View Full Version : 'You're a white supremacist, Laura'

07-03-2019, 06:07 PM
Disagree with someone on the left and you are always called a racist, or now white supremacist. And why? Because she mentioned to an American that they should see the conditions that our troops are in, what facilities they use to shower - so that they can see that these places are good enough for them. They are buildings/area that they use for groups and larger groups, simple bunking, simple toilet and shared shower environments.

They complain about "kidnapping" as they call it, and rounding people up and herding them & of course the accommodations they receive & everything else under the sun. Anything short of instant release or not stopping them at all. BS is all it is.

I can solve all of this easily. - DON'T COME HERE ILLEGALLY ACROSS THE BORDER - and you will not receive any of that treatment at all and never have to see such accommodations, won't have to eat the horrible food.... STAY WHERE YOU ARE or you know exactly what awaits you if you enter illegally.

OR - the democrats can WORK with the republicans, fund getting ALL border full openings get a new wall or enhanced fencing. Existing bad areas upgraded as such, and ensure the entire crossing is covered. Fund more agents & more technology - and build much nicer facilities if that's REALLY what they want, since SO MANY LESS will now be crossing, much less will be needed and they can go nuts and have Martha Stewart design everything. Problems solved.

OR - how about NOW - the left go ahead and submit a bill to fund brand new lovely housing for illegals as they cross if that's what they want - but watch how quick that would change, as they truly don't care.

Anyway, so back to the nitwit related to Castro - marking someone as a white supremacist because she told them to compare to what the US troops deal with.... His reply is like 'some' folks I know, twisting things a tad and making retarded comments. She never said place them in war zone conditions, was simply pointing him to look at how our troops shower and that it's not "inhumane". Twisting little comments like that, making a post and replying as IF she said what he is writing. Lefties like to do lame shit like that.


You're a white supremacist, Laura': Joaquin Castro and Laura Ingraham feud over migrant detention

WASHINGTON – Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, and Fox News host Laura Ingraham sparred on Twitter on Wednesday afternoon over a video Castro had posted of conditions inside a migrant detention center.

Earlier Wednesday, Castro, the twin brother of presidential candidate Julián Castro and the chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, had posted a surreptitiously recorded video of showers inside the Border Patrol station at Clint, Texas, showing filthy conditions on the floors of the showers. Border Patrol officials had confiscated the phones of a visiting congressional delegation, but Castro captured pictures and videos anyway.

Ingraham responded to Castro, saying that the showers were "similar to Army facilities in Iraq" and arguing that Castro "needs to spend more time overseas w/ our troops bef he calls this inhumane."

You’re a white supremacist, Laura.

And, no, I don’t think refugees should be kept in war-zone conditions in the most prosperous nation on earth.

Rest - https://news.yahoo.com/apos-apos-white-supremacist-laura-184902411.html

Abbey Marie
07-03-2019, 07:12 PM
Have the illegals earn their keep by cleaning the showers. Problem solved.

07-03-2019, 07:20 PM
Have the illegals earn their keep by cleaning the showers. Problem solved.

No doubt. Give them a bucket, access to running water (it IS a shower...), soap - and let them clean their entire living areas and showering areas. Not rocket science here!

07-03-2019, 07:25 PM
Have the illegals earn their keep by cleaning the showers. Problem solved.

I have no problem with that, someone wrote earlier that it's a weird concentration camp where people voluntarily are coming in. I feel the same about prisons, put the inmates to work. Not breaking rocks, but something useful.

07-03-2019, 07:37 PM
And what's with the these new terms that CNN bandies about all the time now whenever three or more conservative white people stand near each other? CNN always refers the them as "Alt-right" and "White Nationalists" without ever explaining what the hell that is supposed to mean. Sometimes CNN just refers to them as white supremacists or Neo-Nazis, which is probably what they mean by the first terms, but CNN never, ever, ever has any justification for any of the terms. CNN: the rebirth of yellow journalism.