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View Full Version : Beto O’Rourke Says ‘Trump Is Responsible’ For Death Of Two Foreigners

06-27-2019, 07:28 AM
These guys have no shame. First off - wall or no wall - they tried to cross prior to that and made a fatal mistake. It's horrible and a horrid story. But IMO, his fault alone for crossing illegally and taking a child underneath his shirt.

And, if anything - if the Dems had worked together - things might be much stricter, starting with a wall or enhanced fencing. I believe, that alone and a lot of these people never even get here. But then more laws, more agents, more fencing, more technology - and the Dems ignore it - because Trump is in office.


Beto O’Rourke Says ‘Trump Is Responsible’ For Death Of Two Foreigners Who Died Trying To Sneak Into U.S.

The story is terrible, tragic. A father and his two-year-old daughter from El Salvador drowned in the Rio Grande trying to illegally enter the United States.

The photo was even worse, showing Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez, face down on the river bank, with his daughter Valeria’s arm wrapped around his neck, as if she had clung onto him as he tried to carry her through the water.

The scene is, sadly, all too common. Thousands of people from Central America have flooded to the U.S.-Mexico border, well aware of the fact that they have a good possibility of getting into America — especially as congressional Democrats refuse to address the crisis.

And, of course, the real blame belongs with Ramirez, who put his own life and that of his daughter in jeopardy in attempt to sneak into the U.S.

But Robert “Beto” O’Rourke says there’s only one person to blame: “Trump is responsible for these death.”

On the eve of the first debates in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, O’Rourke sought to politicize the tragic deaths. And he continued: “As his administration refuses to follow our laws — preventing refugees from presenting themselves for asylum at our ports of entry — they cause families to cross between ports, ensuring greater suffering & death. At the expense of our humanity, not to the benefit of our safety.”

Yes, that’s right: Because President Trump has moved to stem the flow of foreigners claiming asylum in the U.S., he’s to blame — not the father.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/06/beto-orourke-says-trump-is-responsible-for-death-of-two-foreigners-who-died-trying-to-sneak-into-u-s/

06-27-2019, 07:52 AM
Currently there is not one serious Democrat in or around Washington DC, which is a shame because in fact the Republicans are shit bags and need a legitimate check against some of the stupid things they want to do.

Congress could fix this entire mess in less than a day if they would simply change the law. They REFUSE to do so because both parties , for the most part, love the status quo. They don't give one flying fuck about that dead child, other than "what a great photo to bash Trump with" which means they are actually glad the child died like that..

06-27-2019, 08:15 AM
One would guess that according to Beto O'Rourke, Trump led them by the hand all the way from El Salvador
and just dumped them in the river.

What a crock of bullshit!

Abbey Marie
06-27-2019, 10:12 AM
There’s lots of blame to go around. I’ll put most of it on the father, followed by Mexico. Def not Trump.