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View Full Version : can you imagine if just regular every day folks ran Washington DC

07-11-2019, 11:10 AM
instead of the usual dopes who make every decision based on politics rather than just what's best for the American people? For starters the southern border of the US would be shut down tighter than a tick's ass and we woudn't have thousands of people in cages waiting to be screened for entry into the US, nor would we have millions of illegals in the US sucking up billions in tax payer money each year.

Just think of how many "insurmountable problems" could be solved if just regular every day folk who have no choice but to solve the issues in their day to day lives were put in charge in DC for just a year, and all the politicians were told to go to hell...

Of course , for this to work the lobbyists would also have to be told to go to hell otherwise they would just corrupt the new people too.

07-11-2019, 11:29 AM
instead of the usual dopes who make every decision based on politics rather than just what's best for the American people? For starters the southern border of the US would be shut down tighter than a tick's ass and we woudn't have thousands of people in cages waiting to be screened for entry into the US, nor would we have millions of illegals in the US sucking up billions in tax payer money each year.

Just think of how many "insurmountable problems" could be solved if just regular every day folk who have no choice but to solve the issues in their day to day lives were put in charge in DC for just a year, and all the politicians were told to go to hell...

Of course , for this to work the lobbyists would also have to be told to go to hell otherwise they would just corrupt the new people too.Just have to figure out where you're going to get your "everyday folk" from. Not DC nor anywhere near the surrounding Metro areas in NoVa and SoMD. They already are the ones that make the US government and the bureaucracy go. Elected officials are just temp hires to them. They're born, raised and die attached to the bureaucratic, US Government tit.

07-11-2019, 11:32 AM
instead of the usual dopes who make every decision based on politics rather than just what's best for the American people? For starters the southern border of the US would be shut down tighter than a tick's ass and we woudn't have thousands of people in cages waiting to be screened for entry into the US, nor would we have millions of illegals in the US sucking up billions in tax payer money each year.

Just think of how many "insurmountable problems" could be solved if just regular every day folk who have no choice but to solve the issues in their day to day lives were put in charge in DC for just a year, and all the politicians were told to go to hell...

Of course , for this to work the lobbyists would also have to be told to go to hell otherwise they would just corrupt the new people too.

When I get down because of the corruption, (yes, lobbyists and politicians), I see the plus side of what you observe.

Then I look at the left and right and how each are willing to let the other side do without rights and would seriously 'lock them up' without due process. The 'laws' they'd like to make, without appeal and other wonderful mind trips.

Nah, I'll take the flawed system and hope more people become interested in fixing it down the road. I doubt there are many that are up to coming up with anything approaching how the system was designed.

07-11-2019, 11:38 AM
When I get down because of the corruption, (yes, lobbyists and politicians), I see the plus side of what you observe.

Then I look at the left and right and how each are willing to let the other side do without rights and would seriously 'lock them up' without due process. The 'laws' they'd like to make, without appeal and other wonderful mind trips.

Nah, I'll take the flawed system and hope more people become interested in fixing it down the road. I doubt there are many that are up to coming up with anything approaching how the system was designed.

Not to me, I think our entire system needs to go, its beyond repair. Look for example, at the morons on both sides in DC who will just be complete hypocrites on any number of issues if they think doing so will serve their purposes.

07-11-2019, 11:58 AM
When I get down because of the corruption, (yes, lobbyists and politicians), I see the plus side of what you observe.

Then I look at the left and right and how each are willing to let the other side do without rights and would seriously 'lock them up' without due process. The 'laws' they'd like to make, without appeal and other wonderful mind trips.

Nah, I'll take the flawed system and hope more people become interested in fixing it down the road. I doubt there are many that are up to coming up with anything approaching how the system was designed.Here's what I don't get: The system is flawed enough that you already throw your vote into the trash can.

Call me a pessimist or whatever, but people are NOT getting smarter. The "fix" down the road is going to be the "US in Name Only". The only available tool to fix it is the vote and you would as soon see another Dem in office as vote for the Republican candidate to keep the Dems out. That's not part of a "fix".

And I am not picking on you nor being mean. I merely trying to figure out how you expect your idealism and reality to meet when they are worlds apart.

07-11-2019, 12:03 PM
Not to me, I think our entire system needs to go, its beyond repair. Look for example, at the morons on both sides in DC who will just be complete hypocrites on any number of issues if they think doing so will serve their purposes.Kind of agree. I think it's on the brink of the abyss from which there is no return. I DO think it would take a Herculean effort on everyone's part to drag it back into the light and oxygen.

THAT I don't see happening given the current status.

If you are talking about just the DC bureaucracy, then I completely agree. It's beyond fixable. It would have to be started from scratch.

Abbey Marie
07-11-2019, 12:15 PM
It’s not the system that’s flawed; it’s humanity. Put any people in power, no matter how “good” they may seem, and they will almost certainly succumb to the gut need to hold on to and even increase that power. And also succumb the whatever vices they are now able to exercise. One big exception was George Washington, who very purpsefully stepped down for these very types of reasons.

We’ve seen it it over and over and over. Sort of “meet the new boss; same as the old boss”. Our Republic is the best method seen.

07-11-2019, 12:26 PM
It’s not the system that’s flawed; it’s humanity. Put any people in power, no matter how “good” they may seem, and they will almost certainly succumb to the gut need to hold on to and even increase that power. And also succumb the whatever vices they are now able to exercise. One big exception was George Washington, who very purpsefully stepped down for these very types reasons.

We’ve seen it it over and over and over. Sort of “meet the new boss; same as the old boss”. Our Republic is the best method seen.

When people start to desire a republic over the 'democracy' chants, I'll have hope again. I don't see that happening.

I am probably more pessimistic than Gunny or STAAB, I just think anything that comes from their populist ideals are certainly worse than my hope of a better electorate. I blame the voters much more than the replaceable politicians or lobbyists.