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View Full Version : The hypocrisy!

07-01-2019, 11:25 AM
The hypocrisy that comes from the left has me posting about it almost daily. Every single day they do something with the hypocrisy that can leave you speechless and shaking your head.

Now here, she wastes no time in jumping on Ivanka for being at the G20 meetings. With her background, she is qualified in various advisor positions. By no means am I implying she knows world affairs, but one can still work as an advisor. And yes, she did get involved in talking with people.

Any rate, doesn't matter - AOC posted that she was upset obviously that Ivanka was there and what are her qualifications?

Are you shitting me? From anyone else it may be valid concerns, but from her it SCREAMS hypocrisy. And what in the world did she do, pour shots of vodka? And the shit she lists is lame if that's a list of qualifications to be in congress. In other words, she is a hypocrite, and its valid to call her out.


Ocasio-Cortez Tells Job-Shaming GOPers To ‘Take Their Classism To The Trash’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is calling out Republicans for “classism” for attacking her past work as a bartender.

Over the weekend, the freshman lawmaker slammed Ivanka Trump, daughter and adviser to President Donald Trump, for taking part in G-20 talks despite having no qualifications.

“It may be shocking to some, but being someone’s daughter actually isn’t a career qualification,” Ocasio-Cortez said in response to a viral video of an awkward moment between the first daughter and several world leaders.

Conservative pundit Paris Dennard asked Ocasio-Cortez what her own qualifications are.

“Remind us how being a bartender qualified you to be a member of Congress creating laws, voting on bills that impact Americans & the world,” he tweeted.

She replied with the only qualification that matters in Congress: The election results that showed her easily winning her district last year.

Then, she launched into a passionate defense of not only her own background, but of all people who’ve worked similar jobs:

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-071807742.html

07-01-2019, 02:32 PM
I like this reply to AOC:


But I REALLY like this one from Sarah!!

