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06-26-2019, 11:06 AM
I don't think this makes her one who hates America - but a hater nonetheless. She could have kept quiet, but she's generally outspoken. Great soccer player and that's about it. And yes, of course she still kneels. And of course now in the World Cup representing America and team captain. :rolleyes: And you knew Trump was going to respond, and she likely did too. He at least stuck to being rational about it and pointed out things I agree with.

I'm rooting for the American women nonetheless and just shrug at her. They have so many good players in addition to her. And they should be concentrating on opponents and not politics. I hope they win regardless. Go USA! Next up against France in the Quarterfinals.


America-Hating Soccer Star and Anthem Kneeler Megan Rapinoe: “I’m Not Going to the F**king White House!”

Radical leftist Megan Rapinoe started kneeling during the national anthem back in 2016. She said it was a protest against “white supremacy” and in support of black lives matter movement. She later said it was a protest against the treatment of gays in the US.

(She should try Iran!)

But last week she said her protesting during the anthem is her f*** you to Trump and all of his racism.

Megan Rapinoe is a captain of the US women’s soccer team.


In response Megan Rapinoe told reporters, “I’m not going to the f**king White House!”

What a lovely representative of America!

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/06/america-hating-soccer-star-and-anthem-kneeler-megan-rapinoe-im-not-going-to-the-fking-white-house-video/

‘WIN First’: Trump Hammers U.S. Soccer Player Megan Rapinoe For Saying She Won’t Visit ‘F**king White House’

President Trump is a fan of women’s soccer. But he’s not exactly a fan of star player Megan Rapinoe.

On Tuesday, Trump ripped Rapinoe for kneeling during the national anthem, “You have to stand proudly for the national anthem or you shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there, maybe they shouldn’t be in the country.”

In response, Rapinoe told reporters, “I’m not going to the f**king White House!”

Trump, who rarely lets a slight pass, fired right back on Wednesday morning.

“Women’s soccer player, Meganrapino, just stated that she is ‘not going to the F…ing White House if we win.’ Other than the NBA, which now refuses to call owners, owners (please explain that I just got Criminal Justice Reform passed, Black unemployment is at the lowest level…” Trump wrote on Twitter.

“…in our Country’s history, and the poverty index is also best number EVER), leagues and teams love coming to the White House. I am a big fan of the American Team, and Women’s Soccer, but Megan should WIN first before she TALKS! Finish the job! We haven’t yet…” he continued.

Then he let the hammer fall, inviting the entire team should they win the World Cup.

“…invited Megan or the team, but I am now inviting the TEAM, win or lose. Megan should never disrespect our Country, the White House, or our Flag, especially since so much has been done for her & the team. Be proud of the Flag that you wear. The USA is doing GREAT!”

Women’s soccer player, Meganrapino, just stated that she is “not going to the F…ing White House if we win.” Other than the NBA, which now refuses to call owners, owners (please explain that I just got Criminal Justice Reform passed, Black unemployment is at the lowest level…

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 26, 2019

….in our Country’s history, and the poverty index is also best number EVER), leagues and teams love coming to the White House. I am a big fan of the American Team, and Women’s Soccer, but Megan should WIN first before she TALKS! Finish the job! We haven’t yet….

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 26, 2019

….invited Megan or the team, but I am now inviting the TEAM, win or lose. Megan should never disrespect our Country, the White House, or our Flag, especially since so much has been done for her & the team. Be proud of the Flag that you wear. The USA is doing GREAT!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 26, 2019

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/06/win-first-trump-hammers-u-s-soccer-player-megan-rapinoe-for-saying-she-wont-visit-fking-white-house/

06-26-2019, 11:43 AM
Leftists are assholes. This dumb twat is well within her rights, of course, but has to make such a huge public and crude announcement.

As an aside, these ladies deserve a raise. Even this one.

06-27-2019, 06:21 AM
Why is someone like this representing America in the tournament. I'd be fine with dropping her from the team right now, and I don't care how good she is at soccer, either. I'm sure there are other excellent women soccer players that would be happy to take her place. And it would set an example - other players would think twice before anthem-kneeling or cursing the White House.

Abbey Marie
06-27-2019, 10:05 AM
I guess when my generation dies out, all we’ll be left with are foul-mouthed, classless “women”. As our President would say, sad.

06-27-2019, 01:04 PM
I guess when my generation dies out, all we’ll be left with are foul-mouthed, classless “women”. As our President would say, sad.

Nah, these things tend to cycle around. We already see signs that some of the younger women are getting fed up with this ultra leftist make everything about politics bulllshit.

06-27-2019, 01:07 PM
Not every slight needs a response. Seriously, it's getting to look like the left is better at sucking it up than some on the right.

I'm not speaking about anyone here, if the President didn't go out of his way to engage with these folks, the people might stay calm. Some folks are not worthy of a response, I think this person was one of many.

06-27-2019, 01:17 PM
Not every slight needs a response. Seriously, it's getting to look like the left is better at sucking it up than some on the right.

I'm not speaking about anyone here, if the President didn't go out of his way to engage with these folks, the people might stay calm. Some folks are not worthy of a response, I think this person was one of many.

I posted something similar yesterday, Trump just has to jump into EVERYTHING, I mean part of that is the media is always on the lookout for a gotcha moment so they ask for his reaction to these kind of idiots, but damn he obliges them everytime, sometimes you just say "no comment" or similar and walk away.

Also, I still say these women need a raise immediately. they truly are making on average less than half of what members of the mens US Soccer team make even though women's soccer actually brings in more revenue than mens soccer AND the women are more successful. See now why couldn't Trump have responded "Well, she's entitled to her own opinion and oh speaking of the US women's soccer team, it's time to ensure they get equal pay for equal work, actually MORE than equal work because the women out perform the men?" Why Trump, why cant you do that kind of stuff?

Abbey Marie
06-27-2019, 02:46 PM
Nah, these things tend to cycle around. We already see signs that some of the younger women are getting fed up with this ultra leftist make everything about politics bulllshit.

I was referring to the cursing, specifically. My 11 year old niece said “Oh fu**” the other day, and right in front of her mother and me. My jaw dropped.

06-27-2019, 02:50 PM
I was referring to the cursing, specifically. My 11 year old niece said “Oh fu**” the other day, and right in front of her mother and me. My jaw dropped.

That I couldn't tell you , I threatened my 27 year old's life the other day. Neither of my grandmothers EVER heard me use the word "fuck" ever not once and he said it in front of my mom . I assured him that if it happened again he wasn't too old for me to wash his mouth out with soap. I mean I cuss all the time and I controlled myself (when I chose to) anyone can.

And no I've never heard my wife say "the F word" except you know in bed and then she says it in Spanish, so it is like follame papi. LOL

Abbey Marie
06-27-2019, 03:32 PM
That I couldn't tell you , I threatened my 27 year old's life the other day. Neither of my grandmothers EVER heard me use the word "fuck" ever not once and he said it in front of my mom . I assured him that if it happened again he wasn't too old for me to wash his mouth out with soap. I mean I cuss all the time and I controlled myself (when I chose to) anyone can.

And no I've never heard my wife say "the F word" except you know in bed and then she says it in Spanish, so it is like follame papi. LOL


I just am amazed how women act like trash, and simultaneously want men to treat them respectfully.

06-27-2019, 04:25 PM
I guess when my generation dies out, all we’ll be left with are foul-mouthed, classless “women”. As our President would say, sad.

Call me old fashioned. But I was brought up learning to respect all women, ladies, girls, females.

My father was outspoken about women, and that a Man could judge the difference between Real Ladies, and those who have no self-respect for being who they are pretending to be.

As I have grown, and experienced the real World, around the World. I have become very choosy when it comes to judging women...namely...If they have a foul mouth, and have no problem swearing, or disrespecting others. They....IMO...are not, and never will be LADIES to be respected, or admired.

If they want to demonstrate their Low self-esteem by trashing their First Impression with a swear word. They are nothing less than a ROSY O'Donnell wannabe with NO CLASS at all.