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View Full Version : Trump steps into NK

06-30-2019, 09:22 AM
A first for any US president. Maybe stepping over, the shaking of hands, and setting up a quick meeting, will show his interest and they can finally get something done, if anything. It also could be a photo op, but one hell of a historic one!


06-30-2019, 09:31 AM
‘A Great Day for the World’: Trump-Kim Meet in Diplomatic Breakthrough

President Donald Trump shook hands with North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un at the heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone on Sunday, making Trump the first American leader to step into the isolated Communist country in what he called “a great day for the world.”

The historic step in rapprochement between the two technically warring nations marks a return to face-to-face engagement between the leaders the world first saw in Singapore last year. It was their third face-to-face encounter in just over 12 months.

Contact between the two sides has since been minimal, but the two leaders have exchanged a series of letters and Trump turned to Twitter on Saturday to issue his offer which was quickly taken up.

“I was proud to step over the line,” Trump told Kim as they met in a building known as “Freedom House” on the South Korean side of the village. “It is a great day for the world.”

Kim hailed the moment, saying of Trump, “I believe this is an expression of his willingness to eliminate all the unfortunate past and open a new future.” He added he was “surprised” when Trump invited him meet.

As he stood beside Kim, Trump told reporters he would invite the North Korean leader to the United States, potentially even to the White House.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/06/30/a-great-day-for-the-world-trump-kim-meet-in-diplomatic-breakthrough/

07-01-2019, 12:04 PM
The left are idiots. Most are condemning Trump for "meeting with a dictator". Should he ignore NK while he has opportunities to talk? Should he ignore all attempts to work on reducing or eliminating their nukes?

If giving them absolutely nothing, and no sanctions lifted, I see no harm in any attempts to discuss things with him/them.