View Full Version : Anger & Revenge ........Are You There Yet?

07-14-2019, 02:59 PM

07-15-2019, 12:04 AM
I used a quarter cup of Coleman fuel and a match to eradicate yellow jacket nests.

Fwoom! Gone!:laugh:

07-15-2019, 10:42 AM
I can't even remember the last time I had rodent in my yard. They are all over the farm, but that's just live and let live as long as they stay out of my yard and my gardens.

07-15-2019, 03:00 PM
We have moles around here, and they can be a real problem. They have huge clawed front feet and no eyes, but they dig long tunnels and push up the dirt all over in your yard. A few years back I discovered the Nash Products CL-1 Choker Trap. I've tried a few different kinds of mole traps with dismal results, but the Nash trap, they do NOT get out of that one. They trip it, they're dead. Works like a charm. No more mole problem.

https://www.midlandhardware.com/215635.html?dfw_tracker=14396-215635&gclid=Cj0KCQjwyLDpBRCxARIsAEENsrIKB9HoGYWqhRuK78jU 4JsWQ-azfhotg3FYNhtyX1HtJnJXvmIS08gaAqZEEALw_wcB