noting that Waters didn’t say how or why she believes Tehran’s version of the story.

It’s a good chance she doesn’t know herself — beyond her Pavlovian distaste for anything to do with the current commander in chief.

The fact that such a woman actually chairs the House Financial Services Committee is a sad indication of just how low the Democratic Party has dragged itself during the Trump years.

And Crenshaw, one of the most outspoken members of the Republican freshman class, didn’t take long to put Waters down even further.

“This is a shocking quote from a House Committee Chairwoman,” Crenshaw wrote in a Sunday evening tweet.


Now, as most people know by now, Crenshaw is not a normal politician in 21st century America.

A former Navy SEAL, he lost an eye in combat in Afghanistan. It’s a good bet he has a deeper appreciation for the military and its relations with the government than just about anyone on Capitol Hill — Republican or Democrat.

And he certainly has a much deeper appreciation for the military than a loudmouthed liberal like Waters.

Rest - https://www.westernjournal.com/ct/bombshell-traitor-maxine-waters-just-publicly-sided-iran/

06-25-2019, 12:09 PM
This woman is a pile of stupid.

And where are the people who said Trump was a traitor when he said he believed Russia when they said they didn't hack the DNC server?

06-25-2019, 12:31 PM
There needs to be a simple way to remove shit like this from office. The House needs to call itself the Representatives of Unamerican activity :rolleyes:

06-25-2019, 12:35 PM
There needs to be a simple way to remove shit like this from office. The House needs to call itself the Representatives of Unamerican activity :rolleyes:

Isn't it odd that one branch can forcibly remove a member of either of the other two branches with enough votes, but those two branche can't do anything to remove a member of that third branch?

06-25-2019, 12:40 PM
Isn't it odd that one branch can forcibly remove a member of either of the other two branches with enough votes, but those two branche can't do anything to remove a member of that third branch?I think they call it an equal division of power and/or checks and balances:rolleyes:

The only one that can actually be removed easily is the President.

One thing I don't get about the Republican'ts is if they have evidence of wrongdoing as they do in several of these nitwits cases, why they don't push to prefer charges. Omar should be gone for sure.

06-25-2019, 12:45 PM
I think they call it an equal division of power and/or checks and balances:rolleyes:

The only one that can actually be removed easily is the President.

One thing I don't get about the Republican'ts is if they have evidence of wrongdoing as they do in several of these nitwits cases, why they don't push to prefer charges. Omar should be gone for sure.

Federal Judges, including Supreme Court Justices , can be impeached. It's only happened to one Justice, and he was not convicted, but it can be done.

As for Omar, its beyond obvious that she is an outright criminal Trump should have her deported as an undesirable. Don't even waste jail cell, just deport her back to Somalia.

06-25-2019, 01:10 PM
There needs to be a simple way to remove shit like this from office. The House needs to call itself the Representatives of Unamerican activity :rolleyes:

Forgive my naivety. But this individual is clearly siding with an enemy power. Surely, definably (and in actual FACT ??) this must make her guilty of at least treasonable behaviour.

My naivety comes from a belief that she should be arrested, and, following a 'guilty' verdict in court, that she does serious jail time.

06-25-2019, 01:28 PM
Forgive my naivety. But this individual is clearly siding with an enemy power. Surely, definably (and in actual FACT ??) this must make her guilty of at least treasonable behaviour.

My naivety comes from a belief that she should be arrested, and, following a 'guilty' verdict in court, that she does serious jail time.

I personally do not want to us go down a road of arresting people for publicly saying stupid shit that we know they are only saying because they hate the President. Maxine Waters certainly is not worth that.f

06-25-2019, 01:28 PM
Federal Judges, including Supreme Court Justices , can be impeached. It's only happened to one Justice, and he was not convicted, but it can be done.

As for Omar, its beyond obvious that she is an outright criminal Trump should have her deported as an undesirable. Don't even waste jail cell, just deport her back to Somalia.I didn't know she was Somali. Deport her back about half way.

06-25-2019, 01:31 PM
I didn't know she was Somali. Deport her back about half way.

Yep , the fucking **** came over here as a refugee thanks to the kindness of the American people and proceeded to spread her hate for our country almost immediately. Not to mention violating our laws .

People like her need to just disappear.

06-25-2019, 07:33 PM
Forgive my naivety. But this individual is clearly siding with an enemy power. Surely, definably (and in actual FACT ??) this must make her guilty of at least treasonable behaviour.

My naivety comes from a belief that she should be arrested, and, following a 'guilty' verdict in court, that she does serious jail time.

I personally do not want to us go down a road of arresting people for publicly saying stupid shit that we know they are only saying because they hate the President. Maxine Waters certainly is not worth that.f

Part of me wishes that they could hold her accountable though. While "I" know she is retarded, her name and position still carry a lot of weight and she still has a ton of people that listen to her. Her words will sound or be taken more seriously by some due to who she is. Why I don't know, but they do.

It's a terrible statement, not to mention incorrect, un-American to me - but it would be tough to make a treason case. It's brought up a lot but the threshold is difficult to overcome, especially the aiding/abetting part and trying to make a twitter statement stick. IMO.


‘Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.’

The Constitution authorizes the US Congress to set penalties for this crime, but it may not change the definition or create varying degrees of treason. The federal treason statute is 18 USC 2381 and it is similar to the language in the Constitution. It features a five year prison term and $10,000 fine.

06-26-2019, 12:12 AM
Part of me wishes that they could hold her accountable though. While "I" know she is retarded, her name and position still carry a lot of weight and she still has a ton of people that listen to her. Her words will sound or be taken more seriously by some due to who she is. Why I don't know, but they do.

It's a terrible statement, not to mention incorrect, un-American to me - but it would be tough to make a treason case. It's brought up a lot but the threshold is difficult to overcome, especially the aiding/abetting part and trying to make a twitter statement stick. IMO.


‘Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.’

The Constitution authorizes the US Congress to set penalties for this crime, but it may not change the definition or create varying degrees of treason. The federal treason statute is 18 USC 2381 and it is similar to the language in the Constitution. It features a five year prison term and $10,000 fine.

Well, you'll know your own legal system & judiciary far better than me ! As a sheer point of logic, though, I'd have thought giving support to an enemy country's basis for security and prosperity (sanctions, and security issues for Iran being involved !) amounts to 'giving them aid and comfort' .. ? So, surely the case for treasonous activity (certainly a treasonous public stance, and one she'd hope to persuade others of !) is made ?

With the penalty defined, and one involving criminal punishment, jail time is appropriate .. [sez me, anyway] ...

06-26-2019, 12:18 AM
I personally do not want to us go down a road of arresting people for publicly saying stupid shit that we know they are only saying because they hate the President. Maxine Waters certainly is not worth that.f

I definitely understand the sentiment you're expressing. I'm tempted to say 'that's reasonable'.

What's motivating her (disgusting in itself) isn't really the point, though. If she wants publicity for her stance, and gets it, and hopes to persuade any American of her point of view .. then it seems to me that she earns the required backlash. Since this involves her being supportive of an enemy power, in defiance of her own country's interests ... she needs to take the consequence of doing that.

Mind you, the suggestion of deportation seems only just ... I find it persuasive.

06-26-2019, 07:46 AM
Part of me wishes that they could hold her accountable though. While "I" know she is retarded, her name and position still carry a lot of weight and she still has a ton of people that listen to her. Her words will sound or be taken more seriously by some due to who she is. Why I don't know, but they do.

It's a terrible statement, not to mention incorrect, un-American to me - but it would be tough to make a treason case. It's brought up a lot but the threshold is difficult to overcome, especially the aiding/abetting part and trying to make a twitter statement stick. IMO.


‘Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.’

The Constitution authorizes the US Congress to set penalties for this crime, but it may not change the definition or create varying degrees of treason. The federal treason statute is 18 USC 2381 and it is similar to the language in the Constitution. It features a five year prison term and $10,000 fine.

It's a clear case of double standards for sure. Haven't we been hearing for two years that Donald Trump is a traitor for believing Russia when they say they didn't hack into any DNC servers?